
The Beginning (1)

People die when there are killed - young man


Note: timeline is messed up in this universe so bugle up for twists


"Kalister Dolittle," Kiara said, looking at her

baby. The baby giggled when he heard his name.

Kal's POV:

By looking around and hearing my parents' conversation, it seems I was born in 1990. Well, I don't remember which year I was born in my previous life.

Living as a baby is tough as you don't have control over your motor skills and it's always challenging.

As time passed, I reached the age of four, and I could go to the bathroom on my own. Most importantly, I became friends with my neighbor's child a year ago.


As I was watching the cartoon "Dora the Explorer," the doorbell rang, and my mother went to open the door.

"Mrs. Granger, welcome to our house. I see you brought your daughter," said Kiara, looking at the girl hiding behind her mother.

Kiara led the duo to the living room. When I turned my gaze toward them, my eyes involuntarily fell on the brown-haired, brown-eyed girl.

"Kal, meet our new neighbors who moved into their new house yesterday. I've arranged a playdate with her daughter," said Kiara.

"He looking so cute. Go on, girl, introduce yourself," Mrs. Granger said as she pushed her daughter forward. I kept my eyes on her face, not even looking at the others.

The little girl shyly held out her hand. "Hello, my name is Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you."

I kept looking at her, not even responding to the handshake. At that moment, I received fragments of memory, consisting only of Hermione Granger in a strange castle. As I snapped out of it, I took the girl's hand.

"Hello, my name is Kalister Dolittle," I said, shaking her hand enthusiastically.

"Kal, take Hermione to your room, and remember, no jumping around, and don't hurt yourself while playing," my mother said.

When I heard my mother's words, I nodded and led Hermione to my room on the first floor.

In my room, I showed her all my favorite toys and we started playing games with it

"Hermione, it's almost evening. Let's go," Mrs. Granger shouted from the living room.

In Kal's room:

"It's time for me to go; I had lot of fun playing with you" Hermione said, stand up returning the dinosaurs picture book to Kal.

"Wait, we're friends, right?" Kal asked, looking at her. Hermione's face brightened, and she nodded with a smile.

"You're my first friend, and since we're neighbors, can I visit your house anytime?" Kal inquired.

"YES!" Hermione shouted and jumping toward Kal, embracing him in a bear hug. Kal returned the hug.

"Bye, let's play again tomorrow, and I'll introduce you to my toys and books," Hermione said after the hug waving her little hand leaving the room

Flashback ends.

From today, I am going to attend school along with Hermione. It's so boring, but I don't have any choice. I'm just as smart as Hermione, reading all the interesting books.

But that day when I met Hermione, I got to know that magic is real. In my memories, she kept waving her wand and casting spells at her enemies. Does that mean I can become a wizard? The idea itself excites me - weaving wands, taming dragons, and creating magic items.

Hermione went to the castle before her 12th birthday, receiving a acceptance letter. But what if I'm not a wizard? I should wait until I'm 12 since Hermione and I were born in the same month and year.

"Kal, come down and have breakfast. We're going to pick up Hermione on the way," Kiara said, arranging toast and scrambled eggs on the plate while John reading the newspaper in the chair.

Kal came down and headed towards the dining table, sitting on the chair.

"Good morning, father and mother."

"Morning, son. Eat your breakfast fast; we're already late for your first day."

Kal sweatdrops, looking at the time. He knew Hermione would eat him alive if they were late on their first day of school.

"Nervous for your first day of school, son? Make a lot of friends there and no fighting," said Kiara.

"Mom, I'm not nervous, and I won't fight with anyone unless they badmouth me and Hermione," Kal said.

"Ok, son," Kiara chuckled at her son's behavior.

John stop reading and dropped his newspaper, he asked Kal curiosity, "Son, what do you want to become in the future?"

Kal stopped eating and turned towards his dad. Well, he couldn't tell his dad that in the future, he was going to become a wizard.

Kal thought deeply and says"i want to become a d..."kal stops suddenly as he feels a hidden desire in his soul burst out

Kal looks at his dad eyes and then said, "I want to become an MMA fighter, father."

Kiara was shocked and dropped her fork on the table, gasping at her son's words.