
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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Chapitre 38

Chapter 38

Author: Ye Xunyang

Qianye didn't know who had stolen him here. If it was a beautiful soul beast or a beautiful soul master, that's all!

If it was the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python stole it, it would be a big laugh.

Or is it the big silver dragon?

Chiba felt that no matter what she did, she couldn't be so bad.

Should it be Brigitte, or Ziji, it feels possible.

If a beauty steals, it will be stolen, as long as it is not Lord Xiong, the beast god Emperor Tian will do.

Qianye thought about it, but couldn't come up with a reason. After glancing around, he saw the scene in front of him.

This is a lake, surrounded by towering trees, huge branches that block the sky, lush leaves, and the lake is completely blocked. Although it is daytime, it can only shine in one-tenth of the light.

The lake water is crystal clear, as pure as a pool of amber, as pure as a gem.

"The lake is so beautiful!"

Chiba smelled his body, and there was a strange smell.

Just wanted to take a bath in the lake.

"It doesn't matter who stole him last night, as long as his life is still alive!"

Thinking of this, Chiba suddenly felt a shudder in her heart, and immediately took off her pants and lowered her head to check.

It's not that he's over-hearted, just remembering a past event, a homeless man woke up and found that his "little brother" was missing two important parts.

"The brothers are still there, there are a lot of the same, otherwise the goddesses will be blinded in vain!"

Chiba gave a false alarm, wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, took off her pants, jumped up, and jumped into the lake to take a shower.

He swam and swam, swam, swam, swam...he was in a good mood.

The water in the lake is bone-chilling, not really a place to take a bath.

Chiba was about to go ashore, but saw a small island in the middle of the lake, wondering whether to go up and have a look.

The island is not big, about 100 square meters at most.

Around, there are a few small green trees, the trees are not high, and they are full of fruits.

"It's really good!"

Suddenly, ten meters away, a small wooden house appeared in front of him.

Chiba saw the cabin and felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, there should be no humans.

Slowly approaching the cabin, I came to the door, the door was half-open, and no movement was heard inside.

"What's going on?" Chiba said to himself.

After thinking about it, I decided to go in and have a look.

Chiba pushed open the small wooden door, glanced inside, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

I saw a small wooden bed by the window inside. A little girl was sleeping on the bed. She was small, dressed in a pink dress, and looked about a year old.

I don't understand, how could a little girl appear on this island in the middle of the lake?

The little girl turned her back to the outside, her lower body was covered with a fur quilt, her upper body was exposed, her hair was black, combed into a scorpion braid, long and very special.

On the top of the little girl's head, there is also a pair of small pink ears, which looks very cute.

"Who is she?" Why did Chiba feel that this little girl looked very familiar.

"Ding! Master, congratulations on punching in the goddess Xiao Wu, reward: a million-year spirit ring!"

The system's loli sound suddenly sounded.

Little dance?

Chiba finally understood that the little girl lying on the bed was none other than Xiao Wu, who had transformed into a 100,000-year-old soft-boned and charming rabbit. No wonder her back was so familiar.

In this way, I was really stolen by the beautiful soul beast after I fell asleep last night.

And this beautiful soul beast is still Xiao Wu.

But why did she arrest herself?

Are you looking at yourself?

Chiba evilly smiled, she was so handsome, she thought it was possible.


Suddenly, he has entered the soul beast den.

Chiba turned his head and glanced at the lake behind him, and naturally knew that in this lake

By the lake, there should be a big monkey, the giant giant ape.

Together with Xiao Wu, there were three hundred thousand year soul beasts in total, and he didn't fall into the soul beast's nest!

According to Chiba's understanding of the Star Dou Great Forest, this place should be located in the central lake in the core area of ​​the forest.

Whether it is the lake of life, he does not know.

Chiba thought about it, probably not.

After all, the guardian of the lake of life is Ditian, whose body is the golden-eyed black dragon king, also known as the beast god, and the first guardian of the silver dragon king.

Therefore, Qianye felt that this lake was not the lake of life, but the central lake. The lake of life should be nearby. It was the hiding place of the Silver Dragon King, and it was impossible for the Azure Bull Python to occupy it.

"As long as it's not the Lake of Life, that's fine!" Qianye didn't want to face three hundred thousand year old soul beasts, but also Ditian, Xiong Jun, Zi Ji and other big soul beasts with hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation.

No matter how long you live, you can't fight them.

What's more, there is also the existence of a silver dragon king, a demigod dragon, how to fight.

"Bad uncle, who are you?"

Just as Chiba was thinking, she suddenly remembered a question from Lolita behind her, and she woke up immediately.

Immediately looking back, I saw a little girl standing in front of me, less than one meter tall, only one year old, with a baby face, she was very delicate.

Big eyes, pink face, delicate facial features, finely crafted, and a pair of small jade legs are extremely slender.

Sure enough, it was Xiao Wu, with long legs.

But that bad uncle is suffocating!

Am I that old?

Chiba touched Bazaar's hand, "Fuck!" I just found out that after serving in the Star Dou Great Forest for half a month, I didn't have time to wash my face, and my beard had grown, so it's no wonder Xiao Wu called him uncle!


Chiba sighed and looked at the serious little loli in front of her, with big eyes and a small pink face. Naturally, she would not treat her as a one-year-old girl.

Although her body is small, she has a body, cultivation and intelligence of 100,000 years.

The combined lifespan of Chiba and the two worlds is not as long as hers: "Little girl, you stole me to Central Lake last night?"

Xiao Wu squinted at him, frowned after a while, and said seriously, "So what? What about no?"

"You humans came to the Soul Beast Forest without any good intentions. That human-faced demon spider died in your hands, right?"


You are not a human now!

Qianye smiled, and didn't believe it. With his own IQ, he couldn't fool a spicy rabbit head: "Oh, I'm a human, and you are also a human. Let's not talk about who is the other, okay?"

correct! Now that he has transformed into a human, he cannot reveal the secret that he is a soul beast.


Xiao Wu broke the loophole in her topic and said with a frown, "I am a human being, and I am not a person like you. You are a villain, I am not."

"So, please don't compare yourself to me?"

Chiba: "..."

Xiao Wu, even pretending to be in front of me, attacking you every second!

"What? I was right, I'm speechless, right?" Xiao Wu said angrily.

Chiba was not angry with her either: "Actually, little sister, don't be angry yet, some things are not what you think."

"You... what do you mean?" Xiao Wu pointed at his forehead with her index finger and glared angrily.

She still remembered that her mother died at the hands of a group of spirit masters and became the spirit ring of the woman wearing the crown.

That's why, when she saw humans coming into the forest, she was full of hostility.

Chapter 42 Trust

"What do I mean?" The Chiba people were dumbfounded.

"Come on?" Xiao Wu said angrily.

She is impatient, she speaks when she has something to say, and goes straight.

I don't like to be around corners.

Chiba smiled: "What?"

Xiao Wu was still serious: "What are you doing here, what is your purpose, and what are your bad thoughts? It's best to tell the truth, otherwise my mother will definitely not let you go?"

"You are so arrogant!"

"Don't accept?" Xiao Wumei's eyes widened, and she was ready to go →_→, like that, she really meant to do something to him.


Qianye sighed, Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, you can really do it: "First of all, I'm a good person. I'm here just to climb the mountain and relax!"

"You don't have to look at me with this kind of eyes! It's not like you don't know that the human-faced demon spider has a ferocious nature. When encountering gods, he kills gods. When he encounters Buddhas, he kills Buddhas. nightmare!"

"And it was going to attack me, eat me, and I almost died at its hands. Killing it is to kill the soul beast, right?"

Xiao Wu couldn't refute, even if she was alone, she was afraid of this human-faced spider that lived for more than 30,000 years: "But that's not what I said, answer honestly?"

"It's not like I spent the night in the woods last night, and you stole it here when I woke up. Who am I to provoke?"

Chiba naturally wouldn't tell her that he came to kill the soul beast and absorb the soul ring.

After all, she was transformed into a human, and she was still a soul beast!

Lying is wrong, but a white lie can be beneficial and harmless.

Xiao Wu, don't blame my brother for being inauthentic!

Hearing what he said, Xiao Wu felt that she was at a loss, so she eased her sigh: "Then... I don't know what you are doing, and I thought you were a bad person, so I arrested you."


Qianye felt that Xiao Wu was still too simple after all, otherwise, Tang San would not have been led by the nose in the original book. .

Six years, there are several six years in life!


Qianye sighed, since she was here, it was impossible for Tang San to deceive Xiao Wu again.

"There is a predestined relationship for thousands of miles to meet, but there is no chance that we will not meet each other. Meeting is fate. My name is Chiba, I don't know what your name is?"

Is he a good man?

It doesn't look like it, he's glib, he's a bad uncle!

Xiao Wu hesitated before saying, "My name is Xiao Wu, the dancing dance."

"Xiao Wu, it sounds so nice, I think your mother must have given this name?" Chiba asked pretending not to know.

When Xiao Wu heard her mother, she felt lost.

"Wow wow wow", instantly burst into tears.

"Xiao Wu, why are you crying?" Seeing her crying, Chiba knew what was going on.

He slowly approached her and touched her head: "Xiao Wu doesn't cry, she doesn't cry