
Part 1

Waking up in a desert is already crazy, but being swept away by a portal is even more. Not knowing where she is, Aurora lies on the sand, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The headache is so intense that she can barely open her eyes. When she finally manages to focus, she sees the portal shrinking, and in just a blink of an eye, it vanishes.

Aurora mutters to herself : "You've got to be kidding me..."

When she finally comes to her senses, she sees two cars coming her way, pretending to be asleep as she doesn't know what to do. Aurora opens her eyes slightly to see what is going on. She sees two men who had guns with them come close to her. One of them leans down to check if she is alive or not. Aurora stays still and acts like a dead body, not moving an inch.  As the strangers began chatting in a language she didn't know, Aurora felt even more lost. Without a clue about what they were saying, they lifted her and threw her in the back of a car. She started to lose her consciousness again because of the hot temperature.

After a while when she opens her eyes she finds her hands being tied up and on the ground , she didn't move at all . She could hear people talking but couldn't understand what was going on and at that point she heard a familiar voice,

"She is with me, don't kill her"

Another voice comes from behind :

"Fine, finish the work we gave you or else this girl will be the first to be killed and then you, Tony stark."

After saying that they left the room.

Did that man just say Tony stark?. I mean, how can there be someone who's got a fictional character's name...haha

Aurora's existence before getting swept by the portal was a grayscale world—dull and depressing. Her father, her greatest champion, was snatched away by a cruel twist of fate in a car accident.Aurora's mother, was shattered by his death. Overcome by grief, she left Aurora in the care of her grandparents and vanished like a wisp of smoke, leaving no trace behind. Aurora, haunted by the hollow absence, sometimes let the dark thought creep in that perhaps her mother had never truly wanted her.

Despite the shadows that clung to her personal life, Aurora refused to let them affect her academic life. Her grandparents provided her everything, She was fueled by a dream—to use her skills in psychiatry to help heal minds troubled by guilt and sadness, similar to her own experiences. In the world of those struggling, she aimed to be a source of comfort and hope.

Aurora was a huge Marvel fan. For her, diving into the Marvel Cinematic Universe was the perfect escape from reality; the Avengers were her favorite superheroes. Like many Marvel enthusiasts, she often daydreamed about joining their ranks. But now, standing in the middle of a desert and hearing the name "Tony Stark", she couldn't help but wonder: Why did everything seem like it was straight out of the movies? Was she still dreaming, or were her fantasies starting to blur into reality?

As Aurora looked up, her heart nearly stopped—there in front of her, glaring with an annoyed expression, was Tony Stark himself. Tony groaned and muttered, "Great, as if I wasn't in enough trouble already, now there's a kid here too."

The man sitting next to him chimed in, "Well, this kid might have been in real danger if you hadn't claimed to know her. Things could have gotten a lot worse."

Tony shot the man a look. "You talk too much. Alright, kid, let's start with introductions, shall we?"

Tony snapped his fingers in front of Aurora, trying to snap her out of her daze.

"Hey, hey! Kid, this isn't the time to be daydreaming, especially not here. Wait, can she even understand me?" he said, half-joking.

The man beside him shot him a look, silently warning him not to joke around with a kid who clearly looked terrified.

Finally coming to her senses, Aurora stuttered, "Uhm... you are T-Tony Stark?"

Tony let out a relieved laugh. "Oh, thank God you finally spoke! I thought you were mute or something. You don't look like you belong around here, so how did you end up in this mess, kid?"

With that, Tony walked over to his chair and sat down, closing his eyes to relax.

Aurora : I ..uh..well I ..I don't know...I mean I just-

The other man walks towards her saying:

" I think we should give her a break first, she was just dragged by those people ."

Tony waved his hand dismissively, "Fine, fine, feel free to talk whenever you're ready, kid."

With that tony starts making the weapon that the terrorist threatened him to make.

After a few moments, Aurora stood up, walked over to a corner of the table, and took a sip of water. She tried to piece together the events that had unfolded. "Is this really Tony Stark? My favorite superhero? But how is that possible?" she wondered. She glanced around half-expecting to see cameras. "Could this be some elaborate setup? But it all feels so real," she thought. The memory of being swept away by the portal flickered through her mind. "Maybe, just maybe, that portal threw me into another universe?" With this thought, a mix of fear and excitement bubbled within her. "Now, all I can do is go with the flow and find out how I ended up in what seems like an Iron Man movie."

Aurora cautiously approached the other man, who was busy with some gadgetry, and ventured, "Are you Ho Yinsen?"

The man looked up with a puzzled expression, "How do you know my name, kid?"

Aurora replied, "Well, I-I heard it when they were bringing me here. They mentioned there were two people making missiles for them—"

Before she could finish, Tony let out a dismissive groan and interjected, "They actually think we'd make it for them, haha."

Aurora, a mix of nerves and excitement showing, asked, "So, you're really building a robot for yourself?"

Tony raised an eyebrow, "How did you know—oh, you saw that big thing covered with a cloth? You're quite the clever kid."

Aurora managed a small smile. "Heh, well, I am your biggest fan after all... My name is Aurora."

"Nice to meet you, Aurora," Tony said with a hint of warmth. "Now, care to tell us why you're here? I've already got this guy to save, and now there's you."

Ho Yinsen chimed in with a chuckle, "Hey, I never asked you to save me. I was the one who saved you, or you'd be dead by now."

"But now I will" says tony with a smirk.

A little later, while Tony and Yinsen were engrossed in their work, Aurora wandered around the room. All she could see were machine parts and other incomprehensible items, given her lack of interest in science or mechanics. Eventually, she sat down beside Tony, her expression of pure curiosity and cluelessness, which made Tony chuckle.

"Wanna learn how I'm doing this?" he asked.

Aurora nodded eagerly, and Tony began to slowly explain his plan for the machine and their escape.

During a brief break, the three of them gathered around a table to eat some food provided by their captors. Aurora grimaced at the meal and complained, "Do we have to eat this? I'm sure I'll puke after eating it."

Ho Yinsen offered a slight smile and replied, "We're captives here, kid. They're not about to give us VIP treatment, even if we make their missiles. In fact, they'd rather just kill us."

"Well then, you guys should hurry up with your 'escaping robot machine' that could save us. What will you do after getting out of here? Go back to your family?" Aurora asked.

"I have no family to go back to, just a house. I'm just gonna go and eat a cheeseburger," Tony said. He then turned to her, "What about you, kid?"

Aurora shrugged. "At least you have a house. I have nowhere to go, haha."

Ho Yinsen looked concerned. "What does that mean? Where are your parents?"

"It's kind of complicated, but my dad died when I was little, and my mom left me. I somehow ended up in the desert when I didn't even know where to go," Aurora explained.

After finishing his meal, Tony stood up, trying to lighten the mood with a joke. "Well, at least we have something in common."

Aurora looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I lost my parents too, kid. Well, enough chit-chat. Let's get back to work," Tony said, signaling the end of their break.

Just as they were deep in their work, the door suddenly burst open with a loud bang. Several captors stormed in, guns pointed at Aurora and Yinsen. They shouted in a language Aurora couldn't understand. Then, a menacing figure who appeared to be their leader entered, picked up a burning coal and moving menacingly toward her. Aurora's mind raced in panic, "Wait, wait, no, he was supposed to go towards Yinsen, not me!"

With every step the leader took towards her, Aurora's heart pounded faster, while Yinsen shouted desperately, trying to explain that they were indeed making the missiles. But the leader seemed unconvinced. At that crucial moment, Tony stepped forward, placing himself between Aurora and the leader.

"That kid has nothing to do with this. Leave her alone. I'll make your missile, so stop disturbing my peace, will you?" Tony demanded.

The leader paused, he gave an angry look to tony. He threw the burning coal aside and growled, "You have until tomorrow. I want my missiles." Then, as quickly as they had arrived, the captors left, roughly shoving Aurora to the floor.

Yinsen rushed to Aurora's side, gently wiping the dust from her face. His expression was one of deep concern. "Are you okay, kid? I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. Do you need water? Or maybe you just need to relax for a bit?"

Aurora tried to respond, her voice trembling, "N-no, I'm... I'm okay." Still reeling from the shock, she couldn't help but wonder why the scene had suddenly changed. Was it because of her? Because she wasn't supposed to be here?

As anger flickered in Tony's eyes, he busied himself with completing the outer shell of his remarkable creation. For Aurora, watching Tony at work was like witnessing her favorite movie scene come to life—the one where Tony reveals the robot's face to Yinsen, signaling the machine was ready for action. Despite her fear, Aurora was captivated, thinking, "He is so cool! I wish I could learn from him, but now isn't the time to just admire my hero; I need to find a way to help."

The night stretched on as they worked tirelessly. Finally, as dawn approached, Tony began to suit up, and Aurora was tasked with placing a bomb Yinsen had given her on the door.

Tony's voice was focused as he instructed, "Type 'I' and Enter."

"Okay," Yinsen responded, moving to assist Tony. "Come over here and button me up."

As the scene worst came, Aurora's heart sank. This was the moment in the movies where Yinsen would sacrifice himself to buy Tony more time. She didn't want history to repeat itself; she didn't want Yinsen to die. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of their captors banging on the door and shouting for Yinsen. In a panic, Aurora blurted out, "Tony is in the washroom! We need more time to work! Stop bothering us!" But they ignored her, as the door burst open, triggering the bomb.

Aurora couldn't help but mutter, "Welp, I warned them not to bother us."

While Tony continued to explain Yinsen, the sounds of more people approaching grew louder.

"They are coming, we need more time," Yinsen said, rushing towards the door as Tony yelled, "STICK TO THE PLAN!"

Aurora blocked his path, desperation in her voice. "Don't go, you will die!"

"No, kid, believe me, I won't. I'll just distract them, okay?" Yinsen assured her.

"No! You will die, please don't go!" Aurora pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

With a gentle but firm expression, Yinsen gave Aurora a reassuring look, gently pushed her aside, grabbed a gun, and dashed out the door. As he ran, he fired shots at the ceiling, drawing the captors in the opposite direction, his figure diminishing into the chaos beyond.






To be continued

Hey guys I will skip a lot of scenes after this part I am really sorry but I don't want to make this story too long. And sorry if I made any mistakes! <3< p>