
Did you say the Demon Lord was a...?

In his first life, Daron was a nerd, in his second life he was an explorer, now in his third, he wanted to be powerful. However, he'll have to deal with being born as an F- ranked monster, the horned rabbit, but that's fine because the Demon King in his last life was a Horned Rabbit. If you like or dislike something, write a comment or review, so I can learn from it.

Yobyoby18 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Life as a pet

Trapped in an enclosed space, waiting for his physical condition to improve before leaving… the current situation he was in was eerily similar to the time when he was living in the warren, and that was only a week or so ago!

Having woken up again, it was probably two or three PM, and while he had checked his status and titles, he never checked his notifications, so he did so now, ignoring the irrelevant ones.

Your spell 'ShadowBolt' has leveled up to level 8

You have learned the Spell 'Shadow Infusion'

Your 'Mana' School of Magic has leveled up to level 3

With the amount of ShadowBolts he had blasted the snake king with, it would be stranger if it didn't level up, but twice? And just after it had leveled up before? It did make sense, the stronger the opponent, the more experience you get, most of the time.

But the same as when he was just born, it would be hard to practice magic in the house. After all, he doesn't want his new 'owner' to exclaim something like "why is my rabbit casting dark magic!?". But just like then, he would practice one semi-useful spell to grind his magic's level. Before it was DarkSight, and this time, it was Mage Hand.

To tell you a bit more about Mage Hand, it's a useful spell that creates an ethereal hand made of mana that can interact with objects, not only that, but it was also a cantrip. 'What's a cantrip?' I can hear you saying. Well, a cantrip is a spell that can't advance, derive, or fuse into any other spell, a level 10 Mage Hand would stay a level 10 Mage Hand.

His reason for doing this was, not only because he was planning to use it to help him leave when he was healed, but also because it would help level his Mana magic. And if he wanted to use Meta Magic anytime soon, then training Mana magic wasn't a bad thing to do.

Looking around the room, to make sure nobody was here, he casted Mage Hand. A semi-transparent blue mitten appeared. Due to being only level 1 instead of a 'hand', he got a 'mitten'. Feeling the slight trickle of mana, he operated the hand, picking up a knick-knack on the ledge over the Fireplace. He began lifting it up and down, mimicking how you would perform a dumbbell rep.

He got through about 15 reps before his 'Enhanced Hearing' heard footsteps behind one of the doors, so he quickly set down the object, before dispelling his hand.

"@#%&#" (Dad? Is that you?)

The one who entered was the girl from before. Quick! what do bunnies do!? Act cute? He was honestly drawing a blank. What did his siblings do? Not knowing what to do, he ended up freezing from an acute level of panic.

"#@ Chocolate @#*)#$@#$" (Hey Chocolate! How ya doing?)

Coming over she petted him, but he wasn't paying attention anymore. Chocolate? CHOCOLATE!? That word wasn't in this alien language she was speaking, it was in English! His mind was racing, thinking about how she knew English. no, he was panicking, he needed to calm down. She didn't know English, she knew the word chocolate. That must mean this world had chocolate! Oh my God! He had missed chocolate in his second life. There wasn't any in his second world, which meant not only was this a different world from his second, it also means he could eat chocolate again! He felt like crying! Furthermore, this could tell him that others from his world had come here. How? Like him, people who could retain their memories through reincarnation, or something else?

This revelation was groundbreaking, he hadn't seen any evidence of others from Earth. So he had assumed either he was unique, or there were so many worlds that the chance of meeting another was slim to none. Well, that last one could still hold true, but he couldn't assume so. But enough of this, he's a rabbit, even if he found another Terran they wouldn't have a way of knowing he's one.

While his mind was spinning like a hamster wheel, the girl had left the room. Shortly after returning with food, setting what was obviously for him, in front of him. She also had a plate for herself, and just smiled, staring at him, as she ate. Not wanting to disappoint his "adoring audience", he too ate.

"@#&*@#&*# @#*$#* Chocolate #$*$*#&$*# #$*$%#*$#* chocolate chip cookies #$&#*$" (Ok, so what do I have to do today? Pick up supplies for Chocolate, Marcus is in town so I should swing by to see if he brought any sweets, I hope he brought chocolate chip cookies, my fave! Then what else?)

As she continued talking to herself, she had raised her finger one by one. She then closed her eyes, scrunching her eyebrows, revealing the intensity of which her brain was working. She shook her head, dispelling whatever thought she had. She looked over to see he had finished eating, and petted him while talking in, what he could assume, was baby talk.

"#$@ chocolate, @#@#$(*!" (Good boy Chocolate, you're not picky with your veggies, are you!)

She grabbed both their empty plates, taking them to what he could only assume was the kitchen. The girl waved goodbye as she closed the front door. Ok, now that she's gone, time to start working again.

He began the repetitive task of grinding his spell, passing the time multitasking with other things, like grinding Mana Detection and Manipulation or using Enhanced Hearing to pick out noises. It was lucky he was doing so when another person seemed to be opening a door, giving him time to set down whatever he was practicing with.

The man who came through nearly made him… 'release his bowels'. It was a tall man with an intimidating appearance. While smirking, he waved and said a few words, as he walked past him.

"@*(#& Chocolate @#(*#&$(@#*$&@#(*$& HA!" (Hi Chocolate! Hope we can get along! Just be sure not to seduce my daughter. HA!)

Ok, that confirmed that he had been named Chocolate. But getting back to the man, he went over to a set of equipment near the door… wait? He hadn't noticed that before, how did that get there? Nonetheless, the man donned the leather armor, tying a belt with a loop to hold a sword with, placing a bow over one of his shoulders. Seemingly fully equipped, the man left the house as well. From the shared hair color and eyes, it was easy to tell he was the girl's father or uncle.

Throughout the day, while training, he always seemed to get interrupted by one of them. The girl, trying to play with him for a bit, or the man, with his boisterous laughter. But it wasn't like he didn't gain anything.

You have gained the spell 'Mage Hand'

Your skill 'Mana Detection' has leveled up to level 6

Your spell 'Mage Hand' has leveled up to level 2


Mage Hand (LV.2)

School: Mana

Using this spell you create an ethereal hand of mana able to interact with objects.

Effect: creates a Mage Hand

Cost: 1MP/10 Sec

The life of a pet was an odd experience. Considering he had lived as a baby before and had camped out in a cave full of little mushroom men, who wanted nothing more than to get high on shrooms with you, this was still one of the top ten oddest things in his life.

But other than when other people were around, he was constantly practicing Mage Hand. One of the ways he pushed through the boredom was by imagining what it would be like to be an old man. Complaining about kids these days! With their Sending Stones, and the Spellbooks. How in "my day" we would use our feet to walk to people we wanted to talk to, and use our mouths to say words!

so here we are, the 10th 'real' chapter! thanks to everyone who has read my random combinations of words and letters. it means a lot, really.

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