
The Beginning(6)


If you don't share someone's pain, you can never understand them --redhaired man


"STOP! Don't fight like little kids. We came to find a solution to the problem," said McGonagall, intervening to stop their fight.

"Dora, you need to calm down and think. If we don't accept, you're going to lose your magic and the dream of becoming an Auror. The only way out is to marry him," Edward Tonks said to his daughter, who was nearly in tears.

Kal, looking at the distressed girl, felt sorry for her and said, "Can we talk privately?" He wanted to say something to her, gave a reassuring look to his parents, and nodded to Hermione with a smile.

Andromeda Tonks agreed on her daughter's behalf, and she sent Dora out.

As Kal and Dora came out, the atmosphere was heavy, and they headed to an ice cream shop to sit at a table.

Kal couldn't bear the silence and said, "Look, I know it's a difficult situation, but there's no way out for you."

"Easy for you to say, as you're not losing out," Dora lashed out.

"Let's calm down and introduce ourselves. I'll start. My name is Kalister Dolittle, and I'm a squib training to become an MMA fighter. But fate brought me here, and apparently, I can speak to any animal and magical creatures," Kal said, as he could hear the owl speaking at the magical creatures shop while adjusting to the ice cream shop.

"Wow, you can speak to animals? Then I'll start. My name is Nymphadora Tonks. Don't call me Nymphadora. I'm a witch training to be an Auror, and I'm a Metamorphmagus. It means I can change my appearance at will. I was born one," Dora explained, calming down.

"So, you can change your appearance? That's cool. Can you change into any animal and try to talk to them? And what is an Auror?" Kal asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"An Auror is like a magical police officer. And yes, I've tried, but I cannot speak to animals," Dora replied.

"So you fight using magic? Okay, you know i already have a girlfriend, but marrying another girl, if you accept, as I don't want you to lose your dreams. I know what it means to feel like you're losing your dreams," Kal said, looking at her.

"Yes, I don't have a choice but to accept it, but I don't have a problem with you having other wives, as having more than two wives is common in the wizarding world," Dora said, helplessly accepting her situation.

"Call me Kal then. Let's have a fight. I was itching to fight a wizard," Kal said with a mischievous smile.

"Are you sure? You're going to lose a fight against me as you don't have magic," Dora challenged him with a similar mischievous smile.

"Don't worry; I can handle myself," Kal said, showing his biceps.

"Okay, hold my hand. We'll go to my training ground to fight," Dora said. As Kal held her hand, they disappeared from the ice parlor.

At Dora's training ground

Kal was vomiting his breakfast to the side, and Dora rubbed his back after he had calmed down. They then moved to a distance to begin their fight.

"Do you need any weapons, Kal?" Dora asked as she took out her wand.

"Can you provide me with an iron chain?" Kal requested. Dora transfigured a nearby rock into an iron chain and threw it towards Kal. He caught it and wrapped it around his body. Tension grew between them as they considered who would make the first move.

Dora sneered and cast the Aqua Eructo spell, sending a jet of water toward Kal. He dodged the spell and began running towards her jumps and zigzag motions to confuse her. Dora used Arresto Momentum on Kal, which slowed him down, and then she used Carpe Retractum to try to seize him with a light rope. Simultaneously, she transfigured a nearby rock into a large spider.

Kal broke free from the bonds using his strength and used the iron chain to smash the spiders with his strength and momentum and wrapped around his body. He then charged towards Dora, catching her off guard and tackling her to the ground.

As they face inch apart , Dora suddenly closed her eyes and silently cast Lumos Maxima, temporarily blinding him, and then used a Stun spell to end the duel. Kal narrowly avoided the Stun spell, as the iron chain was hit and crumbled to dust. He quickly approached and disarmed her.

"You lost," Kal said, waving her wand. Dora, holding her stomach and kneeling, looked at him with disdain.

"Without your wand, you're useless. For us Muggles, using a wand is like using a gun. Some people even train to subdue others with guns," Kal said, helping her stand up.

"You know, you can use that teleportation thing to confuse me and attack from different directions," Kal suggested.

"It's Apparition, but it's not practical to use in a duel as it creates a lot of noise, and it's mainly for traveling," Dora replied, still holding her stomach.

"Why don't you create a shorter Apparition for duels then, with no noise?" Kal proposed.

"We can try," Dora said with a smile never taught of the idea, and they both burst out laughing.

Back at the bank

As Dora and Kal entered the building, they were smiling and talking to each other.

"I agree to the contract, but I'll get married at my legal age," Kal said first, looking at his parents and the Tonks parents, who were all engaged in conversation and laughing.

"Same, I agree to it," Dora added, and the head goblin presented the contract for them to sign.

"Officially, you are both engaged and have agreed to get married according to the contract in an unbreakable vow," the head goblin declared.

"See you later, my little fiancé,one-eyed moody is waiting for me" Dora said, winking at Hermione and sporting a mischievous smile as she left the bank with her parents.

In Kal's room

When they returned home, Kal dragged Hermione to his room.

"I know you're mad, but I couldn't do anything about it," Kal said as he tried to explain, yet Hermione didn't respond.

"I'm not mad; I'm furious! Why did you call me your girlfriend when I'm not?" Hermione asked, hitting Kal on the head with a book.

"Ouch! Stop, who said you're my girlfriend?" Kal said with a mischievous smile.

"Then who?" Hermione asked, her hands on her hips.

"Well, Mallory Grace is quite interested in me and asked me out. Should I say yes?" Kal asked. He took hold of Hermione's hips, bringing her close to his face as they locked eyes.

"I like you, Hermione. Be my girlfriend," Kal said, surprising Hermione. She tightly hugged Kal and said yes with happy smile.