
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasi
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161 Chs

142 A heart-to-heart talk

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you at this time of night. I tried to come here without anyone finding me, but... haha, as you can see, I got caught."


An unexpected visitor came to the abandoned house of the Hiroku school where I was sleeping.

"My Lord. This individual may have been plotting to catch you off guard in your sleep. What should I do? "

Anko, who had been entrusted with the night's security, said, gleefully for some reason, as she grabbed Masamune by the scruff of the neck.

Unfortunately, however, from the look on Masamune's face, it does not look like it is going to be as bloody as Anko would like it to be.

"Thank you, Anko. I'm sorry, but this person is a guest."

"I see. Alas, what a shame."

"...Well, what a horrible lover you have."

Masamune shuddered at Anko's mutterings and said with dread.

After all, those with some ability seemed to be somewhat aware of Anko's out-of-the-ordinary strength. Their instincts would quickly determine that they could not win.

Anko, on the other hand, was in a good mood, probably because she was told she was my lover, and left to guard again.

I looked for a cushion for Masamune to sit on but could not find anything that resembled one. Having no choice, I led Masamune to the futon that Akaneko had prepared and left on the floor.

Masamune sat there cross-legged. She acts as if she were a man.

However, she looks like a woman. No, sure, she's dressed as a man, and she also has a neutral look about her, but she just looked like a woman to me.

Probably because she is quite beautiful. Her short hair, a little long for a man, seemed to be frizzy and curled in places, and the fact that it was slightly damp indicated that she had been out of the bath for a little while.

I sat down in the same way facing Masamune, observing her moderately, and after taking a breath, I opened my mouth.

"So, what can I do for you? "

"Uhmm, what, you ask, didn't you call for me? "

"Yeah, I guess so."

Masamune was puzzled.

I then opened my mouth with one click of my tongue at her deliberate act.

"Then let's put it another way. I have no use for you. I want what's inside you."

"Inside...? "

"Don't get all flustered. If that's your approach, that's fine, but... you won't be hearing from me anymore."

If you push and it doesn't work, try to pull.

The fact that Masamune came to visit me means that this person is more than a little interested in me.

Over what, of course, Sword-drawing. The point beyond Sword-drawing, which she had mastered.


Masamune wavered for a moment after hearing my words.

I guess the scales are now tipping in her mind. Yes, to change or to remain the same, is the choice between the two.

And she chose――

"Will you listen to me? "


I smiled smugly. And then I clapped my hands.

Somehow, I felt like clapping my hands.

You give up something to get something. I applaud you for your courage and determination.

"If that works for you, I'm all ears. I'm satisfied. If you're willing to show me who you are."

"Could it be, was I being rude? "

"Yeah. I have had enough of those who are only superficial and try to get close to me in every way possible in order to make themselves look good and be taught. As for me, I'd like to talk more in-depth, more openly."

"Honesty, huh? I'm sorry about that. But it's something even I have to prepare myself for..."

"I don't know about that, but I'm sure it won't be as bad as it sounds."

"...You're a strange one, you know that? Don't people often say you're weird? "

"I get that a lot."

"I bet."

Masamune laughed quietly, "fufufu," and then took one deep breath.

Phew, she sighed once, I guess she is ready to talk.

"My father was a piece of shit."

The first thing that came out of her mouth was an outrageous statement.

"My father was the groom of Sumire-sama, the previous head of the Kisshou school, but he had an affair. I was born to a maid."

"Ehh... He married into her family and even then, he cheated on her? "


"On the contrary, I think your dad's pretty impressive."

How crazy was that guy?

"And, you know, my mother was a piece of shit, too."

"Hey, hey."

"She tried to take over the Kisshou school. Pretending I was a boy."

...Eh? What does that mean?

"Between the head, Sumire-sama, and my father, Azami was born, my older sister, which is to say, a girl. But if a boy had been born there..."

"No, wait, but what about your lineage?"

"It doesn't matter. The Kisshou school is a meritocracy. Besides, my father and Sumire-sama were cousins, from a branch of the family and the main family."

"In other words, if you're a man, if you have a little blood connection, and if you're good at it."

"Indeed. You will almost certainly be the next head of the Kisshou school. The male dominance on this island is deeply rooted. Hence, why my mother continued to disguise my gender."

"You got some fucked-up parents."

"Yeah, it's awful, isn't it? "

Masamune nodded with a laugh.

"But one day it was found out."

"Well, I would imagine so."

It's not something you can hide forever.

"Mother was beheaded in front of everyone. Father was locked up until he died. And I became Sumire-sama's adopted daughter."


That's pretty bad.

"The rest is as you see for yourself. Because of my talent, both Sumire-sama and Azami-neesan hated me, and it was hard for me to stay in the Kisshou school, so I left early to set up my own school. That's the Benzai school."

"I see."

Indeed, Masamune has the talent. Almost to the point where it's too much for her own good. That is why they were probably jealous. That's the fate of the rankers.

"I kind of understand why you dress up as a man."

"Right? By the time I said, "Okay, I'm going to start living as a girl today," there was no way I could fix it. I was always conscious of myself as a man, so I acted the part, and I didn't really understand how a girl's life was supposed to be."

I think I heard something similar from a certain saint somewhere just recently.

How often do people come from that kind of family environment?

"Well, but I think I'm becoming more and more of a woman these days. I think a big part of it is that I've been interacting with everybody."

"By everybody, you mean the students of the Benzai school? Why are you collecting only women? "

"As I said before, this island is very male-dominated. So, I thought I'd do something about it."

"So, you're building an army of powerful women."

"It's not that grand, but, yes, women are capable too! Or at least that's what I think."

"With that level of skill, you can do it! It might not be that big, but in the end, it's your dojo. At least it's better than the Daikoku-style one."

"Really!? I'm so glad."

Masamune leaned forward and looked surprised, but then she smiled broadly with delight. I thought she was a calm beauty, but she's a surprisingly expressive woman with a lot of emotions.

"Ahhhh ... I don't think I've ever chatted with someone so casually before. I thought it was going to be heavier than this, which even I find strange. You're such a good listener."

"I'm usually on the speaking end of things. I think you're a good talker. "

"Maybe. Oh, yeah. And while we're at it, can I ask you for some advice?"

"I don't mind. Go ahead."

The time was already around 1:00 am.

...Screw it. At this point, let's go all the way.

"The girls at the dojo have been really annoying me lately."

"You're pretty blunt right off the bat, aren't you?"

"But you saw it, too, didn't you? That's every single day..."

"Isn't that the shape you wanted the dojo to take? "

"It felt good at first... but after all these years. I am getting tired of playing the role of the "perfect man". I'm not everyone's prince, you know..."

"I'm sure you'll be fine if you just show your true colors."

"...As expected from someone who has nothing but true colors would say."

"Oh? Are you making fun of me? "

"Oh, are you mad? Sorry, sorry, that was a joke! "

This Masamune girl is soooo talkative.

Did I flip some switch...?

"Hey, what do you think I should do? "

"What do I think... rather, what do you want to do? "

"I want to get along with everyone and show my true colors, but ... they probably want me to be their prince."

"You're not on the same wavelength, huh?"


This is not going to be easy to solve.

"Give up. Or, you know, slowly let your true self come out."

"Slowly? "

"If the blue flowers in a flower bed suddenly turned red the next day, everyone would be surprised, but if they turn purple and then red over the next year and the year after that, no one will pay much attention. Well, I just think that could work."


"What is it?"

"You are a genius!? "

"I get that a lot."

She was extremely pleased.

Masamune seemed to like the "slowly" strategy, muttering "slowly, steadily, gradually".

Okay, then, while we're on the subject of geniuses, let's move on to the main topic.

"Well, Masamune. There is one thing that I have been meaning to tell you."

"...Yeah. At last, huh?"

When I started to speak, Masamune, perhaps sensing what I was talking about, quickly straightened up her posture.

Her straight-back and sharp eyes are reminiscent of a samurai.

――Samurai. I thought it was foolish at one time, but I guess I need to change my mind.

I guess she is, indeed, a samurai. In this world, on this island, she is unmistakably a samurai.

That I would advise such a Samurai is...What a strange feeling.

But I'm right about all of this. As the number one Mobius Online world ranking, I have absolute confidence. With this belief in mind, I broke my silence.

"You are better suited to be the gote (second player, one who reacts, and yes, shogi terminology)."



"...Oh, is that all? "

"That's all."

"Eeehhh!? "

Masamune was taken aback and rolled over exaggeratedly.

Maybe she thought she was a man, or maybe she was just excited, but in any case, she let her guard down.


...I just couldn't help but let my voice out.

Why? Because I caught a glimpse of it.

"Ah!? "

Masamune got up with a start and flapped her hands between her thighs.

Then, after a moment of silence.

"...Did you see it? "

Masamune said in a hushed voice.


As for me,

"You are slow to draw your sword. You're not very good at it, are you? Then, even if it's a bit hard, try to play the second player. Your dynamic vision is very good, so practice responding to the First Slash of your opponent. This is not a half-hearted exercise; you have to work hard to create a blow specialized for this situation. Come up with at least three. Then I'm sure you'll see immediate results."

I ignored her.

"...You saw it, didn't you? "

Masamune, too, ignored me.

Silently, we stared at each other.

This tension ... is like a Bishamon battle.

"――P-Please excuse me! Your advice, is greatly, appreciated! Well then, bye! "

Masamune's face turned red, and she left.

She was walking with her hands and feet out together on the same side.

The time was 3:30 am.

Akaneko will be here by 6:00 a.m. now.

"...Shall I go to bed?"

I don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight. In many ways.

Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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