

- Yesterday's night again, i didn't see him. He completely disapear. My day is not the same if i can't see him. Maybe, i miss the way i can't tease him anymore.

Arrived at school, i feel empty. It's like something is missing. I can't even eating, something i didn't expect from me.

School finished, i take a rest while watching movie, and after directly go to bed.

Here we go again. I don't now if today, he will apear. I should wait for him a little longer.

But, almost 30minutes passed and he is not there.

- Maybe, he is mad of me.

It's my fault, but i can't help. I disliked the way he tease me back. But now, i miss that moment.

- Hummmm !

I lay down on the bench and see the sky above me. It's the first time i tae a look of the sky. I now it's only a dream, but these colors are beautiful. It's not like everyday's sky, it's like a picasso's marvellous work.

- I can stay here forever

And for the first time, since i met lucky, i felt good and i also stop thinking about him.

- What a wonderfull place. Why i didn't see this before.

I feel the wind carressing my cheek. The air here is more pure than normal air.

- If only i can take some with me

I still looking at the sky and a wave of happiness comes over me. At this moment, i can say that it is my paradise. And a few moment later, i wake up.

- What a wonderfull dream.

Fill with hapiness, i can defeat everything.

At the bus, i though about something. I was wondering if there something else on those dream. If there's other place, or other landscape to discover.

- Maybe, i should take a litle walk tonight.

I can't way for it.