
Diary of a broken soul

An ignored soul, an unheard cry, and lost hope. I wonder... would've things end up differently if someone tried? What would've you done? Could you save what was already broken? would you even try? No point in asking, we can change nothing, for this is a story that is already over...

Cris_The_Weirdo · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

I'm so sorry...

Her brother walks towards her room. He needs to apologize; he needs to earn forgiveness. Deep down, he knew, he noticed the way his parents acted around her. He knew how lonely she was but decided to ignore it.

He didn't want to accept he failed her… but he did, and he knew it… he had to make it better, he had to help her but how? He knew he didn't have the right to do it but still had to try. He failed her way too many times to let this slide as he's been doing so far.

He finally arrived at her door and knocked but there was no answer. That was weird, she always answered the door no matter what… she always opened with a hopeful gaze… hoping someone would care about her, only to be met with the harsh reality over and over again.

He was going to make sure this time was different.

He knocked again but was met with silence… only silence, his mind was telling him there was something wrong… he had to open the door.

He tried to open it, but it was locked. He shouted; he banged the door but there was no answer.

"I'm sorry, really, I am! Please! Please open up! I just want to talk! Please baby girl! Please!" he shouted over and over but again, no answer.

His parents arrived and so did his girlfriend… the girl he took away from his sister. She looked just as worried and guilty as him. They knew they didn't have the right to even talk to her, but they still had to.

He kept banging; his father tried to stop him, but he didn't listen. Something was wrong… he knew it was… she always answered, she always did…

He kicked the door and it finally cracked. He froze… he couldn't move. His father shoved him out of the way.

His sister… the little girl he swore to love and protect was there… she wasn't moving, and her nose was bleeding… she looked pale. Paler than she's ever been.

"She's not breathing… she's not breathing!!" his father shouted and that made him react. He ran towards her, immediately starting CPR, pleading to the sky for her recovery.

He kept going until paramedics arrived and took her away with their mother.

They finally arrived at the hospital… she was attached to tubes and machines. The doctor told them she might not wake up.

He stayed in that room, taking care of her for as long as he could. Day after day, his girlfriend next to him, both of them apologizing until their voices broke.

He asked her to leave him alone for a couple days and she did… he stayed there for days with a notebook in his hand…

He read the pages over and over again, finally understanding the heart he helped torn apart.

"I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry… please… I will make it better… I swear I will… please, wake up, please" he kept saying but his only answer was the beeping of the machines decorating the room.

How happy she would've been had he said that just a couple days ago. She would've given everything she had.

Days past and there was nothing to be done… they gave them two options… they could keep her connected or disconnect her… they decided the first option, they couldn't kill her… not again.

They brought her back home with the expensive equipment still attach to her body. They passed all the trophies adorning their house, always first and second places… The first-place trophies were his but the later ones, the silver trophies belonged to his hard-working sister.

She was amazing… smart and quick witted. Had she been in any other family she would've gone far… but they killed her. They finally laid her in her bed.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years past… but she never woke up.

He waited for as long as he could, even when their parents died, even when his hair turned white and his skin wrinkled, he waited. He waited while reading her thoughts…

He waited while reading the diary of a broken soul.

What would've you done?

Cris_The_Weirdocreators' thoughts