
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

51. Time Paradox(1)

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"We'll be at Master Roshi's house soon. Say, Krillin maybe you should tell Bulma what's happened." Yamcha said to Krillin who was seating on a seat.

"I-I guess. But why do I have to be the one to call...?"

Then he stood up and walked towards the co-pilot seat to sit and to call her from the phone connected in plane's panel. Then he saw Trunks watching him.

"Your mom always bites people's heads off..." Krillin said to Trunks from his seat.

"Ha ha.... She's still the same in the future."

Krillin took off the receiver from the telephone and started typing a set of numbers and then he called.

"Um... My name is Krillin. Is Bulma there?"

"Just a moment. Here's miss Bulma." A person answered his call and then took the receiver to Bulma.

"Hey Bulma? It's me Krillin."

"KRILLIN! SO YOU FINALLY DECIDED TO CALL!" Bulma replied very loudly which caught the attention of the rest of the people on board.

"Where are you calling from? I called to Chichi and Goku but neither of them answered!"

Bulma who was worried about them threw several questions at once. Bit she still didn't wait for Krillin to answer and continued to ask.

"Hey! Is my grown up future son there!?"

"Huh? Oh... Yeah, he's here." Krillin replied.

"He is?! Great! Could you put him on?" Bulma asked Krillin to give the receiver to Trunks.

"Just go ahead. We're on speaker phone." Krillin replied. Everyone was paying attention to her words.

"A few days ago, our company got a call from a farmer out in the west. He was hiking and came across some weird abandoned vehicle. He was going to take it home. But he couldn't figure out how to operate it, so he called us to see if we could help."


"But we couldn't figure out what model it was over the phone. I said it didn't even sound like ours, but that guy said it had the capsule corp. logo on it. So we told him to send us a picture. I just got it, I was floored! It was Trunks's time machine! And it's wrecked!"

Bulma's words made everyone surprised.

"What?! N-No way...! That can't be.."

Trunks searched his jacket's inner pocket where he keep the small box for capsules. He found it and opened it to see if he has the time machine. He saw that he has the time machine and was a bit relieved.

"I have it in capsule form right here." Trunks said to Krillin and Bulma.

"Trunks said he has it." Krillin said to Bulma.

"Yeah that's what I thought... So that isn't the one he found. I thought it was weird because moss and stuff are growing on it and it looks really old. Hey, how many time machines did I built in the future?" Bulma asked Trunks.

"How many? You were barely able to make one..."

"Yeah? Weird because this is definitely the same thing. I have seen you in it before you know. Say, do you have a fax there? I'll send you the picture."

Krillin said that they have the fax in plane. Bulma after a minute faxed it to plane. Alex who was sitting also came behind Trunks to see the picture.

"Here." Krillin took the picture from fax and gave to Trunks who was standing behind him.


Trunks took the picture only to find it the exact same as his time machine. The only difference was that the picture's time machine was old. There were cracks on it and moss were growing on it.

"T-There is no mistake. This is my time machine... But I don't understand..."

Trunks confirmed that the time machine in the picture was indeed the same as the one he used to come to past. The model and design was exact same. Only it appears to be old compared to his new one. He just couldn't understand how could it appear when he has it in his pocket.

"My worries came true." Alex who was standing behind Trunks said in a voice which could be heard by everyone.

"W-What do you mean?" Trunks asked to him.

"Didn't I gave you three reasons why I disagreed to your idea to return into further past."


"But I didn't told you all about the 3rd one. Even when Krillin asked me I didn't told because the 3rd reason isn't linked with your idea but it is linked with time." Alex said.

"T-This voice. Don't tell me, Alex-san are you there? When did you arrive?" Bulma who was in receiver's end, recognised him because she had a good impression of him.

"Hi Bulma! How are you? I arrived just a bit ago."

"I am good. But what you said now, I didn't understand." Bulma replied through the receiver.

"Listen. Didn't when I asked Trunks that if returns to further past and destroys the androids, then what will happen to the androids in current time?"

Everybody nodded at Alex's words.

"Then Trunks said that nothing will happen to the androids in present because new timelines would be formed. There will no androids in the timeline where he will destroy the Androids but it will present in this timeline. I had a theory in mind from that time. If different timelines are formed due to actions, then it certainly means that there are different timelines that exist apart from this timeline and the one where Trunks would go. Like the timeline from Trunks came. I was a bit doubtful at first, but after seeing the picture I confirmed it. If Trunks could travel from one timeline to another, if somebody else... Now do you understand what this picture means?"

"I-It means somebody else stole time machine from me in a timeline and has arrived in the current timeline years ago!" Trunks said with a shaking tone as he realised what Alex was implying. Others also understood Trunks's and Alex's words and shuddered.

"The one who stole is definitely strong because he could defeat Trunks. But the reason why he came in this current timeline and why early doesn't sit well in my mind."

At this point, everyone may not understand about time but they understood that they have to face an extra enemy aside from androids! A variable has appeared in the fight!