

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
98 Chs

The War on The Xuidian Kingdom (5)

I teleported back to the capital of the Xuidian Kingdom to see Elena attempting to fight off Noah. However, it was no use since she didn't even know martial arts. Instead of speaking, she nodded and remained silent while her breaths were ragged. Elena's stamina is already running out, but she refuses to give up and fights against her overwhelming fatigue.

Noah raised his sword high before striking Elena down once again. Each time Noah brought down his sword on Elena, Elena was instantly blasted across several meters away as she rolled through dirt and debris before slowing down to a halt, dazed and disoriented by what had just happened to her.


Enzo and Remi ran and pulled Elena away to heal her and stabilize her body, then stepped aside to watch the ensuing fight.

Rayne sighed and lowered her stance with narrowed eyes. Her magic came bursting from her like an unending wave. It flowed over us, causing my hair to stand on end as it crackled wildly amidst its overwhelming pressure. Noah felt it too; he flinched briefly but shook himself free of any lingering uncertainty.

"Are you ready for your punishment? I made Zion into a pile of ashes, but for you, I think I'm going to enjoy this one."

Noah roared, his voice echoing in the background. An ominous wind brushed past him, making his cloak flap behind him. When I heard the first strike ring out in my mind,.

"You will pay for every sin, Noah, especially the most grave offense of touching Elena."

We began to fight as Noah raised his sword high in the air. I avoided it in one swift motion; Noah's blade swept by just inches above my head, whistling softly as it missed me, then crashed into the earth, leaving a huge gash. He struck a second time, slicing through the air itself in a devastating strike. I leapt up just before his sword reached me, letting gravity pull me onto his sword's edge before twisting out and pushing Noah off balance with all my weight, slamming his back hard on the ground. Noah grunted, staggering as he struggled to stay standing while pain coursed through him.

"Elena, stand back. This man is no joke compared to Zion." I sent her a mental message and asked her not to interfere, even though she was eager and wanted revenge.

Noah raised his weapon, this time with a flicker of mana shining around him briefly. He ran at full speed and slashed repeatedly; each strike had no effect whatsoever.

With his next blow, he tried to cut into my torso, which caused me to jump aside. The blade ripped through my shirt and left a few scratches along my torso, then finished cutting all of the cloth clean off. It revealed a metal exoskeleton suit, which was created by the man who saved me two years ago, a man who goes by the name Zephyr.

I threw a punch at Noah's head, sending him reeling. His helmet protected him from the damage, but my momentum carried through, leaving him breathless from the force. Noah recovered his posture quickly, holding up his sword once again. I stepped forward and lunged towards him as I unleashed my mana, hitting him hard on his side and blowing him away, sending him spiraling toward the nearby wall, which stopped his flight immediately. I smirked evilly while Noah struggled to recover from his injuries, then jumped out and shot toward me, swinging his katana wildly with each attack. His swing was fast; the power behind them was so intense that the mere contact made me stagger backward slightly while my body ached from each of his strikes.

However, I did not fall as he hoped.

It was obvious that he knew what kind of person I was; that was why he wasn't hesitating about attacking, knowing full well that even if I fell, there would always be someone stronger than him waiting somewhere.

I swung both of my arms and landed a left hook into his face, sending him crashing into the floor hard. The impact sent a loud metallic noise echoing into the distance. He wiped off the blood flowing down the corner of his mouth before grinning widely, revealing his teeth stained in red fluid. I punched his chest, shattering the metal armor that covered it. However, something caught me off guard; he blocked one of my punches, surprising me. He gritted through his clenched jaw.

Noah grinned and pulled off his damaged helmet, letting his unkempt blond hair flow down behind his head, the sweat making strands fall against his forehead. He threw it away, watching the pieces land on the ground. His features were fierce-looking and rugged. His eyes were an ice blue color, and his pupils were so pale as to appear colorless.

"Are we going to have some fun?"

His hands trembled uncontrollably. "You ruined my life, so please be a good boy and die!" Noah said it sarcastically, looking at me with disgust. "Let's get it on!"

Noah shot a fire spell towards Elena and then yelled, "I hope you know how to play along. I would really enjoy playing with a piece like you."

My fists met his stomach repeatedly while his free hand grabbed a dagger on the floor near them, stabbing me in the stomach. The wound healed in an instant. Our clashing bodies created sparks of electricity. They bounced off, flying in all directions. Noah laughed loudly, grabbing onto both sides of my head.

His aura flared and pulsated. The mana coming out of him caused everyone to cower in fear. "Don't fuck with me anymore; otherwise, the entire Xuidian Kingdom will be destroyed." He yelled before kicking me in the face with the sole of his foot, knocking me into a nearby pillar, causing dust to fly out of it.

"Noah, I'm going to kill you and make it hurt."

I pushed off my foot and flew forward, straight towards him. My foot was still throbbing from where he'd hit me earlier, and blood trickled out of the wounds. But there wasn't a thing I could do about those injuries.

Before I could attack Noah, Enzo stepped in and smashed his fist into my face, sending me to the ground. He moved incredibly fast and came right behind me as well. His hands locked around both my wrists before placing a firm grip. Enzo lifted me upward and slammed me back down.

"I think I figured out Sora's weakness," Rayne commented quietly, walking over beside Enzo. She glanced at me and shrugged, smiling. "Your weakness is us. You might be a cold-blooded killing monster, but at the end of the day, you still have your humanity."

I strained against his grip and struggled, attempting to wriggle out, but he would not let me.

Noah seemed to take this opportunity to rest, wiping at the blood on his face with his sleeve, but his body was covered in sweat from all the effort expended. "This is tiring me out." Noah outstretched his arms and tied me up with light roots—my own ability.

"Will you listen to us now, Sora?" Remi asked, and her voice sounded far more concerned.

"Fine, speak now, because the next time I wake up, I will destroy this planet and create a new one from its remains." I coldly replied and disregarded their feelings, despite having remorse for them.

"Please, stop. Why do we need to fight? Isn't peace more important than vengeance?" Enzo muttered, kneeling in front of me with teary eyes.

"Is there any point? Or, better yet, if I kill all four of you right now, will that solve anything?" I started laughing manically. "SORA, IF YOU CONTINUE LIKE THIS I DON'T WANT YOU TO PROTECT ME ANYMORE!" Elena cried out.

"Do you hear that, Sora? She wants you to stop and is begging for it. Will you listen and spare yourself further heartache?" Rayne continued, glancing back at me with stern eyes.

"ORION! ARIEL! COME FORTH." I screamed, releasing large amounts of magic. The next second, a man and a woman appeared in front of me with no recollection. Their bodies and souls have been separated. Both were now standing beside me in defiance. "What's the matter, Sora?"