

Yesterday's morning, i said to myself that i will take a walk through my dream's world. But, too excited, i didn't sleep. Poor of me. It's almost 5 am and i didn't yet sleep.

- Bad day!

I don't know if i can hold out all the day. Especially for lessons. It will be hard. I already have trouble when i have good night's sleep, so now.

When i try to stand up, i feel the ground turning. It's like i have a night of drinking. Now, i undertand the importance of sleeping. Fortunately, it's not exam day.

- Alright kids, said the professor, i have a good news for you

- No, he can't. I said to myself

- Exam day ! Surprise !

I can't.

- Sir, i am very happy for your little surprise but, i am not feeling good right now. I said.

- Miss, it's not a good excuse. Find something else for the next time.

- But...

- Stop and put your things away, we'll start soon.

- Home, sweet home ! I said finally back home.

This day was extremely long. Fortunately, my heaven wait for me.

- Let's prepare myself for a paradisiac night

I take a long bath to relax. I eat not much and i jump directly on my bed. I start a sweet and slow song and lay on.

- Heaven, i am coming.

- I am back !!!!!

I missed this beatifull landscape. Nothing's most amazing than here.

I start walking. And after a few moment, the landscape start changing. I quit the little forest and enter into a large field of flowers.

- Incredible !

I was totally charmed. I have a look behind me and i still see the little forest i was before.

In this field of flowers, the wind sent amazing. And then, i take off my shoes and enjoy the feeling. There's nothing more soothing than the feeling i am feeling at the moment. Afterwards, i lay down and look at the sky, one another picasso's chef-d'oeuvre. A mix of different color that is very inpiring. This world is full of joy and inspiration.

- I think i will stay there for today. It's too restful. The others will wait.

I enjoy the beautifull sent of the flowers and the feeling their leaves, in contact to me, gave me. I also enjoy the soothing silence surrounding me. A restful and relaxing silence.

If only ican take some of that sweetness with me. It will be a paradise everyday, everyminutes. But, for the moment, i only enjoy everything i have and forget about all troubles that can apear in my mind.

It's 4am, and i am not at all tired. This the secret of having a restfull night and a relaxing dream.My day can only be great.

- Can't wait for tonight to feel another sensation.

Then, from this moment, i discover a new word everynight in my dream. Not only it gave me rest, but also hope. I knew that my life can only going better. And if sometimes i am feeling alone, i know that my hapiness depend only on me.