
52. Time Paradox (2)

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Without much more discussion, the only thing remained was to investigate the time machine to make sure what Alex said was right or not.

"Does she know where it's located?" Trunks told Krillin to ask Bulma.

"Bulma do you know exactly where the time machine is?"

"Not it's precise location..... But I think it's somewhere in the Western 1050 district. Are you going?" Bulma asked.

"Yes! I have to see it with my eyes." Trunks replied.

In truth, Trunks was in too pressure. He had the heavy responsibility of coming to past to change it. As a victim of androids, he knew how dangerous they were. But after his arrival like a butterfly effect, all events started to change.

In place of two androids, there were three androids. Goku's disease came early than the one her mother told him. And the androids are more powerful than his period. And now one more problem rose. A new unknown factor came to this timeline. In order clarify this, he needed to go to the abandoned time machine. He just couldn't just see another butterfly effect happening in this timeline.

"Then I will go too. It's not that far." Bulma said that she would also go to see the time machine.


"See you there." Bulma putted down the telephone and got ready to depart to meet her full grown son.

While in plane, Trunks was ready to go to Western district.

"You are sure there's only one time machine?" Yamcha couldn't help and asked Trunks once more.

"Yes, I'm positive."

And with that Trunks got ready to jump off from plane to leave. But suddenly Gohan approached him.

"Um.... Maybe I could help, can I come?" Gohan asked him. Gohan also wanted to contribute, wanted to help in this predicament. So he wanted to help in search of time machine.

"Of course. Thanks!" Trunks agreed to his company. For him more helpers can help him to find time machine more quickly.

"Gohan..." Chichi who heard Gohan suddenly stood up as she was worried about him. Even though he is strong, he is a child. And she didn't want to see any injuries in her son.

"We're not going anywhere dangerous." Gohan said as he wanted ease Chichi.

"Don't worry. I am also going with them. Nothing will happen to him."

Alex was was silent for a while said. Alex's ultimate goal was to beat Cell. And he wanted to investigate the time machine as well. Even if he saw in anime and manga, watching in real life has a big difference.

And he didn't want to underestimate Cell. Even he is strong, it's better overestimate the enemy than underestimate.

Yamcha opened the door and all three jumped off from the plane and took off towards their destination.


All three of them flying with high speeds towards Western 1050 district.

"Um... Has your future world been that badly affected by the androids?"

Gohan couldn't hide his curiosity and asked Trunks who was flying to his left. Gohan didn't fight or witness the power of androids so it is natural to doubt if they are that strong. He still didn't feel the urgency of danger.

"Yes. The population of the world is in ten of thousands... West city has been all demolished. We hide out in underground shelters..." Trunks said with a grim face.

"I didn't realize... I hope you find their weakness."

"Those Androids were defying Dr. Gero's orders... It was clear he thought they were failures, but he activated them anyways because he had no choice. And in the end they killed him. Gero must have known how dangerous they were during the testing stages... The questions is how did he stip them at that point? I'm thinking he has some kind of emergency switch... Would he have tried turn them on again without one...?"

Trunks who logically thought about how Dr. Gero controlled the androids during the testing stages. If they have an emergency switch, then he can make use of it.

"Dr. Gero must have a emergency switch." Alex who heard Trunks said to him.

"Humans are greedy for power. And after having such power, Dr. Gero must have thought of a method to chain them. He can't risk them to betray him. But they killed them because their thinking process was still not brainwashed properly. Now think, in your period the androids were more destructive but less powerful. But in this period, they are less destructive but more powerful. It is because they have their own thinking ability. And they are only after Goku to prove that they are the strongest creatures on earth. And they haven't harmed ordinary people compared to your future world. From this even thought I have not confirmed but there must be a shut down switch in them."

Alex said to both of them. He also knew that androids really had such switch.

"I only hope there is..."

Trunks said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.