
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Chapter 10: Xuantian City

Shen Jufeng tried his best not to laugh. What kind of name was that? It was full of second-rate style.

The funniest thing was, this name was already used.

Lu Jiu squatted on the ground and thought hard. She failed several times until she said the last word.

Without question, Xuantian City has been established.

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Lu Jiu for establishing Xuantian City, please read the content of the mail carefully later to see if your identity as the city owner will be disclosed.]

Lu Jiu immediately chose no. If everyone knew that the owner of the city was her, it would be hard to avoid people's attention who will live in the city.

After entering, they found that the area inside the city-state was much larger than what they saw outside.

The whole city was divided into the city owner's area, which contains the city owner's house, which was hidden and cannot be seen by ordinary residents.

The rest were task halls, various residential areas, and shops. However, the whole city was empty right now.

Judging from the content of the mail, becoming a permanent resident requires contribution points. The city owner can choose the amount, the minimum was 5,000, and the maximum was 100,000.

If the contribution value was not enough, people can pay 5 copper coins per day as a day's borrowing fee, or they can choose to pay 99 coins per month or 1200 coins per year in one lump sum.

Although the price was low, she still makes the annual payment equivalent to 100 copper coins. Because she wanted the residents to actively complete the tasks of the city-state and strive to become official residents as soon as possible.

The city-state task can be released by the city-lord. After receiving the task, the residents can get the corresponding contribution reward. The task was randomly generated. The city lord can also purchase materials to open the store and hire NPC to operate the store.

The city-states were divided into five levels. City-states can be upgraded with sufficient resources. After upgrading, the city-state area will expand overall and accommodate more residents.

Each level up, the system will reward powerful NPCs to guard the city-state, and they can also do their part when the beast sieges the city.

"It looks pretty good, I have enough resources right now."

Hearing Lu Jiu says those words, Shen Jufeng has become numb. This was a rich woman with an amazing amount of storage.

"Although you have it, I don't. You need to start the city-state mission." He has to accumulate enough contribution points to become a permanent resident.

Lu Jiu nodded her head. She looked at the resource names: Glory Crystal, Glory Dust, Glory Fragment, and Glory Heart. Weren't they the upgrade resources that the guild needed in the game?

She has a lot of these resources, but because she went to someone else's guild, she didn't touch them. The amount she accumulated was quite amazing.

But to be honest, she has no management skills. She tried Shen Jufeng many times, but the other party has always been quite calm and didn't show any subconscious behavior to attack her.

At this point, she has to test him for the last time.

Thinking of that, she stared at the real CEO next to her. Shen Jufeng felt weird being stared at by her.

Lu Jiu showed an extremely gentle smile and said softly: "Let's make a deal, I'll give you 5,000 resources to become a permanent resident immediately, you don't need to spend extra copper coins to pay any borrowing fees, and I will arrange a high-end residential area for you. But you will be the deputy leader of Xuantian City and help me take care of the trivial matters of the city, how about it?"

Shen Jufeng smiled softer than her after hearing this. Lu Jiu's face turned red. When she had never seen such an attack from such a handsome face?

When the city-state was built automatically, he recalled what happened along the way. This young lady tried his character many times, both openly and secretly. It was also easy to guess, the good development of the city-state needed management talent.

Thinking of this, he said in a joking and hoarse tone: "I can do the task well, so I can become a permanent resident by myself."

This young lady just wants him to be busy as the deputy city lord, and judging by her posture, she doesn't want to meddle in the city-state's affairs at all.

Lu Jiu frowned and thought for a while, then went to look at her backpack, and finally squeezed her thigh to make up her mind to pick a special weapon.

"I will give you an epic weapon, the same grade as my Dazzling Bow. The effect is superb, and you have a lot of authority as the deputy city lord."

Lu Jiu was also confident this time. As the city lord, she can grant authority to others except for the city lord's exclusive alternation of the city lord.

As long as she was still the city lord, and unless the city lord voluntarily give up, no one can think about the position of the city lord.

As for the weapon, it was nothing, she was not worried that the other party would use it against her.

Shen Jufeng fell into deep thoughts when he heard the word epic. He understood the concept of obtaining an epic-level weapon at this stage. It can be said that it will be difficult for such a level of weapon to appear at an early stage.

And he was going to settle here originally because he took a fancy to the city lord's storage capacity. Her material storage capacity and quality were stronger than other players.

"Okay, let's form a team together in the future, and divide the obtained materials according to the actual situation."

"No problem." Lu Jiu smiled and stretched out her hand, and the two shook hands politely, marking the official start of cooperation.

Lu Jiu: Finally, I retained a big killer and a housekeeper.

Shen Jufeng: I got the supplier of long-term meal tickets, blood packs, and top-quality equipment.

Shen Jufeng became the first permanent resident of Xuantian City with five thousand glory crystals.

Then he took a good look at the mini chessboard in his hand.

[Othello Game]

(Epic Level)

Attack: fixed magic damage 9000 (+10% group damage bonus)

Effect: The chessboard can be enlarged to trap group targets within a range of 1000*1000 meters. There is a chess piece at each corner of the chessboard. All trapped targets will continue to receive magic damage. Magic lightning will be generated between the black and white chess pieces every 3 seconds, causing damage to the nearby targets. Additional deceleration effects can last for 30 seconds.

Reminder: This is a magic weapon, and the cooldown is 30 minutes.

This was a group control killer, worthy of being a legendary weapon, so he has two group control right now. First, this Othello Game can attack the target by itself, and then the ring of death will serve as his main battlefield.

He can't deny that this rich young lady was really rich. She can take out good equipment than the other. He believed that fighting wild monsters in the future will be more rewarding.

The mail also sent other information, including about professions and skills. The mail also reminded they can only learn two professions and four skills together.

He now has the ring of death and anti-armor, and there were two other skills to choose from. In the future, he has to carefully consider which skills to learn.

Lu Jiu was depressed. She has already learned three skills, and now she has only one skill slot left.

The two discussed going outside for a day. After all, there were only two of them in the city. Even if other people come, they will probably think that one of them was the city lord. Because she has already hidden her identity.

Anyway, when outsiders enter the city, the system will remind them of the rental fee. There were also shield guards, warriors, magicians, and archers in the city, with a total of 16 NPCs patrolling.

Lu Jiu waited until noon the next day before pretending that he and Shen Jufeng had just discovered the city-state. She covered her mouth and feigned surprise, then exclaimed: "My God, so this is what the city-state looks like. It must be safe to live here ."

Seeing her exaggerated appearance, Shen Jufeng felt that her acting was too much: "Well, it's okay."

Others don't care about Lu Jiu's exaggerated performance. It can be said that they also have this kind of mentality.

"Okay, don't pretend, hurry up and get the key from the lodging hall." Shen Jufeng urged.

At this time, dozens of people in the city have already paid the loan fee. Because Lu Jiu was the owner of the city, and all the land and buildings in the city belong to her, it was natural for her to know if the city have income.

The two of them arrived at the lodging hall. There was an NPC owner in this hall, who just collected the money and gave the temporary residents the keys.

Lu Jiu used her position as the city lord to obtain the keys to two rooms in the hotel and pretended to be an ordinary temporary resident.

To say it was simple, it has wall decoration and wooden floors. But if she says it was not simple, the room was small and looked cramped overall.

There was no furniture, but there were frames, dividing the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Of course, people don't need to go to the toilet anymore.

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