
Dragon Ball: Hentai-Verse

Sex and nudity warning for almost every chapter! In universe 18, Kai has been reborn as the strongest mortal, with godlike powers and a drive to protect. But when he strikes a deal with a lazy god of destruction, he gets more than he bargained for. In return for defending the universe, Kai is granted his own planet and palace. But he wants more. As Kai explores this new universe, he discovers that it is a hentai verse, where the rules of consent and intimacy are vastly different from his own. Males are rare in this universe, and as the strongest mortal male, Kai is highly desirable. He is approached by a variety of beings, each more alluring than the last. SEX AND NUDITY WARNING FOR ALMOST EVERY CHAPTER!! DONT GET ON MY ASS ABOUT THE LORE.

Darkhorse99 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Kai had always been the life of the party. With his charming smile and magnetic personality, he had no trouble attracting the attention of the fairer sex. Tonight was no different. He had his sights set on the beautiful new girl in his college dorm, and nothing was going to stand in his way.

As the night wore on, Kai and the girl, whose name he had already forgotten, found themselves alone in his room. The music from the party outside was little more than a distant hum, and the only light came from the flickering candle on his desk.

Kai moved closer to the girl, his eyes shining with desire. She seemed nervous, but also excited, and Kai knew he had her right where he wanted her. He leaned in for a kiss, and the girl responded eagerly.

Before long, they were tearing each other's clothes off, their bodies writhing together in a feverish dance. Kai was in heaven. He had always been a bit of a thrill-seeker, and there was something about the danger of getting caught that made the moment even more exhilarating.

But then, in the middle of their passion, something went horribly wrong. Kai felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then everything went black.

When he came to, he was lying on the floor, his body shaking and convulsing. The girl was screaming, and someone was pounding on the door. But Kai couldn't move. He couldn't speak. All he could do was feel the pain coursing through his veins as his life slowly slipped away.

The paramedics arrived quickly, but it was already too late. Kai was gone, his body cold and lifeless. The girl was hysterical, and Kai's friends were in shock. How could this have happened? Kai had been the picture of health, the epitome of a strong, young man.

But the doctors knew the truth. Kai had died of a massive heart attack, brought on by the exertion of his passionate encounter. It was a freak accident, one that no one could have predicted.The first thing Kai registered was the oppressive silence, a stark contrast to the cacophony of battle he was accustomed to. He was lying on a bed of coarse sand, the blistering sun beating down on his skin, leaving him parched and disoriented. His head throbbed, each beat of his heart echoing in the hollow of his skull. He tried to recall the last moments of his life the flash of blinding light, the searing pain, but his mind was a blank slate. He sat up, his muscles groaning in protest, and looked around.

The landscape was a desolate wasteland, devoid of life, stretching out in all directions like a canvas of broken dreams. The air hung heavy, thick with the scent of dust and a strange metallic tang that lingered in his nostrils. Where was he? Who was he?

'You're in Sector Sigma of Universe 18, Saiyan,' a voice boomed, echoing across the wasteland. A figure materialized before him, its form shimmering with otherworldly energy. It was tall and slender, its skin a deep blue with a flowing purple robe. Its face, if it could be called that, was a mask of pure energy, radiating an aura of raw power.

'Who… who are you?' Kai asked, his voice hoarse, his gaze fixed on the being.

'I am Zirith, God of Destruction of this universe,' the being declared, its voice resonating with power, 'and you, Saiyan, are the strongest mortal in this universe.'

'Strongest? What does that mean?' Kai frowned, his mind struggling to grasp the meaning.

'You are a warrior, Saiyan. Your power resonates with the very fabric of this universe,' Zirith explained, extending a hand toward Kai. 'There are many threats to this universe, forces of chaos waiting to unleash their fury. We need your strength, your unwavering spirit. We will give you anything you want.'

Kai stared at Zirith' outstretched hand, his mind racing. This was a chance, a chance to reclaim his forgotten past, to find purpose in this desolate wasteland. But what did he want? What was the price of his power?

'I want women with big boobs,' Kai blurted out, his voice cracking with a nervous laugh.

The expression on Zirith' face shifted, a flicker of confusion crossing his energy mask. 'Women? You misunderstand, Saiyan. We are not dealing with frivolous desires.'

'But that's what I want,' Kai insisted, his voice gaining confidence, 'and my own planet, a castle… a palace!'

Zirith paused, his gaze lingering on Kai, as if analyzing him. 'Very well, Saiyan. We cannot grant your… request for women, but the planet and castle, we can provide.'

Kai nodded, his heart pounding. His instincts were telling him this was the right path, a path of power and luxury.

'It's a deal,' he said, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness.

With a snap of his fingers, Zirith conjured a swirling portal of energy. 'Step through, Saiyan. Your new life awaits.'

Kai hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and stepped into the portal. The world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of colours and sensations, leaving him dizzy and breathless. When he emerged, he found himself standing on a rocky precipice, looking out over a breathtaking landscape.

Before him, a magnificent planet unfolded, a vibrant emerald jewel against the backdrop of a star-strewn sky. Lush forests, vast oceans, and towering mountains stretched out in every direction. In the distance, nestled within the heart of the planet, stood a majestic castle, its spires piercing the clouds.

This was his new home. It was a fortress of power, built with the finest materials, crafted by the most skilled artisans in the universe. The towering walls were etched with intricate designs, each a testament to the intricate craftsmanship of the Saiyan artisans. The castle boasted numerous grand halls, each with its own unique purpose, from the training room where Kai could hone his skills to the throne room where he could receive visitors. The king's chambers were a testament to opulence, adorned with rich tapestries, shimmering jewels, and luxurious furnishings.