
Dragon Ball Alternative

"If there's a world like Dragon Ball out there, then I was born in the wrong world." That was the thought Ajax has had all his life. The boring, normal world he lives in is a far cry from the world of Dragon Ball that he adored as a child. Shackled to a monotonous existence, he had expected to live out the rest of his days with little to hope for. Little did he expect that destiny had a different path in mind. In a twist of fate, Ajax found himself thrust into the fantastical realm he had dreamt of! The downside? He’s nine years old, essentially penniless, and has no system whatsoever to help him. Fantastic. Great! He’ll beat Frieza by making him laugh to death! What's worse, the universe he landed in doesn’t seem to adhere to the canon he remembers… Disclaimer: Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, and other DB spin-offs are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Any content and references made belong to their respective owners. Anything original in here that I wouldn’t get sued for belongs to me. :) Cover image belongs to Ispeakforf2p!

Equuleus_Nox · Komik
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111 Chs

Chapter 21 – And Into the Fire

A brilliant, otherworldly spiral blasted forth, coiling and writhing like a serpent preparing to strike. As it left Piccolo's fingertips, the spiraling energies merged seamlessly, forming a singular, majestic drilling beam that pierced through the air and landed straight onto Raditz's chest.

For a moment, the beam stayed still as if frozen in time before it pierced through Raditz, then through Goku, then through part of Ajax's hand, and finally past them. 

In the aftermath of the devastating attack, the world seemed to hold its breath, then, in a breathtaking display, the tip of the distant mountain in the distance erupted with a brilliant explosion. The once-majestic peak crumbled in on itself, its form obliterated by the overwhelming force of Piccolo's attack.

As if the mountain's explosion served as a signal, both Raditz and Goku staggered and collapsed to the ground in unison, gaping holes in their chests.

"D–damn it…" Raditz sputtered, his voice weak and trembling as he lay sprawled on the ground. "Y-you fools..."

Ajax, whose hand had been caught in the path of the Special Beam Cannon, knelt on the ground, grunting in excruciating pain as a substantial portion of his hand disintegrated under the attack. Despite his body having adapted to endure heightened levels of pain, Ajax still struggled to suppress his screams.


From the sidelines, Gohan couldn't bear to watch his father in such dire conditions any longer. With tears streaming down his face, he broke free from Krillin's protective embrace and rushed to his father's side. This time, however, no one could blame the young boy for breaking down into inconsolable sobs.

Goku, summoning every ounce of his remaining strength, managed to offer his son some reassurance.

"It's going to be... o-okay, Gohan," he stammered through his pain, his words laden with effort. "I w-won't be gone for... too long."

Krillin, his worry etched across his face, dashed over to Goku's side as well. "Goku, keep it together buddy! I'll go to Master Korin right now and get you a Senzu Bean. You'll be alright!"

A feeble chuckle escaped Goku's lips.

"Ha! You... and I both know th-that I won't last... that long."

Goku's voice quivered, and his entire body spasmed with agony as he tried to hold on. Goku mustered a weak but genuine smile as he looked down at Gohan, his son, the beacon of his hope and love. "S-tay good, kay? Learn lots, e-eat lots... and listen to your mo—mother. Love you…"

At that moment, it was clear that Goku's strength had left him. His eyes, once filled with boundless determination and strength, dulled as if a spark had been extinguished. And just like that, Son Goku, the savior of the Earth, breathed his last and died.

As Goku died, tears mixed with snot streamed down Gohan's face as he began to bawl his grief. Krillin too had tears as he clenched his fists and pounded them on the ground. They clung to Goku's now lifeless form, their sobs echoing in the somber atmosphere.

A few feet away, Ajax, witnessing Goku's death, felt a wave of relief wash over him. That's one objective down. With unsteady steps, he rose to his feet, cradling his injured hand, and approached Raditz, who lay on the ground, struggling to articulate words through a mouth filled with pooling blood.

"E–earth natives are– compatible with Saiyans ge– genetically! This planet is… the Saiyan's future!"

From Raditz's scouter, a deep voice transmission crackled through, muffled but still comprehensible to Ajax and Piccolo, both of whom had approached the incapacitated Raditz.

"I already know. I've been periodically checking in to make sure you're fine. Vegeta had me deactivate the comms channel for the final battle over here, but I've been keeping an eye on you. You did good, Raditz."

Raditz released an odd noise from the back of his throat.

Ajax looked down at Raditz, taken aback by the peculiar noise that escaped the Saiyan warrior. To his surprise, he witnessed something even more astonishing– Raditz was starting to cry too. It felt uncharacteristic of him, so much so that Ajax momentarily forgot his next set of objectives, entranced at Raditz's moment of vulnerability. This… was not in the canon.

Right before Ajax's eyes, and on the cusp of death's embrace, Raditz's bravado shattered.

"I'm sorry, N-Nappa. I'm sorry for– disappointing you again." Tears welled up in Raditz's eyes as he lay crumpled on the ground, his voice trembling with regret and anguish. "I couldn't be the Saiyan warrior you wanted me to be..."

Nappa's deep baritone voice reverberated through the speaker, the words resonating loud enough for all to hear.

"Don't beat yourself over it, Raditz. You did alright. You've upheld your Saiyan honor by fighting till your last moment and taking down at least one enemy with you. It's a warrior's death, so rest easy now, kid."

Upon hearing Nappa's words, a flicker of solace settled in Raditz's heart, knowing that his comrade and mentor, Nappa, had granted him this bittersweet moment of camaraderie. He slumped further, his gaze becoming increasingly unfocused as death loomed ever closer.

"On the contrary," Piccolo interjected vindictively, his tone sharp and incisive. "Son Goku won't be dead for too long. We have the Dragon Balls here and we can make a wish to revive him anytime."

"D-damn it, DAMN IT!!" Raditz's voice cracked as he screamed, the raw emotion behind his words resonating.

Though Raditz no longer had the strength to move, his consciousness remained coherent enough to comprehend the statement and its implication. In the twilight moments of his life, Raditz's voice gave way to a wet, gurgling sound as he choked wetly, his breath growing ragged and labored. His struggles gradually ceased, and he fell quiet, the life finally fully drained from him. A pool of crimson spread from the grievous wound in his chest, mingling with the dirt on the ground, forming dark mud.

Ajax twitched uncomfortably at the scene before him. He hadn't expected that. He had approached this conflict with a rational, calculated mindset, seeing Goku's death as a necessary objective and Raditz as nothing more than a villain to be overcome. Yet, the raw emotion, the very human vulnerability on display was far heavier than he had imagined. The cold, cruel finality of Raditz's demise had left its mark on his conscience and made him feel a sense of unease.

To shake off the disturbing thoughts that had taken root in his mind, Ajax shook his head firmly, forcing himself to focus on the MASTERPLAN. He had achieved his second and third objectives without having to take direct action this time, the silver lining amidst this mess. There was no time to dwell on the past; what's done is what's done because there's far more to come.

The scouter on Raditz's corpse unexpectedly came to life, Nappa's distinctive baritone cutting through the stillness.

"That's a shitty thing to say when he was still alive."

"It's what he deserved for getting in my way," Piccolo replied unapologetic and mercilessly.

Nappa's commanding voice rang through the transmitter once more, commanding the attention of those present. "Hey, you. I want you to give Raditz a proper burial. He may have been a low-class warrior, but he is a Saiyan warrior nonetheless who had met his end honorably fulfilling his duty. As such, as a final act of respect, he deserves a proper burial."

Piccolo picked up the scouter and replied defiantly. "What if I refuse?"

"Burial means a LOT to us Saiyans, so if you don't, we're going to kill you all." Nappa's response was direct and unyielding, leaving no room for negotiation

"Weren't you going to do that originally?" Piccolo chuckled lowly, slightly amused at the response.

"On the contrary, our plan is to kill off every noteworthy male fighter, use these Dragon Balls you mentioned, destroy said Dragon Balls, and then utilize the elites of your native population to rebuild our Saiyan population." The scouter faithfully transmitted the reply.

Piccolo let out a laugh.

"Do you know how negotiations work? That's not exactly a better alternative for us since we die either way."

At this juncture, Vegeta, growing impatient with the direction the conversation was taking, broke his silence. His voice resonated through the scouter's speakers, the authority within demanding attention and respect.

"Enough. If you cannot even afford the barest semblance of respect for your fallen enemies, then there's no need to talk. You and your entire race will all be exterminated like vermin."



Both Piccolo and Ajax felt an involuntary shiver run down their spines when Vegeta's voice reverberated through the scouter's speakers. It wasn't just the authority in his words; it was the unwavering certainty, a conviction so resolute that it left no room for doubt. It was as if what Vegeta declared was nothing short of fate itself, a proclamation that bore the weight of inevitability.

Ajax wondered if this was what it felt like being on the receiving end of Monkey D. Luffy's proclamations about becoming the Pirate King. It was just one of those declarations that sent a chill through your very core.

Piccolo responded firmly, his voice resolute and devoid of fear despite how deeply the encounter had shaken him.

"He will be given a simple burial."

"Very well. I will hold you to your word. As a courtesy, our ETA is approximately one of your planet's years." Vegeta replied coldly.

Piccolo shifted. "You sure telling us that is a good idea, Prince?"

"It won't make a difference."

And the transmission cuts off.



Defeat Raditz (COMPLETED)

Make sure Goku dies for King Kai's training (COMPLETED)

Make sure Vegeta and Nappa learn of the Dragon Balls (COMPLETED)