
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Filem
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42 Chs

Chapter 9

In order to go on an adventure with Dora as soon as she came to find her, Mia deliberately did not change out of the clothes she was wearing. Instead, she carried her travel bag and diary and went straight downstairs.

She happily trotted into the restaurant and greeted Alfred when she saw him preparing breakfast. At the same time, she ran up to him as if showing off to show him what she was wearing.

But unfortunately, the imaginary praise did not appear. Afu just skillfully placed her breakfast on the dining table. "Good morning, Miss Mia. It seems that you are an explorer today." He raised his eyebrows and said. .

"Yes," Mia said. She put her journal and backpack next to her. The growling sound from her stomach reminded her that she was almost hungry. "Today I am going to look for the legendary legend with my friend Dora. Treasure!"

"Treasure?" Alfred repeated her words in a puzzled tone, and then placed today's milk in front of her.

"Yes, treasure," Mia replied. She chewed the small tomato. The sweet and sour taste made her wonder if she should give the tomato-loving bird an extra meal. It would like this, " The book said that it was the first delicious food recognized by the gods after the founding of the new world...

As the world began to become turbulent, the gods had to leave the place where they lived in order to save mankind. He brought his own weapons. Appearing in front of people, in the midst of chaos and fear, he finally stopped in front of a girl. He knelt down and looked at the child. Her appearance was innocent and pure, and the eyes looking at him revealed admiration. She wanted to

She introduced her most precious food to Him, but the food fell to the ground the moment she stretched out her hand, which made the girl very sad.

In order to prevent her from continuing to feel sad about this, God specially created two copies of the same food. I ate the food with the girl and commented that it was great after tasting it!" Mia told Afu about the information she saw in the diary.

The food mentioned above has a very strange taste. It is not like any other food, but is kind of like there is nothing there. You will not feel full after eating it, and only the taste will stay in your mouth.

"So Dora and I agreed that we would go on an adventure together today to see if we can find that legendary delicious food." Mia continued.

Alfred didn't say anything after hearing her words. In his opinion, this is just a children's game, not to mention that as a member of the Boy Scouts, he often participated in various activities with his teammates when he was her age.

The only thing he was worried about was whether she would be injured. After all, according to the situation in Gotham, it was too dangerous to let two children without any training take risks outside.

So he asked her if he could send the two of them off to meet the team. Generally speaking, the Scouting event will be a very grand event, and they will be much safer once they arrive at the event.

"Team? No, we don't have a team!" Mia shook her head, "This is an adventure just me and Dora. No, wait, maybe I have to add Boots, he is a very smart monkey "

"What adventure?" Just when Mia was struggling, Bruce's voice suddenly sounded. He yawned and walked down the stairs, looking at Mia and Afu with tired expressions on their expressions.

He almost stayed up all night because of Poison Ivy's escape from Arkham last night. In fact, now he had to go to the Batcave to continue investigating her whereabouts.

"It's that I'm going to look for the legendary treasure with Dora today." Mia replied. She put down her fork and raised the diary placed next to her. The simple surface revealed the adventures it had experienced.

"Treasure?" Bruce repeated the question like Afu. He took the coffee from Ah Fu's hand, and the bitter taste made him feel that his mind was clearer now.

"Yes, treasure." Mia nodded. She happily recounted the records in the diary again, and this time she also mixed some of her own thoughts into it. For example, she was a little curious about whether the food was transformed by the gods out of thin air. What came out was obtained from others.

After all, although the book said that the food was conjured, according to the law of physical conservation that Sheldon told her - to be honest, she didn't really

understand it. She just simply and crudely understood it as matter in this world. In fact, they are all conserved. If one thing appears, another thing must disappear.

It was like she had eaten a piece of cake. Although on the surface it seemed that the cake had disappeared, in fact it was just converted into fat and energy and stayed in her body.

Or maybe the gods don't actually apply those physical rules. Mia thought. If that was the case, she hoped she could learn this spell from Him, so that she could have endless cakes and snacks.

And if possible, she also hoped that the treasure could be a dessert. Although she could eat snacks prepared by Ah Fu every day during the days she came to Wayne Manor, as a serious sweet tooth, she would never have too much of these things.

"Can I see the treasure map?" Bruce suddenly said when Mia was reaching the climax of her story. He interrupted her and looked at her with a serious expression.

He had never heard of the gods and delicacies she was talking about, but he soon lost his Batman attitude and his tone of voice became softer. He suddenly remembered that Mia was not his partner, and she didn't know he was Batman yet.

"Of course, Dad." Mia didn't pay too much attention to what just happened. In her opinion, it was probably just Baby Brucie's anger when she got up. After all, although she was delayed a little bit by packing her backpack today, it was still too early for Bruce.

She took the map out of the diary, and the simple-looking paper was painted with pictures that were so simple that they could almost be said to be childish.

"We will leave Gotham through this bridge first," Mia said, pointing to the first building on the map, which is the Gotham Bridge, the only way out of Gotham.

"Then we will follow this road through this forest," a rare plant viewing convention was recently held there, and many rare plants were placed there.

"Finally, we will follow this road to Washington, where the legendary treasure is located." Mia continued.

She puffed up her chest and looked at her father proudly, hoping to get praise from him. Her mother and aunt always gave her lots of encouragement and praise when she was about to embark on an adventure.

But unfortunately Bruce was not her mother and aunt, he just looked at her with a disapproving expression.

To be honest, he didn't want to stop Mia's adventure. She seemed to be looking forward to it. Although he was her father, in fact, they had only been together for a few months. He had no position to let her Go cancel this agreement with your friend and continue to stay in the manor.

It's just that Poison Ivy is still outside now, and the rare plant exhibition is a place she will visit no matter how you look at it. He couldn't just let those two children go to such a dangerous place. So after thinking for a while, "Maybe you can fly directly to Washington, and I can prepare air tickets for you and your friends." He suggested.

"No, it's not an adventure if we fly directly there." Mia refused. She put the map back into the log and looked at Bruce with determination on her face. She is surprisingly stubborn in this regard.

"But it would be dangerous if you walked over there," Bruce said, already starting to feel a headache, "and Gotham and Washington aren't that close."

"But how can it be called an adventure if it's not dangerous?" Mia asked. She didn't care too much about the distance and danger. After all, she had experienced many adventures in the past days, and every time she and her partners found a way to solve them.

It's just that she couldn't tell Bruce these things. Maybe she would confess everything to him after they got together for a while, but now, she just jumped off the chair and walked to Bruce, and then patted her comfortingly. The frail rich dad's belly - which she could only take a picture of because of her height - told him in a confident tone that they would be fine.

Well...well, maybe there is still something wrong. Mia thought. She was carrying her backpack and looked at Dora and Boots who were standing next to her. They were asking someone unknown, "Have you seen the bridge? Where is it now?"

Mia, who saw the bridge right in front of them:? ? ?

Mia: My friend seems to have some eye problems, what should I do? ! ! Waiting online, it's very urgent!