
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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Chapitre 37

ter 37

Author: Ye Xunyang

And this trip to the Star Dou Great Forest should come to an end.

Chiba sat down on the spot, took out food and water and began to eat.

He also thought that since he didn't have a law protector, it would not be safe to absorb spirit rings.

After all, in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, there are soul beasts who have cultivated for more than ten thousand years.

Once you absorb the spirit ring, you can't be distracted to defend against foreign enemies.

Whether it is of the same kind or soul beast, they must be guarded.

Chiba thought about it, there was no way, there was only one way, and that was her.

"White dragon, white dragon, white dragon, please answer, answer, answer?"

"Master, do you have any orders?" Bai Long said from his spiritual space.

Chiba looked at the white dragon in front of him, who was small and cute, and was in a happy mood. He reached out and grabbed her and made fun of her.


Bai Long was amused by him, "giggled" and laughed: "Master, you are really bad, Bai Long won't play with you anymore, it's so itchy..."

Chapter 40 Soul Bone

"Itching is right!"

Qianye let go of the white dragon with an unfinished expression on his face, and said, "Help me protect the law, I'm going to absorb that spirit ring."

Bai Long blinked his eyes and looked at the giant behind him. There was also a spirit ring on it: "Master, what is this thing?"

"It's called the Human Faced Spider."

"so big!"

"No matter how big it is, it is not as big as you. With a body of ten thousand feet, it is really insignificant compared to you."

"But master, Bai Long is only as big as a slap now, okay?"

"As big as a slap, it's bigger than that."

"Okay master!" Bai Long nodded weakly.

Chiba was full after eating and drinking, and it was time to absorb the spirit ring.

Get up immediately, sit down in front of the human-faced demon spider soul ring, and start meditating...


The evening of the day is coming soon.

The sun has set on the hillside

The white dragon flew around Chiba to protect the law for him.

I have to say, she is very conscientious and conscientious.

Until Chiba opened her eyes, the sky was already dark.

He knew that it was already dark.

Fortunately, this 30,000-year-old human-faced demon spider soul ring has been absorbed.

"Master, you finally woke up!"

The white dragon's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and it seemed that it had been guarding the Dharma by his side.

Chiba was very happy, looked at the white dragon sitting on his right shoulder, reached out and grabbed her, and put it in front of him to play with.


Immediately, Bai Long was laughed at by him.

Chiba played with the white dragon for a while before letting go of her and focused on the corpse of the human-faced demon spider.

Thinking that the human-faced demon spider that was over 30,000 years old might have a soul bone produced, it had to be taken seriously.

Douluo Continent now has no shortage of soul beasts and soul rings.

But soul bones are rare things.

Generally speaking, a 100,000-year-old soul beast must produce soul bones.

It's just that less than 100,000 years old, including ten thousand-year-old soul beasts, will almost never produce soul bones.

It's like drawing a prize. If you touch it, you will have it, but if you don't touch it, you will not have it.

Some soul beasts, with thousands of years of cultivation, also produce soul bones.

But some soul beasts, even if they have been cultivated for ten thousand years, will not produce soul bones.

Therefore, if there are soul bones, there will be soul masters vying to grab them first.

Even in order to obtain spirit bones, there are not a few people who kill each other.

Even teammates, under the temptation of spirit bones, would turn their faces away and hurt each other.

Qianye took out the small knife, and after a lot of hard work, she was really happy that she dug out an externally attached soul bone from the body of the human-faced demon spider.

The soul bone is covered with tiny lines, which are very magical and beautiful.

The soul bone of the ten thousand year soul beast is invaluable. If you take it to the auction house for auction, you will be able to eat and drink for the rest of your life.

Chiba naturally did not intend to sell it, and prepared to absorb it for herself.

I put it in my hand and looked at it for a while before putting it into the ring soul tool, and it would not be too late to absorb it when I went back.

Qianye also gained a more comprehensive understanding of spirit bones.

Each spirit master can absorb about six spirit bones.

There are mainly six parts of the human body, namely the head soul bone (spiritual type), the limbs soul bone (left and right arms, legs), and the torso soul bone.

Among them, there are special external spirit bones.

For example, the Eight Spider Lances with spirit bones attached to the original book of Douluo Continent were special spirit bones that were attached to the outside of the body.

Under normal circumstances, spirit masters generally only absorb six pieces.

Some soul masters don't have one.

Most soul masters can absorb a piece of soul bone, which is already very impressive.

Under normal circumstances, 90% of spirit masters do not have spirit bones absorbed.

Even the Titled Douluo had no soul bone absorption.

The reason is very simple. The number of spirit bones is very small, and out of a thousand spirit beasts, there is not necessarily one spirit beast that produces spirit bones.

This shows that the production of spirit bones is very rare.

The same soul beast, the same cultivation base, some soul beasts have soul bones, and some do not.

Only soul beasts with a hundred thousand years of cultivation can produce 100% soul bones.

And the one hundred thousand year soul beasts are few and far between.

Take Star Dou Great Forest as an example, plus Gu Yuena's core spirit beast team, Xiao Wu and her mother, Tian Qing, Tai Tan, A Yin, and one hundred thousand year spirit beasts combined, it is estimated that there will not be more than one hundred.

Even if they were all killed, there would only be one hundred spirit bones, six for one spirit master, not enough for twenty spirit masters to absorb.

The Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is called a million-year-old soul beast, but it has no soul bones.

As for the Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor and other soul beasts with soul bones in the extreme north, there are not many soul beasts that can produce soul bones.

In the sea, there are quite a few, but it is obviously impossible for land spirit masters to hunt soul beasts in the sea.

Apart from Bibi Dong's absorption of seven pieces, plus Tang San's nine pieces, Qian Renxue's six pieces were ancestral spirit bones, inherited from angels, not counting, other spirit masters basically never absorbed six spirit bones.

The human-faced demon spider spirit bone that Qianye had just obtained was the eight spider spears attached to the outer spirit bone.

In the original book, Tang San absorbed a total of two human-faced demon spider spirit bones, one of which was the eight spider spears attached to the outer spirit bone.

This kind of eight spider lances with attached spirit bones can evolve with the strength of the host.

In itself, the Eight Spider Lances with external spirit bones possessed the strength of a human-faced demon spider. They could absorb toxins, inject toxins, and could attack and defend. They were very rare externally attached spirit bones.

Host: Chiba!

Sex: Male!

Age: 11!

Constitution: 66 (abnormal 100)!

Number of Martial Spirits: 3!

Food Martial Spirit: Carrot (awakened, spirit ring +6, purple, black, black, black, black, black)!

Weapon Spirit: Nunchaku (awakened, spirit ring +6, purple, black, black, black, black)!

God-level martial spirit: Twenty-four-winged eternal angel martial spirit (awakened, spirit ring +1, red gold)!

Soul Bone: None!

Soul Power Level: 66 (Soul Emperor)

Chiba glanced at the attribute panel, and her soul power had risen by three levels.

Now, he is already a sixty-sixth-level Soul Emperor.

Take a break and be full of energy.

Chiba felt that she should do something.

It's getting dark, so naturally it's time to rest.

But resting in this wood always feels a little uncomfortable.

It is good to go back to the single dormitory of Wuhundian Academy to go to bed, the road is too far, no matter how fast the speed is, I am afraid of slipping my waist.

After thinking about it, I can only reluctantly and insist on the last night.

Chiba thought to herself, it is very dangerous to sleep in the woods, and if you wake up, you will not be able to find it tomorrow.

He is so handsome, what if he is stolen by a passing beautiful soul beast or a beautiful soul master?

In the end, Chiba still looked at Bai Long who was sitting on the small stone opposite, and smiled evilly: "Bai Long, are you watching the night tonight?"


Bai Long directly rolled his eyes: "Master, don't be too aggressive, let me protect you, but not at night."

"The night watch is also a Dharma protector, what's wrong with that?" Qianye said humbly.

"This dragon can't do it!" Bai Long refused to obey, and his figure flashed, and he fell into his forehead and entered the spiritual space.

It seems that this female dragon is not easy to fool!

Chiba felt that she would study Bailong when she had time to see where she was weak.

The forest at night is a little cold, so sleeping like this is too cold, you have to find a beautiful soul beast to warm the quilt.

Chiba acted immediately, picked up some dry wood, built a fire, and began to sleep while heating the fire.

There are no beautiful soul beasts, so I can only build a fire to warm the quilt.

Chapter 41: Punch in Xiaowu to reward a million-year spirit ring

After sleeping until dawn, Chiba slowly opened her eyes and woke up, feeling that something was wrong.

The fire that I built last night is now gone.

And the place where I slept last night is no longer there, but in another place.

Chiba's heart skipped a beat, what did he say, what did he say?

Sure enough, he slept alone in this forest last night, and he didn't even know it was stolen.

Bailong, ah, Bailong, it's too disrespectful to ask you to stay up all night