
Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

Having traversed to the world of Dragon Ball and becoming a Saiyan baby, Lin Chuan started with a power level of 50 points and carried the Infinity Power Enhancement System. What? Activating the system requires going to Earth! Twenty years later, when Lin Chuan embarked on his interstellar journey, thinking that his path to rise would begin, little did he know that he would be trapped for over twenty years on the planet V3114. But, the spaceship must reach its destination before traveling to other planets. When he arrived, the invaded planet was in the midst of an apocalypse due to a meteor impact in the Ice Age. The spaceship was broken and could not engage in interstellar travel. Faced with a pile of problems, the only thing Lin Chuan could do was to survive and become stronger. ... Until one day, when Lin Chuan's power level reached 15,000 points, a spaceship from the Frieza Army arrived.

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Space Travel?

"I can lend you the power detectors, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to understand the script on them."

Seeing Bulma's reaction, Lin Chuan knew his bait had worked, and he added another detail.

"The power detectors, specifically used by Frieza's army, display information in a script and numerical system different from Earth's."

Lin Chuan understood them because the cultural information was part of the Saiyan heritage memory.

Although he hadn't seen the script of this world's Earth, the original story mentioned this issue, so strictly speaking, the display on Raditz's detector would appear as gibberish to Earthlings.

It was later modified by Bulma, who adapted the script and numerics so it could be understood.

"Come on, if it's just a small issue like that, leave it to me. As long as the device isn't overly complex, give me some time, and I can adapt its language module to our Earthly ways," Bulma said confidently and decisively, showing great confidence in herself.

"Are you sure?" Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What, you doubt my abilities? I am Earth's number one genius and beauty!" Bulma, always proud, would not allow anyone to doubt her in her field of expertise.

So, she was determined to handle this task, unwilling to be underestimated.

"Alright! So, when you said earlier about building a spaceship, you meant it? If that's the case, then it's even better. Come with me and help me repair the damage to my spaceship," Lin Chuan said, following Bulma's lead.

Repairing a spaceship?

The conversation shifted to this topic, and Bulma paused slightly, followed by a reaction from the others.

Under normal circumstances, without the looming threat of an invasion or the impending Saiyan invasion in a year, helping a cosmic friend repair their spaceship would be unremarkable.

But these were extraordinary times.

"I'm willing to help you, but whether I can fix it or not, I'll only know after seeing the spaceship..." Bulma didn't fully commit, continuing, "Speaking of which, you're not planning to use my help to fix your spaceship and then make a wish and run away, are you?"

Such a thought was quite clever.

She was indeed very smart to consider this possibility.

"Rest assured, although I've only just arrived on Earth, I don't dislike this planet, so that I will be residing here for a while. Repairing the spaceship will only facilitate my future travels through space, as I can't stay on Earth forever. I have my matters to attend to."

"Actually, I have a proposal. Since you're such a genius, if you could create a more advanced multi-person spaceship, I might even take you on some space travels."

"Having a technician like you by my side would mean I wouldn't have to worry about spaceship malfunctions in the future."

Lin Chuan responded to Bulma's skepticism and subtly hinted at a way to facilitate future collaborations that might involve her creating some gadgets for him.

"Space travel, huh? Now that I think about it, if I had made the same choice as my sister back then, maybe..." Bulma paused, a hint of regret in her eyes.

She remembered when her sister, Tights, had left home to travel the universe with a Galactic Patrolman named Jaco.

The last contact had been a long time ago.

Now an adult, she hadn't expected to have a chance to embark on space travel again.

"Um... if there's a space trip... can I... can I go too?" Suddenly, a timid yet eager voice broke the tense atmosphere.

Everyone turned to see who else but Gohan was speaking.

The little guy dared to dream of space travel.

Call him timid but also audaciously bold, unafraid of possibly not being able to return.

"Gohan, you're still too young, and that's a dangerous idea," Krillin interjected, seemingly worried that Goku's son might learn bad habits, his tone carrying a hint of warning.

Conservative and stubborn, Krillin hadn't experienced space travel, so his perspective was quite old-fashioned.

Recalling the original story, it was his journey to Planet Namek that had broadened his horizons.

Master Roshi, watching Gohan, remained silent, but his eyes, hidden behind sunglasses, held a meaningful gleam.

With his wise insight, he could see that Goku's son, if guided properly, had unlimited potential.

"Don't scare the child if you're scared yourself!" Bulma stepped forward to interrupt Krillin's fear-mongering, saying, "What's wrong with wanting to travel through space? It's just leaving Earth. Gohan's curiosity is good; it shows he wants to see more of the universe."

"Also, our little Gohan wants to be a scholar in the future. Don't limit his thinking."

Bulma's words were full of

 Praise as she looked at Gohan.

At four years old, he was already more brave and mature than she had been at his age.

Despite being a girl...

Krillin was left embarrassed by Bulma's scolding.

Then Gohan spoke again: "Aunt Bulma, I was just thinking, if there's a spaceship, I'd like to see what Earth looks like from space, and I'd like to see Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, and many other planets..."

His youthful voice was filled with a mysterious longing for the starry sea without a trace of fear.

This highlighted the difference between the new generation and the old.

"If your Aunt Bulma really can create a multi-person spaceship, your wish might just come true," Lin Chuan joined in at this moment.

The boy had inadvertently played into his hands perfectly, setting up a perfect combo that would ensure Bulma kept his needs in mind.

With Bulma's forward-thinking mindset, she probably realized that without a spaceship, Earthlings would always be behind aliens technologically.

"Thank you, Uncle Lin Chuan," Gohan bowed politely, his manners slightly embarrassing Lin Chuan.

This boy was indeed too kind and innocent.

"So, no time like the present. I really appreciate your help, Mr. Lin Chuan."

"As the Guardian of Earth, I sincerely thank you for your assistance," Kami spoke up, his tone urging.

His mood was frantic and disorganized.

So, even though Gohan, Goku's son, had such bold ideas, he chose to ignore them for now.

After all, they would only come to fruition a while ago.

He couldn't have known he was dismissing the future's strongest individual.

"I've said before, I'm only doing this for myself," Lin Chuan responded to Kami's overture without much interest.

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