
Dragon Ball - A Saiyan's Fate

Ever since Zane was young, he often felt bored with life. It just seems as if everything and everyone around him sooner or later followed the same old, dull routine. It all just felt suffocating to him, knowing that this was a trap of something that was unavoidable. That was the reason why things like anime and manga appealed to him so much. For he felt that it was a means of escape from this world into one that is way more exciting and adventurous. He especially enjoyed animes like Dragon Ball as it was one of the very first animes he has ever watched. But at last met with his untimely demise, Zane is now being faced in front of a Goddess, lets's see what fate has in store for him now. ---------------------------------------- (A/N: Hello I am a completely new writer and this is my first ever time writing a Fan-Fiction, or any light novel to be exact. Please correct any inconsistencies with the story or just mistakes in grammar and spelling as I will be trying my best to fix them. Thanks!) Discord user: Asroon03#2832 Discord Server to ask questions and help me with some ideas: https://discord.gg/5bWHrt ======================= *Disclaimer!! I don't own any characters and series from Dragon Ball as those are from their respected owners, one being Akira Toriyama* *ALSO I DON'T OWN COVER ART AND IF THE OWNER WISHES ME TO REMOVE IT I WILL!*

Asroon03 · Komik
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12 Chs

Incubator Training

The Saiyan Incubator was split into three parts. The top part looked like it was for transportation, the second and larger part was the actual capsule that had instruments such as a breathing mask and an expandable suit that grew along with the child's growth. Finally, the third and bottom part was there for stability and where the oxygen could circulate in and out.

( A/N: The last chapter I called these Development Chambers but after some more research I found the actual name so I'm changing it to Saiyan Incubator.)

Or at least this is what Zukai inferred as he saw air bubbles coming out from the bottom. Celan drained the water in the Incubator first before tightly putting Zukai in the suit.

'No you MONSTERS!! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!! I am a fricken prodigy for CHRIST SAKE!' Zukai could only shout in his mind, as his body has yet to develop speech. He reaches out with his stubby little arms towards his only chance of escape. Zucchi!!

Zucchi, happy seeing her little brother reach out towards her, turns to her mother and asks.

"Mom, why does Zukai only have to stay for one year? Shouldn't he stay for two like how I did?" Hearing this coming from his sister, Zukai's heart broke down, and lowered his arms to rest as he accepted his fate.

"The reason why you stayed for two years while your brother only has to stay for one is simply because of your different classes. The whole point of the incubators is to accelerate the user's growth, but there is a limit to how much you can grow." Celan continued, "Elites-Class stay for one year, High-Class for two, and the rest stay for 3 years. Any more time spent in the Incubator and it harms the user's foundations and could potentially cripple them."

Both Zukai and Zucchi took this information seriously as it could prove rather useful in the future when they have children. Especially for Zukai. After which Celan closed the incubator with Zukai in it. Celan, pressing a button at the bottom allowed water to quickly fill the tank. At the end both her and Zucchi took one last look at the incubator before walking away.

As the water filled the incubator, Zukai had no trouble breathing because he was wearing a mask that provided oxygen. Immediately Zukai felt the effects of the Saiyan Incubator, he noticed his whole body was being well nourished. Just like his mother said, he did feel a slight growth within him. It was like all of his pores opened up to absorb as much power as they could. But strangely enough, It also seemed to calm his mind and relax his body just like the ambient machine.

'Wow, this thing must be state of the art, because the effects of the Incubator are amazing.' Zukai thought as he saw the ones back at the hospital, most were worn out and outdated.

[While Host is in the Incubator, System recommends Host to practice Ki control and to meditate.] Out of nowhere the system in his head stated once again in her cold monotone voice.

'Hmm...It seems that I have no choice, better make use of my time and the effects of the Incubator.' Zukai thought.

2 months later...

During these past 2 months, despite feeling quite frankly 'abandoned' by his new family, he decided to continue his training to alleviate his boredom. As part of his daily routine he would practice Ki control and meditate as it was the most he could do at the moment. His Ki control was improving at a fast pace thanks to the helpful effects of the Incubator.

'System, bring up my status.'

[Host's Status

Name: Zukai (Zane)

Age: 2 months

Lifespan: 120 years

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: Pure Blood Saiyan (Hyper-Elite Warrior Class)

Innate Skills: Born Prodigy in Ki and Martial Arts, Unlimited Potential

Skills: Ki Control (D)->(C-)


SP Balance: 140,000

Power Level: Base(2,400)->(2,643)}

Feeling quite proud of improving his Ki control to the next level he decided that his time was well spent here.

[System recommends Host to check out the new features of the System. Would Host like to visit the shop?]

Remembering that before, the system said something like this to him when he was still in the womb he asked, 'Uhhhh.....system? How long have I been able to access the new features?'

[Host has been able to see new features since after birth. Does this answer your question?]

'Why didn't you tell me before?! I spent 2 months in this incubator doing nothing but meditating and checking my status from time to time only to find out I could have been doing a whole lot more!' Zukai felt quite frustrated at the system.

[Host didn't inquire about the shop. Would Host like to see the shop?]

'Yes!' Zukai said quite impatiently. The system then brought up a list of categories.

[System Shop List]

[-Martial Arts Techniques]

[-Ki Techniques]


[-Innate Affinities]


(A/N: If you guys have any idea what I should add into the shop, later on, reply and I will see if it's reasonable because I was stuck on this sh*t for like 2 hours racking my brain what else to put here!)

[Congratulations Host, for accessing the system shop for the first time! Gifting 5,000 SP!]

'Wow that is pretty convenient,' Thought Zukai as he gained more system points. The system then introduced the categories.

[Martial Arts Techniques are fighting styles collected all around the universe, although many have been forgotten. All Host needs to do is find the place where that art was created and the art will automatically be unlocked for purchase. Four arts will be unlocked this one time for purchase.]

[Ki Techniques is more or less the same, but Host can only unlock said move by either coming into contact with the creator of the move or a practitioner of it. The system has unlocked one Ki technique available for purchase.]

[Bloodlines can be added to help improve the Host's physique and potential growth as well as unlock new powers only accessible to said species. Host just needs to come into contact with a person with either a special mutation or a completely new species to copy bloodlines. If Host wants to, he can find a subject and extract the blood of said bloodline to assimilate. Completely free of cost! But be warned as the process is extremely painful and if Host does not extract the exact amount of blood needed to assimilate with, Host will damage his foundations and forever lose said bloodline!]

[Innate Affinities are elemental laws and principles that Host can buy from the shop to help improve mastery of specific forms, arts, or techniques. For example, Host can buy the Lightning Affinity to help improve the state of Super Saiyan, Fire for God Form, Spacial for Instant Transmission, or Time for Hit's Time Skip!]

[Customization is exactly how it sounds. Host can customize aura color, effects, and much more! Host can customize any existing Ki attack or technique such as Kaio-Ken, Kamehameha, plus others to his liking. The host can even make his own custom Ki attacks, or Ki techniques here, as long as Host has enough experience and mastery of another similar attack/technique.]

Seeing that long list of information about the System Shop he was overwhelmed with the information. But he also felt overjoyed that he can learn things like Time Skip from Hit or acquire bloodlines such as Frieza's that will let him survive the deep vacuum of space. Thinking back, the summaries for both Martial Arts/Ki Techniques, System said that there will be a few unlocked for purchase. This time Zukai asked for the System to open both tabs to see what was open to him.

[-Saiyan Fighting Style/3,000 SP]

[-Kung Fu/4,000 SP]

[-Muay Thai/3,500 SP]

[-Jujutsu/4,000 SP]


[-Krav Maga/Unavailable]


The first tab had a long list of fighting styles, of which only the first four martial arts were highlighted with their appropriate cost. The rest were grayed out and said unavailable. The next tab showed another long list but this time all were grayed out but one.

[-Image Training/6,000 SP]




[-Instant Transmission/Unavailable]

[-Spirit Bomb/Unavailable]


At first, seeing how he was still in the Incubator he decided best not to buy any of the martial arts as he was trying to be conservative with his points. But after seeing Image Training unlocked for purchase, an idea sparked in his head.

'System spend (SP) to purchase all unlocked techniques in both the Martial Art and Ki tabs.'

[Congratulations, Host has spent a total of 20,500 SP to purchase all available techniques.]

A system notification popped up in front of him, and a flood of information including fighting stances and moves entered his mind. This process wasn't long as it took only a second to fully assimilate into his mind. Excited to try out his Image Training Technique he exited the Martial Art and Ki tabs. Concentrating for a while he finally opened his eyes to see himself in his own dark world. Around him was the familiar darkness just like his womb experience and when he first met goddess Cloe. However, unlike the previous ones Zukai did not take a liking to the feeling of this environment as it gave him bad memories of confinement.

'System is there a way for me to have a sparring partner in this space?' Normally with image training one requires a partner of a similar level to practice with but Zukai thought that he alone could use this as a fighting training center. With System's help, he hoped they could form entities in the space to help him train and master his new Martial Art Techniques while at the same time improving his Ki Control. Zukai lessened the amount of time meditating as it wasn't helping his power grow at a substantial state anymore.

[System can summon Saibamen, Low-Class Saiyan warriors, and even a shadow clone of Host but nothing higher than that at the moment. To unlock such a feature, Host needs to spend an extra 4,000 SP.]

When hearing the first part he felt a little disappointed fighting such weak opponents but when he heard the last part his face showed an excited expression as he decided to spend the SP.

[Congratulations! Host spent 4,000 SP for Image Training! System can now summon entities during Image Training!]

[In addition to the Saibamen and Low-Class Warrior, Host can summon a shadow clone with the same techniques as the current state of Host but all techniques are at a slightly higher mastery]

Feeling elated about the news, he decided to stop communicating with the System and continued his now and improved training routine. To start with he told System to summon a Saibaman. Particles started to gather in the space in front of him they collected together to form a small green little alien.

'GRRRRRRRRAA!!!' It screamed as it immediately leaped towards Zukai!

(A/N: I have no idea how to write out the Saibamen screams)

Zukai, being prepared before this, has already taken his fighting stance. The stance seemed to be a mix between a kung fu and the Saiyan style. As it rushed towards Zukai, he took a side step to avoid the Saibamen's attack. Making use of the opportunity, Zukai elbowed the alien knocking it to the ground. Leaving a small indentation on the ground, the Saibamen screamed while feeling surprised that such a small child can have this much power! Not giving it time to recover, Zukai grabbed it and tossed the alien upwards in the air. As the alien reached its maximum height the alien realized that this was not a fight it could win and started sweating. Looking down to where he was thrown he found that the child was nowhere to be found. As it looked all around him frantically searching for the child, it suddenly felt a knee blow right to the stomach with so much force it cut right through him. Looking up with fear in its eyes, the Saibamen saw Zukai's face showing a smirk.

*POOOOOFFF* The Saibamen turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared from sight.

6 months later...

Every day since he got his image training technique Zukai was spending 4 hours on meditation to make sure he keeps a calm and collected mindset, the following 12 hours was practicing his arts, then the rest of the day was for resting. With the Image Training routine, he started off with Saibamen. First, he started with 1 then that turned into 5, then 10, then 16! The Low-Class warriors were hard at first but given a month or two Zukai got used to their movements and fighting styles. Zukai was confident to the point where he would be facing off 20 Saibamen and 7 Low-Class warriors while simultaneously closing his eyes! Zukai used this type of training to sharpen his senses and instincts when it came to pure fighting power.

During the last day of the 8th month, he finally looked at the system in silence for a minute to mentally prepare himself then said the command.

'System, summon the Shadow Clone!'

[Host's Status

Name: Zukai (Zane)

Age: 10 months

Lifespan: 120 years

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: Pure Blood Saiyan (Hyper-Elite Warrior Class)

Innate Skills: Born Prodigy in Ki and Martial Arts, Unlimited Potential

Skills: Ki Control(C-)->(B-), Saiyan Fighting Style(F)->(C), Kung Fu(F)->(C+), Muay Tai(F)->(C-), Jujutsu(F)->(C), Image Training(F)->(C+)


SP Balance: 116,500

Power Level: Base(2,643)->(10,240)]

Author here, this was a hard chapter for me as I got stuck for a couple of hours deciding what to do. (This is why the late chapter today) But at last I figure out the problem while taking a drive and quickly ressolved it. I would like to thank Editor Billy for his help, and Daoist444379 as he gave me the idea to use image training while inside the incubators. I was legit just going to make him meditate the whole time lol.

Asroon03creators' thoughts