
Dragon Ball Ultimate

A die hard dragon ball fan dies after 107+ years of living and love for dragon ball, he died peacefully and because of the good and pure life he lived, is allowed for reincarnation and is reborn into dragonball with a pushup training system???

MigatteNoGoku · Komik
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Quickly becoming the age of 4 he randomly gained consciousness while sitting on the couch next to Gohan having the most random four year old conversation one could think of. In the back was his mother cooking and outside from the window view you could see his father, Goku, training in the yard. He had come to learn that he was named 'Kakarotto' or 'Kakarot' as apparently Goku said the word just appeared in his head and thought it was a good name for his son who was completely identical to him in looks. Like the diehard fan he was, well anyone who had decent understading of the plot would know that soon Raditz will come to earth in search of Goku which leads to both of them dying...well not in this universe. Kakarot at birth was already the strongest warrior on Earth.

"System is it possible for you to adjust my power level? such as lowering it down by a power level or thousand because with the 5x buff to my training the number wont be even like how I would want it to"

[Yes even though most wouldn't wish such a thing I assume odd numbers annoy you. I'll just your power level evenly automatically so dont worry too much]

He nodded his head and advanced to his training...well training wouldn't require too much since his power level would be devastating after 10 push-ups so another form of training would obviously be him turning to his trainaholic father to learn some awesome moves and maybe even inherit the power pole. He started doing pushups...

+500, +500 --> 1k

+5k, +5k --> 10k

+50k, +50k --> 100k

+500k, +500k --> 1M

+5M, +5M --> 10M

After 10 pushups his power level was a soaring 10.3M and he felt that was more than enough for him to handle any upcoming situations for now. He went outside where he would see his father shadow sparring and he would intensively watch learning his moves and not wanting to interrupt his training. After 5 minutes Goku noticed his youngest son being seriously invested in his training and would smile at him. He walked over to Kakarot and would pick him up sitting him on his arm.

"Hey buddy! I noticed you watching me sparring, are you perhaps interested in training?" Goku said enthusiastic to see one of his sons adopted that training spirit of his. "Yes!" he said with more enthusiasm and tail uncontrollably swinging around like he's a dog. 'I really gotta get control of this tail. This is embarrassing' he said to himself with a sigh but atleast he would get officially train. Goku would put him down and extend his palm towards him. "Ok lets see just how strong you are. Punch me as hard as you can!"

Kakarot would put close his hand into a fist and extend it back. He would close his eyes searching and digging deep down into the well of his power. Without even realizing subconsciously an ominous Ki expelled from his body and the pressure of his strength was domineering. Instinctively and instantly Goku retreated his hand and moved to the side before a giant shocked wave caused ripples into the air and ripped into the ground causing a giant split into the sea. Goku was shocked at the overbearing power that his son had shown but at the same time a giant smile was plastered on his face. It was his dream for his sons to eventually become stronger than him but he wouldn't expect his four year old to already have more power than he could have ever Imagine. This was like a dream come true and he almost wanted to train him immediately but he knew they could only light spar until he was 7 and also he had planned on taking him and Gohan to go meet his friends today.

"We'll start training you tomorrow but today we have some exciting things to attend to! Im going to take you and Gohan to meet all my friends who I met over years of my journey and master roshi who trained me to become the great fighter I am today! Are you ready to go? We're leaving in a few hours." Goku said excitingly while walking towards the house. Kakarot nodded his head and followed behind him.

After having a nice dinner a few hours later Goku, Gohan and Kakarot all got on the flying nimbus and had a nice trip over to the Kame house where soon they would be introduced to the Z-Fighters.

Yes Goku will still die for the plot. SSJ at 4?

MigatteNoGokucreators' thoughts