
Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

Having traversed to the world of Dragon Ball and becoming a Saiyan baby, Lin Chuan started with a power level of 50 points and carried the Infinity Power Enhancement System. What? Activating the system requires going to Earth! Twenty years later, when Lin Chuan embarked on his interstellar journey, thinking that his path to rise would begin, little did he know that he would be trapped for over twenty years on the planet V3114. But, the spaceship must reach its destination before traveling to other planets. When he arrived, the invaded planet was in the midst of an apocalypse due to a meteor impact in the Ice Age. The spaceship was broken and could not engage in interstellar travel. Faced with a pile of problems, the only thing Lin Chuan could do was to survive and become stronger. ... Until one day, when Lin Chuan's power level reached 15,000 points, a spaceship from the Frieza Army arrived.

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97 Chs

I Am The Saiyan Prince! Part 3



Goku's fist hit Vegeta's face.

Vegeta's knee struck Goku's abdomen.

Both took the impact, twisting gracefully in mid-air, landing on a rock, and once again facing each other.

After this exchange, they both understood each other's strengths.

Goku was thrilled to have such a strong opponent, forcing him to use the Kaio-ken x2.

Vegeta, however, fell into deep thought, astonished by Goku's power.

In just a year, both Goku and Raditz had grown this strong?

Raditz might be understandable, but he was still weaker than him.

But Goku was different! A low-class warrior, able to fight him, a Saiyan Prince, to a standstill?

This was humiliating!! What kind of cosmic joke is this!!

"Seems like you're not so great after all, this so-called elite warrior can't even beat a low-class warrior like me." Goku taunted the silent Vegeta.

Hearing this, Vegeta snapped out of his thoughts, a murderous glint in his eyes.

The situation was becoming unfavorable. Goku alone was hard to handle; if he teamed up with Raditz, he might indeed lose.

Failure was something Vegeta could not allow.

"Though I don't know what you've done in this past year to increase your power so much."

"Perhaps I should commend you, Kakarot. Fighting me, an elite among elites, you should feel proud."

"Next, I'll show you the true power of the Saiyans!!!"

Vegeta roared, raising one hand to the sky, gathering energy.

A white glow appeared in his hand, absorbing Earth's atmosphere to create a unique energy sphere.

"What is he doing? His aura is weakening..." Goku muttered, puzzled by Vegeta's actions.

Vegeta's actions made Goku uneasy.

He recalled Vegeta's words about the true power of Saiyans, feeling a foreboding sense of dread.


At this moment, the white energy sphere in Vegeta's hand was completed, the same technique he used when pushed to the limit in the original story—Artificial Moon.

Facing a dire situation, he chose to transform into a Great Ape to widen the power gap!

Even if Kakarot, Raditz, Turles, and Gohan transformed, he would remain unafraid!

He was the strongest before transforming, and after a tenfold boost, the gap would be even greater.

"Kakarot, seeing your clueless face, I'll explain before you die."

"Though it's not yet a full moon, my Artificial Moon has the same effect!!"

"The moon emits 17 million zeno units of Blutz Waves, and once we Saiyans absorb them, it triggers our primal power, transforming us into Great Apes!"

"When the full moon rises, it's when we Saiyans show our true strength!"

With that, Vegeta hurled the Artificial Moon into the sky.

"Great Ape transformation? The true power of Saiyans??!!" Goku trembled as he heard this.

He never expected Vegeta to use this technique!

"Explode, Artificial Moon!!" Vegeta clenched his fist towards the sky.

'Boom!!!!' The artificial moon exploded high in the sky.

A new moon hung in the sky in broad daylight.

As the artificial moon stabilized, it emitted 17 million units of Blutz Waves.

"Kakarot, enjoy your remaining time, because you're about to die."

Under the influence of the Blutz Waves, Vegeta's body began to undergo a startling transformation.

His form gradually shifted from humanoid to beast-like, inflating like a balloon.

His aura also escalated along with his changing shape.

"Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh!!!!" His beast-like roar echoed through the sky. Standing at only 1.64 meters tall, Vegeta quickly transformed into a towering Great Ape hundreds of meters tall.

"What... what a terrifying aura..."

Seeing the fully transformed Great Ape Vegeta, sweat poured from Goku's forehead, and he felt at a loss.

This aura was far beyond what he had released with his Kaio-ken x2.

Even Kaio-ken x3 or x4 wouldn't compare.

Too strong, too terrifyingly strong.

"Hahaha~~!! Kakarot, are you starting to fear now? It's too late!" Vegeta laughed mockingly and then concentrated an energy blast to destroy the artificial moon in the sky.

Though without the continuous exposure to Blutz Waves, he would revert to his human form soon, he intended to kill everyone before that happened.

"Honestly, I didn't expect your power to become so strong that my body would tremble under this force."

"But encountering such a powerful opponent excites my body!"

Goku clenched his fists, suppressing his anxiety, and prepared himself.

"You hopeless fool, before I kill you, let me tell you that when we Saiyans transform into Great Apes, our power multiplies by ten!!!"

"In other words, my power level is now 180,000!!"

As Vegeta spoke, he smashed his gigantic fist down like a meteor towards the ground.

Feeling the terror of the attack, Goku didn't dare to take it head-on. He burst his energy and flew out of the attack range.

'Boom!!!!!!!!!!' The unstoppable strike landed, tearing the ground and crushing hills.


Outside the battlefield.

Lin Chuan, Raditz, Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan all witnessed Vegeta's Great Ape transformation.

"This guy is smart. To prevent us from transforming and attacking him together, he destroyed the artificial moon right after completing his transformation."

"However, even so, it's just futile."

Lin Chuan watched the battle from afar, assessing Vegeta's real power.

After using the artificial moon, Vegeta's power had somewhat weakened. Even with the Great Ape transformation, his power level was around 150,000.

So, it definitely wasn't as high as 180,000.

Nevertheless, this power level was substantial, easily surpassing Goku's Kaio-ken-enhanced power.

"Vegeta!! This guy is really despicable. If I could also transform into a Great Ape, I wouldn't let him get away with this!"

"Damn it, everything is over!" Looking at the Great Ape Vegeta, Raditz felt a deep despair.

He knew very well that Vegeta's Great Ape form would be a terrifying monster.

If he could transform into a Great Ape, he might stand a chance against Vegeta.

But now… there was no chance.

He didn't know how to create an artificial moon.

That was a skill mastered by the elites among elites.

Seeing Raditz's hopeless expression, Lin Chuan and Piccolo remained indifferent, and even Gohan wasn't afraid.

If you can't beat Vegeta, don't drag us down with you.

At this point, Krillin couldn't hold back anymore.

He turned and shouted, "Piccolo, Lin Chuan, how long are you going to just stand there?!"

"Do you really want to watch Goku get killed by Vegeta?!"

"Vegeta's power as a Great Ape is far beyond Goku's. If we all attack together, we might have a chance."

Krillin called for everyone to join the fight and help Goku defeat Vegeta.

It was commendable that he still had such thoughts at this moment.

The plan was good, but it seemed a bit overblown.

"Little bald head, you overestimate Vegeta. Dealing with him, haha..." Lin Chuan revealed a smile that left Krillin and Raditz dumbfounded.

"Are you kidding?! Turles, you mean… your power has surpassed Great Ape Vegeta's? That's 180,000 power level!" Raditz asked in disbelief.

Lin Chuan's meaning was... Was Vegeta too weak to bother him?

Could it be that over the past year, his power had grown to surpass Great Ape Vegeta?

This thought barely formed in Raditz's mind before he dismissed it.

Achieving a power level over 100,000 in normal form? Wishful thinking.

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