
Deviant Devil

"Did magic affect the speed of the humans' corruption and greed, or did it just reveal their true selves? Within the dystopian future, where humans had explored and put their names on several different planets, they had instituted a grading system. the leaders of the planets had been instructed to give reports to the governments so they could gauge its ranking against the others: Creating a hierarchy. And centuries passed without anyone saying a word, until a young man by the name of Crim opposed the system, but his war had failed, and the officials forced him into a simple Bounty hunter. That had been until the young man lost to his target, and finally detached from the nature of humans he hated so much

Kexer · Fantasi
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31 Chs

Considered Dead - Part 2

Crim wore a wicked grin, taking pleasure in the young woman's predicament. He knew there was no valuable information she could offer him. In his long career as a bounty hunter, he had often crossed paths with "Derek's" company, who happened to be one of the organization's major supporters.

He was also the man that got him into the business.

Scion, observing Crim's sadistic glee, couldn't help but express her astonishment. "Are you sure you weren't born a devil? You seem to be enjoying this a little too much."

Crim, unfazed by her question, got straight to the point. "Do you want your sister saved or not?" Scion's mind acknowledged the necessity of the situation with a nod.

The young man tightened his grip on the attacker's hair, his weapon poised and ready. The woman's face was smeared with crimson and dirt, and even a few slugs had ventured onto her hair and eyelashes, leaving her looking disheveled. Her desolate eyes betrayed her acceptance of the grim fate that awaited her.

The inexperienced devil sighed in resignation, recognizing that the earlier teasing had been anything no longer fun without resistance.

Also, the girl struggled Crim had been experimenting around with his blood magic using her as a labrat, trying to control some parts via blood.

In the end, he could only influence the parts with the ability to temporarily increase blood flow, such as the genitalia, that induced this response.

"If you wanna rape me do it." Upon this request, Crim despite not being interested gave a quiet analysis of her curves, he would categorize it as a "Half melon". Shaking his head, the young man calmed down his hormones thinking logically:

'Sadly, I'm not interested in kids. But that skill could be used.'

The young man mused at the humiliation he could inflict on people with a little more potency.

-"Please stop thinking, I can see it." Scizon said surprised at the horrific scene in his mind, " Also aren't you the same age as her? Why are you calling her a kid."-

-"Sorry, it's a force of habit."

Crim remained silent, expecting a response that never came.In the end he decided to break the silence himsekf.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested. What I want to know is what kind of deal you have with that mad dog," he inquired, adjusting his stance. The helpless girl noticed the change in his tone and showed a glance of his intention to kill but had reached a point where she no longer cared.

"Why bother? You're going to kill me anyway. What's the point?" She sobbed, her voice trembling.

Crim's reply seemed merciful, but his thoughts told a different story. He contemplated, -"If she comes back for me, seeking revenge or something else, I could potentially extort as many resources as possible. But if I kill her, eliminating her entire bloodline might be quite the challenge. Her clothes are all from expensive brands, as is that gun.

They seem wealthy."

Scizon, who shared Crim's mind and knew his thoughts, couldn't help but express his disbelief. 

-'Are you planning to keep it? Are you okay in the head?" he asked, fully aware of the answer. Scizon had attempted to access Crim's memories from the past, but each time he went past a certain point, Crim's mind resisted, leaving him with only fragmented insights. Despite his youthful appearance, Scizon had lived for a century, and The Century Old Demon was truly disturbed by the young man's thoughts.

-"Yeah, yeah, I know I'm f*cked up in the head. I've heard it a million times,' Crim responded, his words tinged with a hint of sarcasm. The demon within him felt a sense of pity after receiving Crim's reply.

Crim wiped away the blood covering her eyes and face, also the snot, before gently releasing the Attacker down with a bright smile that looked faker than a politician saying "For the good of our country", it sent shivers down her spine.

"Look all clean and free? Now mind telling me?" He said tilting his head, but the young girl wouldn't budge. Glancing at the gun, Crim noticed.

"Sorry that's for safety, would you give a gun back to the person that threatened you minutes prior?"

The girl could only nod, her hazel eyes bleak and her cherry lips chipped.


"Crim is found dead! How? I invested so much to acquire that kid's talent and finally managed to bond with him! And now, all that effort gun with a simple request sent by a dumb*ss," The man wearing a green military uniform punched the whiteboard, turning it into shambles.

With the piercing red eyes of a predator and the overly jelled blond hair of the underground, this was the man that went by the alias "Derek" aka Fletcher Apol. That was the main supporter of the young genius.

The reason Crim was so priceless wasn't because of his Strenght or talent, but being so cold to killing that he doesn't even hesitate to slit somebody's throat. At such a young age, to add to the basket.

Within the devices estimated, his talent had been quite low to the point his mana core could only expand till the orange state. Despite his weakness in most types of magic, Fire's talent stood out.

His talent in the destructive element of fire made any academy graduate shiver, "he was born to kill!" They preached seeing his talent. 

Fletcher moved fast, stealing him from his feet before he could get accepted by an academy. 

The long table had many seats with grumpy old men that had skin clean as a swan but the fat percentage of a pig and the rest were scarred young youths: laced with deadly scars or burns.

Pig number one from the back rose, "Why do you even care about such a kid? There is way stronger people out there."

As a result, Fletcher conjured a water spell with swift hand signs and no chants, the pig soon faced a bubble launching at him at high speeds, engulfing his face before he drowned in the floating pond.

The water dispersed into nothing after it completed its task.

"Simple, because he's the best tool. A kid with no ID nor an Identity other than a terrible nickname! It's so easy to erase him from the world and nurture him until he's strong enough to get my back. Then simply get rid of him."

He said walking out of the metal door that opened with a flick of his hand instead of a push. Leaving the executives to stand in silence before following Fletcher. 

Soon the Janitor was left alone to clean the floor.