
Chapter 41: Naruhata

~Tatsumi POV~

Holy crap that was cutting it close there!

Quickly observing the view in front of us we all looked somewhat surprised getting out of the situation as we began to hide our weapons out of sight. As well looked around Ruby and Hinata both seemed to be surprised about our current surroundings.

So was I since it has been a LONG while I have ever been to a normal city again.

Observing the area we all took our masks off as we pass by the area as we are all memorized at how everything different was. Actual cities, street roads, sidewalks, and even cars god I miss something like this.

But I could do without the many weirdly shaped odd people for prime example being a man head of a hedgehog or another with a mole head on a human body.

Of course, the expressions on Hinata and Ruby were something of a pure shock considering their worlds technology difference as well as the people being so drastically different.

As we are just observing the area it was Saeko's turn to see as she got what this place was as she seems to know the place as she spoke, "Ok so that weird portal guy sent us to… I think it's Mustafa. I'm not exactly sure because everything seems so different than what I can remember from my own."

Well, that makes sense I suppose there would be some differences between her world and this one but at least it's a start in the right direction.

With that we all began to walk around this part of Japan as we can sightsee later as for now, we needed a place to stay for the night considering that the majority of us can't do the basics of what we need to live unless we find an abandoned home.

So, with that, we left it to Saeko to guide us through this foreign world as we are so completely lost and I've never even Japan before my past life so this is a whole new experience for me.

God, I wonder if they have any internet connections again that was something I missed.

Since we're going in blind trusting Saeko we went along so we can hope to get an apartment or something to provide for us a shelter for the night…

It took us a few hours of walking around but basically, we found the area to live in for a while as we had to move somewhere else than Mustafa since it's crowded with heroes giving us weird looks.

God damn, it was embarrassing to say to them that we were cosplayers from different anime series they probably never heard of as we left just accepting the truth. Fortunately, enough though they bought it without a care for the world.

Can't help but think that the heroes are either too arrogant or too relaxed either way they left us to our own devices.

But currently, though we managed to walk our way to a place called Naruhata since we couldn't take the train since we can't get spotted just to be extra cautious as that place is basically on the outskirts of any important hero headquarters.

We got this info from asking some people around Mustafa that what would the most less villain-related place to live would be and the answer we got is Naruhata.

Naruhata is a city district located in Tokyo. It's a fairly busy urban area, although the neighborhood where is pretty deserted, and there's a lot of old buildings and remnants of complex roads that are hardly used.

From the info we got from the people ever since about ten years ago when the expressway opened, the number of cars that would go out of their way to take the local roads decreased drastically, so especially early in the morning, no vehicles come through here except for the convenience store delivery trucks.

But it also makes it a great place to hide out as we managed to find a place to hide for a while as the building in question looks pretty much abandoned as we got to ask anyone nearby for info about a place to live.

There is a building that looks to be on the brink of collapsing and scaring off the people because of the way it looks but it has a decent apartment room for cheap ever since the previous guy left that place.

The guy that left the place was named Koichi or something before he left the room to another place with his wife named Kazuho in another part of the district.

But still, we have to go meet the owner of the place or rather only Saeko since she's the only person here that can properly give us a place to stay as she can probably get a room. But we also have Hinata go with her to use her Genjutsu to make the process go a bit more swimmingly as I and Ruby wait at the front of the building waiting for the process.

Already waiting at the front of the building leaving it to Hinata and Saeko to deal in with the issue and our masked put away me and Ruby were left as standing outside the landlord office in front of the streets viewing everything happening around Naruhata streets.

As we wait, I have to say this world is very weird.

Not to be racist to the humans here it's just they look so different with animal features and literal animal heads as well as deformed odd-looking heads and faces.

Although Ruby seems to be more awe-struck than anything as she completely views everything with eyes filled with curiosity as she spoke, "Wow… everything here is so… different compared to the Kingdoms of Remnant. No Grimm no worry of monsters at every single day of life. It's practically peaceful even but… why does violence like this exist?"

Oh, she's going the more philosophical route here I guess she's questioning that despite this world being Grimm free it's practically paradise for her. However, I guess she isn't used to the fact that people and mankind as a whole thrive on violence prime example of my world.

People will always use violence to get what they want and when such people are given power, they would anything to get more of it.

Glancing at Ruby I tried to answer her question as she takes this moment to listen in as I respond in a serious voice, "Simple because by our nature are very violent creatures. We thrive in conflict how else have wars been fought just to get ahead of ourselves. Haven't your world has gotten into a few wars, Ruby Rose?"

Ruby looked surprised at first before she makes a deadpan expression as I laughed at that as she spoke to me in a dead voice, "What how… oh right. I forgot that you know a bit or a lot of my world. But do you think that people are just that much? Do we have to fight each other?"

Glancing at Ruby I gave her a hypothetical question as I talked to her as I let her thoughts think of things differently, "Ruby if the Grimm or Faunus never existed would you think that humans wouldn't fight against humans? And if Grimm never existed would humans fight against the Faunus for supremacy, I mean you did have a fight with them a few years of recent times for their basic rights?"

Ruby stayed quiet after I said those words as she never considered racism in her world and who wouldn't.

She didn't do anything when that bunny girl Velvet was bullied and only says it's not right but instead only talked about it and did not act. True it's not her business however, what she says she wants to help everyone is being a hypocrite of her.

Although it seems that Ruby is considering things in her world and how racism works or the what if the Grimm weren't around would humans truly fight against them possibly even to the death even.

Then again this is my assumption, but I hope she grows from this though.


That was when our attention was turned to Hinata and Saeko holding the keys to the building room as Saeko spoke out fondly of the conversation, "Sorry for the wait everyone. Hinata had to get difficult for the landlord but we can at least pay rent-free but not only that…"

Saeko pointed her thumb at Hinata holding a laptop and a few other things like an actual router as she smiled at this as I got what they did. Even mentioning the fact that they even made the Landlord delete any videos of them visiting as well as hide the evidence smart.

But isn't this supposed to be the future why would they still need a router?

I'm very disappointed in the future of the MHA world right now but…

Damn these girls are brutal getting a place rent-free without the worry of cost and stealing the landlord's internet and wi-fi. That is downright villainous even and I can't but like the idea of what they did.


At least we have time to research who the top 10 ranking pro heroes are at least but poor landlord… but it's for a good cause.

With that, we all went to our new apartment building in the town of Naruhata.