
Dragon Ball - A Saiyan's Fate

Ever since Zane was young, he often felt bored with life. It just seems as if everything and everyone around him sooner or later followed the same old, dull routine. It all just felt suffocating to him, knowing that this was a trap of something that was unavoidable. That was the reason why things like anime and manga appealed to him so much. For he felt that it was a means of escape from this world into one that is way more exciting and adventurous. He especially enjoyed animes like Dragon Ball as it was one of the very first animes he has ever watched. But at last met with his untimely demise, Zane is now being faced in front of a Goddess, lets's see what fate has in store for him now. ---------------------------------------- (A/N: Hello I am a completely new writer and this is my first ever time writing a Fan-Fiction, or any light novel to be exact. Please correct any inconsistencies with the story or just mistakes in grammar and spelling as I will be trying my best to fix them. Thanks!) Discord user: Asroon03#2832 Discord Server to ask questions and help me with some ideas: https://discord.gg/5bWHrt ======================= *Disclaimer!! I don't own any characters and series from Dragon Ball as those are from their respected owners, one being Akira Toriyama* *ALSO I DON'T OWN COVER ART AND IF THE OWNER WISHES ME TO REMOVE IT I WILL!*

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12 Chs

Visiting the King

'System, summon the Shadow Clone!' Immediately after saying that, Zukai took his usual stance prepared for anything.

Anticipating for the system to summon it, Zukai instead felt something unsettling leaving his body, he soon saw black particles being emitted out from his body. Taking notice of the color, he compared it to the times when he summoned the normal entities, where the particles were blue instead of black and they were generated from the surroundings. The particles then started to gather into one spot and soon a pure black humanoid figure was taking shape. While Zukai was waiting for the transformation to finish he used his Ki to examine the figure. The clone, though similar in appearance to Zukai, had a slightly different Ki signature.

The shadow clone now fully formed rose up from his position on the ground. It looked around then its eyes locked onto Zukai's. After barely a second passing between the two, the clone dash forward with a fist at Zukai with great speed! Zukai's eyes widened as the speed that the clone was going at was faster than him at full power!

'OHHHH SH*TTTT!!!' Exclaimed Zukai, surprised at the clone's speed as he put up his arms in a defensive manner.

Blocking the attack Zukai's whole arm numb up due to the impact. The sheer force of the attack sent him flying about 10 feet away before he was able to catch himself.

'SYSTEM WTFFF!! I thought you said the shadow clone was SLIGHTLY STRONGER!!!' Zukai expresses in his mind.

[Host is correct, the shadow clone is slightly stronger and only contains about a 10% increase in power and mastery to all skills when summon.] said the voice nonchalantly

Cursing at the system in his mind many times over at its definition of a 'slight increase of strength' Zukai couldn't be bothered with it as the clone didn't stop with its assault and continued lashing towards him. Bracing himself again he felt a delay in the next attack, lowering his guard a little to see he noticed too late that this attack was a feint with a kick to the side of his stomach. Receiving a blow to the side Zukai once again flew some distance away.

The battle continued on like this for a while, with the clone on offense most of the time while Zukai was playing defense. Zukai got lucky on a few occasions and landed a few hits in, but his stamina and body wouldn't be able to hold out for long as he was still in a one-year-old body.

'I need to do something quick, if not I am going to lose to this clone!' Zukai thought as he racked his brain for new strategies or things to use to aid him.

Against the onslaught of attacks, Zukai's whole body was covered in bruises. Thinking over his options and the past fighting experiences he had over the course of 8 months he decided best to do what he did in those situations. He closed his eyes to calm his head while taking deep breaths to relax his body.

Feeling better in control Zukai opened his eyes to see a kick coming towards his face. In that brief moment, Zukai analyzed the technique and was instinctively finding ways of faults with his opponent's attack. Using this to his advantage he ducked under the incoming kick and to counter with a palm strike to the clone's stomach.

Landing a good hit on the clone, it flew upwards a few feet. Catching his opponent off guard after the attack Zukai continues his assault. Both forces were now exchanging blow after blow as Zukai was continuously improving his power and speed in all attacks. He was learning the weaknesses of some of his moves through the clone as he started to be more precise with his. But even with Zukai using his innate prodigy skills to learn from the flaws both sides seemed evenly matched.

Feeling his body starting to give out due to the long fight Zukai knew he was in a bad spot.

'I just need to wait and keep a focused mind towards my opponent. Next opening I see, I will use all my power in one attack!' Seeing how Zukai was only playing defense the clone decided to lower his defense to put more power into a single punch! Seeing his opening Zukai decided it was do or die, as he too launched a fist of his own. Knowing that his attack was going to land first the clone sneered as it thought its victory was already ensured!

Right as both fists were going past each other, Zukai changed his fist to a palm and moved it ever so slightly to the right side of the incoming fist. The clone felt quite shocked that its fist slid off the palm to the side, the cloned panic at what he saw next. Right then Zukai shifted his body and delivered a powerful elbow to the head of the clone which caused it to explode!

When the head of the clone exploded, its lifeless body fell onto the floor. Right, when it touched the floor the rest of the body exploded and thousands of black particles flew back inside Zukai.

The fight was over, Zukai collapsed on his back while gasping for air. The battle was long and tough, Zukai showed a big smile as he never before felt so alive! This must have been the Saiyan instincts he heard about in the anime, the drive to fight stronger opponents was so exhilarating. His body was injured and he felt powerless at the moment. But nevertheless, he realized his flaws in his actions and techniques but most importantly, he learned to always keep a calm and collected mind to analyze the flaws of the opponent, while also keeping a relaxed body to act on those flaws at a moment's notice.

4 months later....

In the inside of the Incubator, we can see a black hair Saiyan child with his eyes closed shut, while on the outside two figures stood in front of the Incubator. The taller figure was standing near the control panel while the other was a few steps back. The figures, as you can guess by now were both Celan and Zucchi as the duo were eagerly ready to take Zukai out. While they prepare, Zucchi took this chance to say her thoughts about her little brother to her mother.

"Mom, its finally been a year! I can't wait to start my training with Zukai!" Zucchi expressed her plans proudly as she held her head up high.

Looking at how her child is acting Celan just let out a light laugh.

"Hey, mom what's so funny huh?! Zucchi pouted as she didn't understand what she was laughing about.

"Don't worry Zucchi you will have plenty of time to fight with your younger brother in the future but for now he is still too little. Keep in mind you are 4 years old already while Zukai just turned 1 today." Celan said to her daughter as she expresses her concerns about her battle junkie personality.

With a look of understanding, Zucchi was still sad as she remembers visiting Zukai from time to time while he was in the incubator. There she would share with him her increase in power level and eagerness to fight him already. She felt proud that her power level had increased from (248)->(337) over this one year alone and given a bit more time she knew she would surpass her brother in no time.

At long last, Celan pressed the final button in the deactivation of the incubator, and after the water drained itself, the hatch opened.

Ever since he was put in, he had been waiting for this moment, Zukai opened his eyes for the first time in a year. As expected his vision was a little blurry at first but they soon adjusted to the light and he saw two familiar figures in front of him. Taking a closer look he recognized the one with the loving smile to be his mother Celan and the short person with a proud expression on her face was his older sister Zucchi.

Celan then unstrap him from his harness and picked him up in her care.

"Wow, my little Zukai isn't so little now huh?" The giggling Celan said as she immediately notices that his height and weight have increased.

"Mom no fair! Put him down so I can fight him!" The excited Zucchi said as she jumped up and down.

"Zucchi we talked about this before, no fighting Zukai until he is older. Besides we need to take him to the King's castle as he specially ordered us to do so when he was out of the incubator." Celan said trying to calm down Zucchi's fighting spirit when she told her King Vegeta's orders.

"WHATT?! King Vegeta wants to see him?!" Exclaiming Zucchi as she didn't hear a word of this before, it was unbelievable for the King to specifically ask for someone, especially when that someone is a child.

"Yes, I actually received this request the day after we put Zukai in the incubator, but after being put in you can't take them out or it could ruin their growth potential prematurely. The King understood this and asked to see him the day he was out."

"Mom may I please go with you!" Feeling quite jealous that her brother was requested to see the King personally she pleaded.

"You may go but be on your best behavior and don't speak unless spoken to in front of the King."

"Don't worry mom, I will act accordingly in front of the King," Zucchi said as she stood up straight in a more elegant manner.

Zukai overhearing the conversation, had an assumption as to why the King wanted to see him. Leaving their home, Celan is holding Zukai while flying with Zucchi at her side. Celan of course had to slow down a bit so that Zucchi wouldn't be left behind as she only learned how to fly just recently.

"Mom do you know the reason why the King asked for Zukai?" Zucchi curiously said.

"I'm sure it has something to do with his power level being over an average elite, but I think it's more than that. The King is probably going to have him appointed to be the prince's friend and in the future his guard." Celan said to her daughter.

To begin with, their families had long generations of Elite warriors, hence why the family was of a high-status nobility. With that, it was inevitable for Zukai's family to have a close relationship with the Royals going back for generations. Ruga, Zukai's father, was on King's Vegeta royal assault team since he was young, where he was often assigned very important but dangerous missions. Since Ruga was reliable, he was like King Vegeta's right-hand man as their ties go back to when their families paired them up with them when they were babies, some may even say Ruga was the King's closest and trusted friend.

With this King Vegeta may want to continue this tradition between their two families and pair Zukai and Prince Vegeta, both were born prodigies with Zukai being born first and Vegeta who was born just a few days before and is still in the Saiyan Incubator.

Arriving at the palace entrance, they were greeted by the guards who only took a second to recognize Lady Celan; they immediately stepped aside to let them pass.

"Lady Celan, the King awaits you."

She nodded and walked right on through towards the throne room with Zukai in her arms and Zucchi following closely behind. Celan has been to the palace on multiple occasions, so she knows the way to the king's throne room.

'So this is the other Saiyan prodigy, the one that is said to be on equal grounds with the new prince.' The guard thought as he stared at the backs of the family walking away.

Before they got to the door she put Zukai down to start walking on his own in order to present himself properly in front of the King. All three of them now behind the door stared intently before finally opening and walking right on in.

[Host's Status

Name: Zukai (Zane)

Age: 1 year

Lifespan: 120 years

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: Pure Blood Saiyan (Hyper-Elite Warrior Class)

Innate Skills: Born Prodigy in Ki and Martial Arts, Unlimited Potential

Skills: Ki Control(B+), Saiyan Fighting Style(C+), Kung Fu(B-), Muay Tai(C+), Jujutsu(B), Image Training(B+)


SP Balance: 120,500

Power Level: Base (14,560)]

Sorry about not posting a chapter yesterday but I had a long drive to do and just couldn't finish it in time. I don't have chapter in adavance as the chapter I have written before are all written that very day. Also there is probably not going to be a chapter tomorrow, but I make it up later. Thanks for your understanding :)

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