
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

143 Disagreement and tradition, outrageous

Early morning.

I was a little relieved when I saw Akaneko coming through the front of the abandoned house.

I was worried that she wouldn't come today because I said a lot of mean things to her yesterday evening.

However, the expression on her face was quite somber. Well, I'm sure it's because she was wearing the "miniskirt miko outfit set"...

"Good morning. You look absolutely stunning today."

"Oh... shut up. Let's get going already."

When I complimented Akaneko as I greeted her, she stopped mid-sentence to respond to my greeting, turned around, and walked ahead of me.

That attitude while dutifully wearing the miniskirt miko outfit...I wonder why, it's so alluring.

"Where are you taking me today? "

"The Tennan school."

"Yeah, you said something about the Nankyoku style splitting or something."

"Indeed. The Tennan school seeks the new while the Jyurou school respects the old. Both have inherited the teachings of the Nankyoku school."

"Hee. I don't really know what that means."

"...You'll know it when you see it."

Akaneko said, looking mildly exasperated.

Why is she feeling like that? Is this another dojo with noisy students like Benzai school?

...Or so, is I thought at the time.

At the Tennan Ryu dojo where we arrived, there was some kind of event going on since early in the morning.

It said, 『15th Tennan style・Neo☆Sword-drawing unveiling party!! 』.

What's with that? I can't help but retort to that name, however, that still got me curious. I settled in with Akaneko behind a dozen or so excited young samurai and waited patiently for the event to begin.

But no matter how long we waited, it never started.

Since it was soooooo boring, I killed some time by chatting with Akaneko.

"Are they also students of some dojo? "

"They are students of the Tennan school."

"So, they aren't paid seat fillers!? "

It was no wonder, I thought, that they were unnaturally excited. It's obviously not quite right to be raising a fist in the air when the event hasn't even started yet. I mean, by any chance, aren't we the only outside guests? Is this some sort of pyramid scheme seminar? I'm gonna cry.

...Or so I was thinking.

A few minutes passed and more spectators appeared behind us. One wrinkled old man with a white beard and two middle-aged men. From their appearance, all three were evidently samurais.

"What about those guys? "

"Master Urashima-sama, the head of the Jyurou school, and his Samurai students."


A big name came out. That old man seemed to be the head of the Jyurou school.

Okay, maybe the starting time is actually much later than I thought. I am sure that more and more fierce competitors from all over the island will be gathering here from now on. Isn't that so?

"――Hey there everyone! Naisu tou shii you! Thank you very much for gathering here! "

I guess I was wrong.

It started suddenly.

It was as if they had been waiting for Urashima's arrival.

"Today is a beautiful day and mai physical condition is perfect! It is indeed a good day for the unveiling of such a new creation! "

...My head hurts.

Out came a samurai in his mid-thirties with brown dreadlocks. It was a very "foreigner-obsessed" look.

But surprisingly, he spoke subtle English. Isn't this the first time I've seen it in this world? One who speaks English. What is the status of English here? A distant foreign language? I'm not sure.

"Who the hell is that guy?"

"That is Mamushi-dono, the head of the Tennan School."

"Head of the school? "

Oh no, I think we're at the dojo.

"Leidis an gentalman! I'll show you my new Hop Hip Sword-drawing technique right now! "


Hop-hip Sword-drawing.

Hop-hip Sword-drawing????

"Yeah! Letsu plei myusiiiiiiik! "

With Mamushi's call, groovy music suddenly started playing in the background. HipHop? I don't know, I'm not familiar with it, but maybe it's something like that. However, perhaps because the instruments are old-fashioned, it sounds somewhat like classical Japanese court music.

...Or rather, this is a live performance. The students of Tennan's school are sure to have a hard time...

"Ha! Ha! Seyaaaaah! Groooooove!!"

Aaaaand, it no longer makes sense.

Mamushi began slashing at a bundle of straw brought to the podium by the stagehand assistants, dancing to the music.

The performance was reminiscent of Uncle Kasakari, the dancing, curry man of the Issenza battle, but, if anything, this one was definitely more of a joke.

...Well, it is entertaining.

"Sankyuu, sankyuu."

After the event seemed to be over, Mamushi responded to the applause of his students with a satisfied look on his face.

By the way, we as well as Urashima and the others were expressionless the whole time.

"How was it, Hop Hip Sword-drawing Vershon Fiftin? If you are interested, please contact us! By all means! By all means! For our Tennan style! Well then, sii yuu agen! At the nekxs unveiling! "

It ended with me in a daze.

...I wonder what this is? I feel as if I have wandered into a strange world.

No, but it was fun.

What they were doing was close to bullshit, but I appreciated the spirit of it.

Always pursuing new things, digging a tunnel with no way out for a long, long time―― at the root of it all, he was no different from me.

It doesn't matter if it is a lost cause or not. It is important to keep that will and hard work.

I guess there are some with a backbone on this closed island. Just knowing that, I'm happy.

"...Hmph. I've wasted my time again."

"I can now reaffirm that Urashima-sama is right."

"It is a disgrace to the Jyurou school. It was right to excommunicate a man like that."

"What is this new Sword-drawing? It's not right to be searching for something new. History and tradition are the backbones of skills. Why can't he understand that it is the accumulated techniques that shine through...?"

"It's just as you say! Haha, you'd have to spend a lifetime to figure it out."

"The man is sick. They say even death can't fix it."

"Let's go. I'll never show my face again."

Well, it seems some of them don't like it.

They think they are right and say whatever they want.

"Urashima-sama seems to be leaving. We should follow suit. Next, we will go to the dojo of the Jyurou school――"

"It's fine, I'm not going. Let's skip the Jyurou style."

"What? "

I lost interest in going after that conversation.

"I prefer the Tennan style. I would have been willing to go if the Nankyoku style had remained the same..."

I'm not the least bit interested in those who are only traditional.

"Are you serious? What a strange guy."

"Is Urashima strong? "

"He is 80 years old. Although he is in decline, his skills are the best on the island. But he is no match for my father. These days, he's even falling behind the Benzai school."

"I'm sure."

In the end, there was no point in going.

And I know from that one incident with Ernte that there's nothing pleasant about beating up an old guy.

"Then where's next? "

"If we skip the Jyurou school, next is... that place."

"That place? "

"The Kisshou school."

Kisshou school. I heard that name just recently.

"Is that where Masamune used to be?"

"You know a lot. That's right."

"I think that's where the bridegroom cheated on his wife and things got messed up."

"You sure know a lot!? "

I kept quiet about the fact that I heard it from the person in question.

Akaneko and I exchanged words as we walked toward the Kisshou-style dojo.

"What kind of school is it? "

"A firstborn hereditary one. And an unparalleled Sword-drawing family on the island...… No, I think there was another?"

"Another? "

"The Miroku style. This was another school that was passed down from one generation to the next and never made its appearance on the front stage. The current Master Miroku is, I believe, the 20th generation."

"Hereditary system, huh... Wait, 20th generation!? "

"It's the oldest school on the island, dating back 1,000 years."

Quite impressive.

"Thus, all the schools on the island were founded and named after Miroku-sama's."

"So, at first it was just the Miroku school."

"Indeed. Next came Tobatsu-style, which grew to include Kisshou, Nankyoku, and Daikoku-style, then Hiroku, which became Jyurou and Tennan, and then Benzai-style."


"In other words, the Kisshou school we are about to visit is the third oldest school on the island."

"They must be strong, right? "

"...No. The previous head, Sumire-sama, was strong, but the current head, Azami-sama, is..."

When Akaneko was slurring her words, we arrived at the dojo of the Kisshou school.

It is indeed an elegant building. However...The liveliness of the dojo so far does not seem to be as great as it might have been in the past.

"Excuse me! Tobatsu-style Akaneko is here, I came to say hello! "

As usual, Akaneko spoke up, and then we heard footsteps clattering from the back of the building.


"――Oh my! Akaneko-chan, what are you wearing!? Cute cute cute, oh so cute~!! "

A glamorous beauty suddenly appeared and squeezed Akaneko into a tight embrace.

She was a beautiful woman in her late twenties with lovely black hair in loose waves.

"Azami-sama, please stop teasing me."

"Oh, you're still acting like a stranger! Call me Anesama as you used to! Alright? "

"But Azami-sama, you are the head of the Kisshou school."

"Don't worry about the details! Azami-anesama. Come on, say it. "


"Oh my God, you're so cute!! "

What am I being shown?

As I gazed blankly, the woman called "Azami" seemed to notice me and turned her gaze toward me, giving me a confused look.

"My oh my, who do we have here...please forgive my improper display..."

She laughed with an "oohohohoho" and moved away from Akaneko.

Akaneko sighed tiredly in response and then lined up next to me.

"Azami-anesama. This is Second, a traveler. I am going around showing him the island."

" Hello."

"Showing him the island...? Oh, I wonder if that's a good idea? "

"It's probably not, but... there's, uh, a little bit of a reason for that."

"A reason? I wonder if a reason would make it better...? "

Azami tilted her head, her face coming closer to mine.

She seemed mild-mannered, but was she a surprisingly strict person?

"...Well, anything for a handsome young man! "

I guess I was wrong.

She smiled and motioned for me to shake her hand.

I was thinking she was quite the haphazard person when I noticed... something unexpected.


Her palms were so rugged that it was hard to believe them to be those of a woman.

Doesn't she heal with potions? No, there have been many cases where a cheap potion would not completely heal a wound. It is no wonder that if you keep using cheap products, you will get a blister. Or was she practicing Sword-drawing every day, every morning, to the point where she would get a blister...?

"Come on, come on in! I'll make you a cup of tea now~!"

Azami happily led us indoors and ran inside to make a pot of tea. Unlike previous schools, the mood was unusually welcoming.

However, the surroundings remained extremely quiet. The house was deserted.

I didn't see anyone in the dojo, in the hallways, or in any of the places I passed before the guest room.

Perhaps it was a holiday? As I was thinking this, Akaneko opened her mouth.

"Azami-anesama has been the sole guardian of the Kisshou School since Sumire-sama's death."

Sumire. She was the previous head of the Kisshou school and Masamune's stepmother. I didn't know she was already dead...

"You mean she is living here all by herself? "

"Indeed. The kisshou style is passed down from one generation to the next. Unless you have a child or adopt a child, you cannot even pass on your skills."

I see. I think I understand a little better the reason for the ever-so-welcoming atmosphere.

Perhaps she is lonely.

"Okay, here you go. I only had crackers, is that okay? "

"Thank you. I was just feeling a little hungry."

Azami returned with a tray of rice crackers and enough green tea for everyone.

I reached for a rice cracker and chewed on it. This softness and mysterious touch. Soy-based sauce-covered rice crackers. The soy sauce flavor also goes very well with the tea.

"...Oh, they're soft."

Azami said with a dreary expression. I returned my impression of it with the same phrase.

No, but it is surprisingly tasty. I couldn't resist and reached for the second one. Akaneko next to me looked surprised.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry."

"No, I was hungry."

"I-Is that so? Thank you."

Azami also grabbed some.

However, if she was going to grab this many, why didn't she give us something else? ...When I thought about it, I got my answer. It's not that she won't, it's that she can't. Cheap potions and soft crackers. I see, I made a connection. The Kisshou school must be very poor.

"Let's see, let's get back on track... Hey, Akaneko-chan. By the way, what are you doing here today? Oh, right, you said guiding. Then maybe I should introduce myself, about the Kisshou school? "

"I don't mind if you don't introduce yourself. We will leave after we have our tea."

"Wait, wait, wait! "


We were about to automatically go back home.

This Akaneko girl is getting to know how to handle me better and better.

The way she turned her blank stare at my full-throated response was exactly like a certain female knight.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! "

"Fine, fine. Just shut up, seriously. For God's sake, stay quiet."

"Not a chance."

"Seriously! This guy! "

"You're so noisy, Akaneko. Can't you be a little quiet? "

"T-This...! "

Around the point where Akaneko turned red with anger, I turned my attention back to Azami.

"Ufufu, It's so lively and fun."

Azami seemed to be in a good mood.

I guess I can tell her, considering the current flow.

"Hey, I have a favor to ask you."

"Yes, you can tell me anything. If there's anything I can do, I'll help."

"Then I won't hesitate to ask. I'd like to have a fight with you."


As soon as I spoke, Azami's mood changed.

They all do so on this island. As soon as they hear the word Sword-drawing, their eyes change color.

Azami must also be a real samurai.

"I don't mind. Right now? "

"Yeah. Akaneko, lend me your katana."

"I don't want to. "


I glanced to the side and saw Akaneko looking at me with a "How about it? Feeling troubled now?" expression.

That's pretty good, girl...

But I am troubled. This would mean a bare-knuckle match with Azami. That would not be interesting.

As I was thinking about what to do... unexpectedly, a voice called out from behind me.

"――Then I'll lend mine to you."

A familiar boyish tone of voice.

At the same time, Azami's face transformed into that of a demon.

When I turned around, there was Masamune with a scowling smile on her face.

Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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