
Dragon Ball: Legacy of Seraphina

Chronicles the journey of a young and talented martial artist named Seraphina. With dreams of becoming a Galactic Patrol officer, she embarks on a path filled with challenges, friendships, and self-discovery. Follow her rise as she strives to fulfill her aspirations in a world where martial arts and ki control reign supreme.

The_Mrsix · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Chapter 86: Seraphine's Journey Across Snake Way

As Seraphine continued her journey above Snake Way, the constant exertion began to deplete her energy. Realizing she needed to conserve what little strength she had left, she made the decision to continue on foot.

Seraphine: Sh-shoot! I used up all of my energy already!

Undeterred, she adapted, employing a strategy of making shortcuts by jumping from one side of Snake Way to the other, a technique aimed at hastening her progress.

Seraphine: Huff, huff, huff... (She grew tired) Ahhh! I'm so hungry!

Periodically, she would pause, taking moments to eat the food she had packed for the journey. These short breaks provided both sustenance and a brief respite from the arduous trek.

And so, for Seraphine, six months passed. She continued running, her determination unwavering, fueled by the singular goal of reaching Kaiō-sama and obtaining his legendary training.

Seraphine: Huff, huff, huff... Yeesh! How much longer is this road gonna go on...!? At this rate, the year will be over before I even get there...

As the seemingly endless path stretched before her, Seraphine's persistence was put to the test. The physical and mental toll of the journey pushed her to the limits of her endurance.

Seraphine: !? Waaah! (Surprised) It's the tail! I did it! I reached the end!

However, upon reaching what she believed to be the end, she was greeted by emptiness. Confused and disappointed, she scanned her surroundings until she spotted a small, round planet suspended above Snake Way.

Seraphine: Except... there's nothing here? But... but...! (Panicking) There's gotta be... huh? (She notices the small planet) Some round thing! That's it...! He must be up there! Yaaa-hoo!

With newfound excitement, Seraphine launched herself towards the small planet, eager to find Kaiō-sama and commence the legendary training that awaited her. The chapter concludes with her soaring towards the celestial body, leaving Snake Way behind.

Chapter ends.....