
Do Me A Favor Drop-Dead

Every high school girl and boy desires and anticipates for that awesome, popular, and famous with extravagant easy and free going lifestyle. Having the most expensive and latest gadgets and clothes and not to mention having the most beautiful, impressive good looking body. When it came to the girls, every girl had to do what a girl gat to do, to always be the prettiest, most good looking girl in school, you had to have curves in the right places, long beautiful hair, a pretty face and lots of influence and the others that didn't fit in this kind of lifestyle centered their attention on studies. While with the boys, apart from the outstanding accessories, one had to have the hottest girl in school, with sustainable grades to impress the girls and a great athletie, tall and heavy built, with great dominance. And then came around this guy, famously known as Costa Nucho. damn did he have everything. He used to nail it in every aspect. Being the leader of the athletic team, he had this great body, the looks, money, influence, dominance and all the pretty girls flocking to him, captived by his charm. He was full of pride and arrogance, determined to get his way no matter what. Little did he know that his stubborn, superior attitude was soon to be challenged and changed, by a simple, low class girl, a girl way out of his league, who was determined to maintain justice even if it meant matching Costa Nucho's pride, attitude and arrogance. But things turned out different for both of them, terribly worse than they ever imagined.

Susan_Phiri · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Chapter 3

During lunchtime, the cafeteria was usually packed to its top. All the tables for three were literally occupied.

Knowing that there's still a couple of minutes before all the tables were filled up, ken headed off to the cafeteria, but Lola stopped him on the way.

"Uhm... huh, excuse me, you must be kenny, right? Could we talk for a second?" Requested Lola.

"Uhum, huh... Sure, what is it?" answered Ken.

"Thanks...uhmm.. The reason I stopped you is that you and Vivian seem really close."

"Uhmm. well, I wouldn't stay. We are that close."

"Really? But you are the only person in school that she talks to ever. It's my goal to become friends with everyone at school, so I asked Vivian for her phone number and if we could be friends, but she turned me down. She said that she doesn't want to be friends with anyone." Lola said disappointedly.

"Well, I guess that's just how she is." ken assured her.

"But I still want to be friends with Vivian. In spite of all of that, please will you help me with that?" insisted Lola.

"Help you, I don't know...." said Ken.

"You mean you won't?" Lamented Lola sympathetically.

It was in ken to object, but Lola was so persistent that he had no option but to accept. So they went through the plan on how to approach Vivian.


"Ahh, uhm.. Can I sit here?" Ken asked Vivian.

"Why of all people would you come here?" Vivian asked him scornfully.

"First of all, the tables are all filled up. Secondly, it's not a good thing being all by yourself. Furthermore, this is a table of three after all. Moreover, you seem quite lonely." Ken said brightly.

"That's true, but I, for one, prefer to be alone. You can sit but don't get too acquainted. In fact, you are so weird, you are not very good at interacting with people, no conversation skills." said Vivian disapprovelingly.

"Yeah, I know, but you don't seem to be much better than I am." Pointed out Ken as he sat down.

"That's true, but I..." Before she could finish specking, Lola appeared and interrupted her.

"Uhh... Vivian! What a coincidence and Ken too wow. You guys seem to be close friends, " said Lola brightly and sat down next to Vivian.

"No, we are just getting to know each other." Commented Ken.

"Oh really, that's cool. Well, I am here by myself. I guess I will just have to join you guys." pointed out Lola so excitedly.

"I'm leaving," said Vivian, pulling up a long face as she stood up.

"You are? But you literally just sat down, and you barely touched your food." Said Ken.

"But Lola is here now. So I suppose you don't need me to stay, do you?" said Vivian, looking straight in Ken's eyes.

"I guess not, but Lola and I are just classmates. We don't know each other that much."

"And how's that any different from what you and I are? On top of that something seems fishy here, and I don't like it." Vivian said, turning her head to look at Lola.

Lola hesitated for some time then said, "What?... Uhh, no, it's just a coincidence."

'Nice try, but the best answer would have been what does that suppose to mean.'  Ken thought to himself.

"I came here immediately after class. After a couple of minutes, you showed up, and then she followed along. You both knew that the tables get filled up so fast, why then did you both have to wait and took so long to come chance a table, could that be a coincidence or you were just waiting for all the tables to be filled up so that you can come and join me, huh?, that doesn't just make sense." Vivian narrated to them disappointedly.