
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · Komik
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35 Chs

Prelude to Extermination

A.N. I'm back. Man, can't believe I put around 30ish hours into college. Yeesh. Anyways I found time to write one, so here it goes. BTW, I'll be getting the new MacBook air, is it good?


Naoto Hachioji, formerly Izuku Midoriya, was soaking wet.

Checking the house quickly for any people, he jumped to the next in search of any people left behind from the first rescue crew patrol.

The Gulf of Mexico was experiencing another bout of flooding and hurricanes that occurred every other year or so. The hurricane was named 'Shelia,' after the meteorologist that first found signs of it approaching. Like most natural disasters around the world, he could do nothing for the most part because of the time it took to arrive. But now that he almost unlimited access to the tubing ports, he could go anywhere around the world that supported the technology. Of course, if the country that supported it could afford the million dollar cost it took for every trip. (Our tax payer dollar's at work people).

Hearing barking, he entered through a hole on the roof to find a dog on a couch. For the most part, the dog had remained dry by staying the couch that was floating in place in the living room of the flooded house.

Trudging through the water, he saw the dog bark at him while lightly growling. At closer inspection, he saw that the it was some mix of a German Shepperd. He read the name on it's collar.

"Milo, right?" He said out loud. He motioned his hands at the dog. "Milo, I'm going to bring you to your owner's, ok? But you got to let me hold you for a bit." Getting closer, he saw that the dog was either already used to his sudden appearance or to exhausted to try and continue putting up resistances. Either way, he picked the dog up before jumping out of the hole in the roof.

In the night sky, he saw several red flares shoot up in the distance.

Making sure his mask was secured on, he pulled a small plastic square from his utility belt. Pulling a string attached, he threw the plastic square into the water as it expanded, now transformed into a miniature raft. Putting the dog inside the raft, he plotted his location on his phone for the local rescue team to pick the dog up.

Feeling Milo lick him, he the dog a head pat before continuing on his search for more victims of the hurricane.


Friends called Benny Brown fanatical and conspiracist theorist.

He liked to call himself disciplined to his craft.

Sitting in his home office, there were several papers, images, and folders littering the floor and waves. At his desk, Benny was vigorously typing on his laptop, sometimes pausing to write something down on the notepad next to him. Benny was a fairly tall, lanky man with balding, orange hair. Behind his desk was a large bulleting board filled with pictures and drawings of people, places, and strange creatures. Some were connected by a multi-colored threads while others had 'X's written over them.

As a news journalist for international news for the National Broadcasting Channel for over twelve years, he seen and heard a lot of strange things from around the world.

The one time in Finland when the locals of a small town sworn they saw giants roaming across hills. Or the time in the bar in Brazil where he heard a couple of boys whisper about the strange sights near the oceans at night. Or that time in Madagascar when a local guide told him to beware of the man-eating ants.

Of course, at the time, as a graduate from a prestigious university, he took these rumors with a grain of salt. But one day, as he was going through his emails, he found one from an anonymous source with pictures and videos. Curious, he looked at them. At first, he thought it was just CGI or photoshop. But that feeling inside him whispered, 'There's more too it.' So he dug and dug and dug. At first, most of the stuff he found was just the talk of crazy folks who confused the latest phone as alien technology and the such. But every so often, he would get the good, real stuff that neither the government or the world wanted to know. Disappearances of whole towns in India. Tremors over Bangkok. Reports of strange shadowy figures roaming the Canadian and Russian tundra's, leaving the corpses of wildlife behind.

"Dear, can I come in?" The voice said. Shortly after, a woman with blond hair in a ponytail came in through the door. In her hands was a mug with steam rising from it.

"Good afternoon, Grace. Why didn't you tell me you got back from work early today?" He asked, stopping his work as he got up to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Afternoon?" Grace said, with a eyebrow raised. "It's already 7. I just got back from work." She looked around the room before looking back at her husband. "You shouldn't stay inside for so long, it's not healthy." She said, taking another sip of coffee.

Raising both hands up in surrender, he gave her a guilty smile. "When my wife tells me to stop, who am I to ignore such a wonderful women?"

Giggling to herself, she hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Oh, you big flirt. Remember to change, we have dinner at my parent's house tonight." She said, leaving the room to change herself.

Watching her leave the room, Benny gave a sigh before stretching his body a bit. "I'll just continue this later." Making sure to shut off his laptop, he turned off the lights before closing the door.

In the distance, one could Benny's voice from down the hall, asking if there was going to be meatloaf again.

Inside the room, on the bulletin board an image of hooded figure with green lightning arcing around was connected by a black thread to a sticky note asking, 'What is the DA???'






"Go lower."

Inside a dojo, a dark-skinned girl was seen performing jabs at an elderly man. The girl was wearing a white gi.

"Yes, sensei." After the festival, Nagatoro decided to to bite the bullet and visit the old man. Although her senpai repeatedly told her she didn't have to go at all, she decided to do so anyway. After all, growing up, she was told by many that she was physically gifted. How hard could some martial arts training be?


Oh how wrong she was. At first, she was confused about not having to pay anything for lessons, the old man stating that it was unneeded because he found her 'interesting.' Taking it as a small accomplishment, she found it a win for her to not pay anything. She soon found out that was going to be the only win she was going to have.

She was forced to endure running kilometers, stretches so wide it felt that she was being pulled, and lifting weights almost twice her weight under the old man, who told her to now refer to him as 'Bang-Sensei.'

Because afterschool time was reserved for clubs and senpai, she had to wake up early each day to train. It was a small nightmare attending school afterwards, her muscles sore. But after a week, the workout became bearable. At least she was able to guilt-trip her senpai into giving her massages.

"Hmm, we have steady progress. After another month or so, I'll begin teaching you the basics." Bang-Sensei said as he watched her visibly shake while doing push-ups. Seeing him so composed made her slightly peeved. One of the reasons why she trained so hard was because each time she did so, her sensei would so so alongside her, finishing faster and without a sweat.

'Now way am I letting an old man beat me!' Those thoughts alongside the promised massages by her senpai were able to get her through the nightmarish training.



From his stool, he looked away from his canvas as he took in the sight of Nagatoro, deflated and looking half-dead.

"Are you ok?" He asked, worried that he had to explain why a girl was found dead in the art clubroom. He heard the girl say something but came out muffled as her face was stuffed into the sofa cushion.


"-massage, now." Nagatoro said, her hand blindly grasping around for him as she continued to lay flat, face-down on the sofa.

Rolling up his sweater sleeves, he made sure to rub his hands together before standing over the girl. The contours on his face were bolded as his outline became more pronounced.

"Here I go." Looking down at her back, he gave a quick analysis before he began his operation. "ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA!" His hands speeded down onto the girl's back, neck, and legs as he chopped specific parts of her body. Wind gushed around slightly from the force of the godly massage technique. Small cracks were heard along with groans from a content patient.

"There, done." He said, proud of himself. He had recently learned this skill from one of his co-worker's friend, Reigen Arataka. Though the man was eccentric, he knew how to give a killer massage.

"Ahh~! I feel so much better! Thanks, senpai." Nagatoro said, her eyes still closed as she was still mush from the massage.

"No problem," he said going back to drawing.

Seeing him draw, she had an idea. "Hey, senpai?"


"I'm sooo tired." Nagatoro complained.

"So? I told you not push yourself so hard." He said absent mindedly.

Frowning at his response, she smiled dastardly as she initiated her plan. "It's Tuesday, right?"

"Yes." He replied, not looking at her.

"It's pretty sunny today for the start of fall."

"Hmm, yeah."

"Do you think it'll start to get colder next week?"


"Can I use you as a mount.


There was silence in the clubroom as he took in the past conversation and what he had agreed to.

"Wait-! What?" He said abruptly, turning to face the smug faced girl. "Stop putting words in my mouth!"

Acting innocently, Nagatoro pointed at herself before giving a feign look of confusion. "Me? I just asked if I could sit on you. Wasn't it you that said I could?"

Turning back to his drawing, he refuted the girl. "Sorry, but the answer is no. I gave that answer while I wasn't paying attention."

"Come on, please?" Nagatoro whined.


"Please? Please?"


And that was the start of the loop. Nagatoro would whine over and over and over, repeatedly saying 'please.' She continued to do so for over ten minutes straight, the vowels of the word getting longer and longer.


"Fine!" Fed up with her constant nagging, he caved in. Standing up, he crossed his arms in defeat. "What did you want me to do again?"

Standing up herself, Nagatoro pointed at the ground. "First, get on all fours."

"What?" He started to think that maybe he shouldn't agree to-.

"On all fours." Nagatoro was giving him a scary face as she pointed at the ground.

"Fine, fine." Reluctantly, he got on all fours, his face positioned away from the chalkboard.

Seeing her senpai in position, Nagatoro held on her skirt as she sat on his back.

He got slightly embarrassed as he felt her shift her butt around on his back. "A-Are you done, now?"

"Nope." She said, shaking her head, "I haven't even rode you yet. Mush, senpai!"

"Hey, I'm not a horse, you just can't-Epp!" He felt her smack his butt. "Wh-What are you doing?!"

"I said mush!"

Not wanting another smack, he slowly crawled around the clubroom, all while Nagatoro laughed proudly.

"Haha!" Nagatoro laughed before gallantly raising her arm to point ahead. "To battle we march, my mighty steed! Attack!" She yelled. As he crawled by the supply cabinet, Nagatoro used one of the meter sticks as a lance.

Lowering the the meter stick as if she was jousting, she pulled on his right ear. "Turn around, senpai. My joust begins that a ways!"

"Are you done yet?" He asked exasperatedly?

"Horses can't talk, senpai." Nagatoro said. Using her heels to tap his thighs, she lowered her torso forward. "Charge!"

Seeing no other option than to play along, he crawled quickly to the other side of the class.

"Mush! Mush! Mush!" Nagatoro chanted.

'I'm pretty sure you use that for sled dogs?' He thought.

But it was at that moment when they realized that the door to the clubroom was open. Two girls were looking strangely at them. They both froze as they turned to face their school mates. The girls woke from their shock, blushing as they ran off.

Him and Nagatoro were blushing as they realized they were caught.


Fast forward to the next day.

In the clubroom, Nagatoro sat in her usual spot on the sofa, scrolling through her phone for anything interesting.

He was sitting on his stool as he was drawing the outlines of another still-life he had created this morning.

'I can't,' he thought. 'I'm so sleepy.' He let out a yawn as he finished outlining the mango in the mitt of a baseball glove he found.

Since last week, he's been pulling all nighters ever since that little international incident Tornado-senpai caused destroying national landmarks using two meteorites she pulled from orbit. The news played it off as a 'meteor show.'

The gangs and criminal organizations like the Siberian Wolves or the Tripled Red Threats started to take advantage of the disaster by increasing their illegals smugglings and shipments. He was surprised that most of the handlings were not done in warehouses, but in the basements of restaurants and laundry mats.


But these people were like rats. The moment he caught one, the rest ran back from the sewers they came, hiding until he left.


One time, when he was watching the Interpol handle a truck driver dangerously avoid the police, he had to stealthily intervene to prevent several people from being run over before the truck conveniently ran into a tree that toppled over onto the road. He felt slightly guilty; for the birds in the tree, not the driver.

"Senpai. Are you studying properly?" She asked.

He tiredly turned to look at Nagatoro. "Huh? What?" He blandly responded.

"The midterms are coming up in four days." Nagatoro said. She closed her eyes before staring at him judgingly.

"Oh?" He said off-handedly. Thinking back to last year, he was pretty sure he did well enough that his teachers never nagged him about him some times sleeping class. "I'll think I'll be alright."

Nagatoro still stared lasers into his back as she walked up to him. "Something's fishy."

Nudging his shoulder, she gave him a smile as her eyes bore down on him. "You've been gaming or something, haven't you?"

"No, I haven't you?" He said confused.

Ignoring him, she continued on. "Senpai, the fool who got hooked on a game right before exams." She walked away shaking her head disappointingly as Nagatoro put her hands behind her back.

"...As a result, he fails!" She shouted, making an 'X' with her arms. "He does that every time before the test..." NO facing him, she pointed aggressively at him now. "And he has to repeat the grade!"

"...?" What was she basing her thought process on?

"You have to repeat! Senpai has to repeat the grade! Repeat a grade!" Nagatoro repeated, saying similar things as she patted him on the head and shoulders while doing so.

"But I won't repeat the grade?" He said hesitantly, not sure how to answer the girl.

Nagatoro shook her head at him. "You're not getting the severity of this, senpai. When the spring of next year rolls around, you'll come to your second-year homeroom..." Nagatoro said, pointing a thumb at herself before smiling.

"No longer will you be senpai, but my classmate!" Nagatoro began to giggle to herself as he just stared at her about to start daydream again.


(Nagatoro's daydream)

In English class.

She turned to face senpai sitting next to her. He was apologizing for forgetting his textbook.

"You forgot your textbook again? What do we do with you, Ex-Senpai? Here, I'll share mine."

In Physical Education

She laughed as she ran past Ex-Senpai again. "Ha, you're behind a lap. Aren't you sad, being left in the dust by a former underclassman? Come on, Ex-Senpai!"

And after school.

"I can't figure this out." She said, pointing down at her paper. Seeing Ex-Senpai turn away, her smile widened. "You can't, either, Ex-Senpai? Isn't this your second time? Get a grip, Ex-Senpai!"



Laughing, Nagatoro body as she did so. "That's hilarious!"

He just awkardly smiled as he watched Nagatoro try to speak before laughing at the jokes that didn't make it out her mouth.

Thinking about the given scenario, he didn't find it so bad as Nagatoro made it out to be. "Yeah, it won't be boring, at least, with you around."

While he found no problem with his comment, Nagatoro did. She instantly stopped laughing, blushing enough to be visible on her tanned skin. Her mouth was wide open in shock and embarrassment at his remark.

"What was that creepy comment just now?!" She angrily said, still blushing as she pointed accusingly at him.

"Creepy?! How was that creep?" He said, waving his hands.

Still glaring at him, Nagatoro said, "I'm obviously kidding!"

"Why would I want to see your gross face every morning?" She said hotly, still blushing. "That's too much grossness to handle."

She then started to hit his back repeatedly. "Gross! Gross! Gross-!"

Seeing that she wasn't going to stop anytime soon, he just decided to try and get some more parts of the drawing done.

"I don't want to repeat either." He said.

"Then study!" Nagatoro said. "Gross! Gross! Gross-!"


He was heading to the library

After Nagatoro nagged on him to constantly study, he decided to visit the library after he finished his Katsudon. There was nothing better than studying right after having Katsudon.

Walking up the stairs, he walked down the hall to the library. It was then that he saw two familiar faces.

"Miyamura-san? Hori-san? What are you two doing together?"

The two had just walked out of the library, surprising hand in hand. While Hori looked like her regular self, he was surprised at Miyamura's transformation. Gone were the glasses and long hair. The boy was now sporting short hair.

Seeing this he complimented his friend. "Did you get a haircut? It looks nice." He praised.

Giving him a deadpan expression, Miyamura raised his eyebrow. "Thanks? But I had this haircut for while now?"

"...Oh." He honestly did not notice.

"Oh, by the way, me and Hori are dating."

"You are?!" How much did he miss in one month? It really took him being out of the country for this much change to happen in his classroom. He wasn't even absent for any classes either! Maybe sleeping for only three hours was really getting to him.

"Yeah, well, we got to go grab lunch, see you later." Hori said, waving at him with Miyamura as they left.

He watched them leave before shrugging his shoulders and entering the library.


He had picked out the materials for next year's class to study. He had no need to study his year's because he had all but remembered the content well enough alongside having better than average mathematical and writing skills. He wasn't that concerned for the midterms, but if Nagatoro didn't see him studying, than she would continue to bother him about it.

"And so, Senpai has started studying like crazy." Speaking of the devil.

At the table away from him, Nagatoro and her friends Gamou and Yoshi were eating snacks in the library as they watched him study.

"Paisen's so desperate." Gamou said unsparingly.

"Desperate!" Yoshi repeated, like usual.

"You know, though," Gamou said, turning to face Nagatoro. "it'd be fun to see Paisen in our year."

"Right?" Nagatoro said.

"Double time!" Yoshi yelled.

Crossing both her arms and legs, Gamou closed her eyes as she nodded her head. "And they say that what happens twice happens a third time, so Paisen would repeat twice."

Nodding as well, Nagatoro agreed. "He could."

"Triple?!" Yoshi said, putting up three fingers.

Opening her eyes, Gamou looked at Senpai. "If he had to do it three times..." She then leaned her head on the table as she stared at him. "That would make us his senpai, right?"

The other two girls brightened at the revelation. Their thoughts strayed to how much they would be able to order Senpai around.

'He could massage me whenever...'

"He could wait in line to buy me the mushroom snacks...'

'We could bully him...'

"Oh, man!" The girls shouted, smacking their hands on the table.

He sweat dropped at the amount of plastic wrappers they spilled from banging the table. 'They really should clean up before they leave.'

"Senpai-kun." Hearing a soft voice call his name, he saw Sakura peak around one of the bookshelves. "You don't have to worry." Raising her hand, she showed him several pieces of papers marked red with corrections. "We're all doing make-up exams, except Toro-chan."

'Holy cow!' He thought, 'I knew they weren't the most academically-inclined people, but those scores....' He read the scores, seeing how far below the 50s they were.

"We might be more likely to repeat than you." Covering her mouth, she waved to him. "See you later, bye."

He turned to face the two aforementioned girls, who were now looking away from him whistling. Sighing, he looked at his own textbook before shutting it close. Standing up, he walked over to their table.

Suddenly, the girls felt a chill as Senpai smiled at them.

"Let's get to studying, shall we?"

The girls tried to run for the door before they felt a hand tightly grip their shoulders. Turning around, Gamou and Yoshi faced a smiling Senpai.

Their screams were heard as they were dragged back into the library.


"What the heck, Senpai!" Nagatoro exclaimed, holding up several exams in her hand. "You got full marks in everything! I'm pretty sure you're top scorer for your year."

Drawing, he answered her off-handedly. "I just worked hard."

Glowering at the papers in her hand, Nagatoro felt several veins on her forehead swell. "Are you that much against becoming my classmate?"

Turning around, he saw that Nagatoro was tightly gripping his exam papers as he saw her smile start to twitch.

'Oh no.'


"Yosh, that seems to be all." A white-haired man wearing circular sunglasses said. Picking up his phone, he walked down of his hotel and down to the lobby. The moment he walked through the glass doors, he took in the sweltering heat of outside. The noises of the bustling city and sounds of people talking greeted the tall man.

In the distance, a sign read 'Welcome Quelimane, Mozambique.'

The phone suddenly rang. The pulled out of the phone from the breast pocket of his Hawaiian shirt to answer. "Moshi, Moshi, Gojo here. Oh? Something happened back in Japan? Tell someone else to do it. I'm busy here."

Hanging up, he put the phone back.

"All right," Gojo said, clasping his hands together. Tilting his head forward, one could catch a glimpse of the man's crystalline-like blue eyes that peaked out from above his shades. "Time to squash some bugs."

With that he disappeared from his spot, the people nearby none the wiser as to his disappearance.


AN. Fight scenes next.

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