

The year 3060 when Mana had engulfed the earth turning it's animals into Savage beasts. mankind was terrorized by these beast. but after the invasion of the tarris, an unknown species who abducted both humans and these beast, man decided to bond with these beast to fight them off. chase a normal teen whose parents were unknown, received a gift from them, telling him he had to get stronger in order to be with them. chase has to fight with his divine pets by his side in order to uncover the mysteries of his parents

Notti_Mind · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


After walking for some minutes with jake, we finally got to the first floor.

It was a large hall with a huge stage in the front.

We walked into the Hall only to find out that the school had brought both the sophomores, third years and the freshmen together.

"Woah, it's pretty crowded in here" Jake said.

"Hey chase" I heard a familiar feminine voice call out to me, I turned to see who it was.


Apparently, Lucy had spotted us and decided to greet us with a wave.

"Hey lucy" Jake waved back at her and then signalled for her to come over

"Dude what are you doing!" I yelled.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm inviting her to join us"


"Relax, she doesn't bite" Jake teased

Lucy made her towards us.

"Hey Jake..." She greeted.

"Hey lucy, where's Natalia" Jake asked

"I don't know, I've been meaning to ask you"

"Where could she be..." Jake was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Listen up" a large muscular man standing on the stage said.

"My name is Mr Charles I'm here to pass some information on place of the principal as he is very busy at the moment and I know you all have a lot of questions to ask, but I don't have the time to answer them all, I'll only tell you why I'm here"

"We would be expecting two very important guest here at this school, they would be here as spectators, to put it in a very understandable way, they would be here to review this school..." I already had a guess on who those important guest were,

"It would probably be some guys from both Jake's family and Natalia's family" I thought

"We would like all of you to be on your best behaviors, till then all the school's schedule remains the same" Mr Charles concluded.

"You can all head back to your various classes" Mr Charles said.

* * * *

On our way back to the class.

I was walking alongside Jake and lucy, she had been awfully quiet, but I was fine with it.

"Hey Jake, do you have any idea who those important guests are" I asked

"Hmmm... I don't know but I think I heard my dad talking about something like that" Jake replied.

"Oh... Ok"

We got to our class and headed to our various seats.

"Hey, did you notice that Natalia is still not here" jake asked.

I turned to where she was normally seated, but couldn't see her anywhere.

"You're right jake, she's not here" I said


Jake was cut short when Natalia walked in, and behind her was our homeroom teacher.

"I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting" miss Tim said

"But now that I'm here, I'll be giving you these forms to fill out" miss Tim handed out a form to everyone.

"It's about the extra classes you'll be having"

"The school has a policy that every freshman would be taught the basics for the first four weeks, after that, you'll get to choose three different classes to further your studies" miss Tim explained.

"For now you'll be given time to choose, but the deadline would be tomorrow"

"For now the class is over" miss Tim said walking out

"Hey chase, have you decided on what classes you'll pick" Jake asked.

I turned to him "I'm not sure but..." I was interrupted by a feminine voice.

"Chase, I need to speak with you, please meet me in the library in 5 minutes" Natalia said walking away.

She didn't even give me the time to respond.

"Haaa... Girls are so full of pride" I mumbled.

"Chase, it's your time to shine, many have tried and failed now it's up to you to break the shackles of loneliness" Jake teased

"W-what do you mean by that, I'm not lonely"

"Yeah right, when was the last time you kissed a girl..."

"Umm... There was this time..."

"Don't lie to me bro, the answer is never" jake was right, but this time with the foxy charm skill by my side I could do anything I wanted.

"What are you guys up to" I didn't notice Lucy walking in on our very important conversation

"Chase is about to have a girlfriend" Jake blurted

"That's not true" I tried to rebel

"It's sooo true" Jake said

"W-well, w-who's the lucky g-girl" Lucy asked.

"It's Natalia" Jake said


"What Natalia... Good for you chase"

"What are you guys saying, I haven't even heard what she wants to say" I said

"Well then you better hurry up Romeo, your Juliet is waiting" Jake said while Lucy chuckled.

"Then I'll get going" I said leaving them for the library, I needed to put an end to all this, quickly.

"But what if she does really wants to confess..." I thought

"I'll just deny her".

* * * *

I opened the door and walked into the library.

It was a large room filled with all kinds of books

"How am I supposed to find her like this" I thought.

"Chase, I'm over here" Natalia called out.

I walked towards her.

"W-what d-do you want" I asked still keeping my distance

She didn't reply me instead she walked closer to me.

She leaned closer to me and I could feel her warm breath caressing my face.

"Is this it, is she really going to do this" I thought.

I tried to fight the feeling of wanting to run away but I couldn't, her seductive body was so close to mine and I could feel someone rising.

I closed my eyes waiting for her to make the next move

"How did you do it chase" instead of the once in a lifetime kiss that I was expecting, I got a question a weird question.

"Huh... What do you mean" I asked

"How did you get those Powers" she asked.

Maybe she had seen my powers that night and she was curious

"What powers" I tried to hide the truth

"Don't lie to me chase i saw you fighting those assassins"

"I don't know of any power you speak of" I said


She clicked her tongue

"Fine if you're not going to te me how you got those powers at least tell me why you didn't save him"

"Save who" I asked

"Adam, you had that power yet you chose to hide under the counter like some coward"

"I can't continue this conversation, what if someone eavesdrop on our conversation, then I'll be a Target for everyone, I have to find a way out" I thought

"I'm sorry Natalia, but I can't continue this conversation" I said walking out on her.

"Chase!, Chase!" She called out

I knew i might be creating a new enemy but it's much better than having the whole school after you

I feel like I'm lost here, but I'll try to stay on track

please vote for me

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