

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The War on The Xuidian Kingdom (Finale)

Orion spoke while glancing at Remi and Elena, then let his gaze linger for a moment before turning back towards Noah. "What should we do about this, brother?" Ariel asked.

"I can't believe I ever felt sympathy for someone like you. Look at yourself; look what you have become," Remi said coldly and removed her hand from my cheek, turning away from me and walking away.

"Orion and Ariel are the people who saved me two years ago; well, it was Orion and Ariel as merged beings and that's when Zephyr comes in. He is the one that saved me from the damage that I did to myself after killing Williams." I declared, not bothering to glance their way anymore. They are irrelevant in my world of nothingness now.

"STOP, SORA! THIS HAS GONE TO FAR NOW! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CARRY EVERYONE'S TRAVESTIES WHILE I CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO AID YOU? DO YOU HEAR ME, SORA?" Elena ran toward me and began trying desperately to claw her way out. Elena kept kicking at the roots.

"Orion and Ariel, merge together and kill Noah Brown." I commanded them; they did not resist as their bodies came together. The magic power was immeasurable as their appearances morphed together, and Orion and Ariel transformed into Zephyr.

Zephyr pulled out his black rapier and pointed the tip towards the ground, poised and ready. They stared calmly, unintimidated by the strength difference between the two groups.

A dark mist began to spread forth from Noah; the energy filling his body was dark enough that his hands glowed brightly, lighting up the entire room. The moment his shadows faded completely, he disappeared. In a split second, he'd moved fast enough to strike Zephyr across his shoulder. Orion responded and created several blasts of magic in rapid succession.

Orion and Ariel's joined forces unleashed powerful magic from each one of their spells. However, it was useless.

Zephyr charged his right hand with golden particles of mana while aiming straight for Noah's chest. Zephyr was prepared for anything. When the last ounce of mana vanished, he launched the final blast toward Noah with such power that both sides couldn't help but be astonished at its destructive capabilities.

Noah raised his sword and used it as a shield against Zephyr's incoming attack, allowing the blow to go straight into his chest. The impact forced Noah backward as a crack formed in his chest plate. It crumbled into pieces, shattering the protective gear. As soon as Noah regained his balance, Zephyr was already upon him again. This time, Zephyr dodged around Noah's counterattacks and retaliated, sending a roundhouse kick to his stomach and knocking him against the wall.

"I think it's time we end this, sister, don't you think?" Zephyr said. "Cosmic Unity." The whole area was shrouded in black void energy that blanketed the entire area. Everything outside of it was obscured by the darkness. A lone ray of sunlight shone upon two silhouettes inside the area—Zephyr was floating high above Noah.

A magical circle formed underneath Zephyr's right arm while he floated gracefully. Afterward, the same magical circles began to form below both feet until three more were assembled beneath Noah. His face was filled with uncertainty. He began moving backward, avoiding contact with anything around him.

"Try and escape this attack, Noah," Zephyr proclaimed, forming a void ball of energy with one of his palms. The massive black sphere engulfed Noah, who panicked as the space distorted itself and swallowed him whole, followed by another spell that ignited his body in flames, eliminating even his soul in an instant. 

Noah screamed as the magic annihilated everything except his bones, leaving no trace of anything but scorching fires left in its wake.

"I did what you asked, kid, so can I go home and sleep now?" Zephyr sighed with exasperation. 

"Yeah, you can; I'll handle the rest. Thank you, master, for everything you have done."

"Alrighty. Well, then, have fun. Bye." Zephyr dispersed into blue dust that flew through the air, returning to Orion's and Ariel's respective bodies and souls as they woke up on the floor.

"What the hell just happened?" Enzo stood there, frozen by what he had just seen.

"I called upon an exuberant power, that is what." I remarked, raising an eyebrow at their response.

"Sora, did that mean what we saw is true?"

"Zephyr is the only person that I know who can beat me; he has the Authority of Balance, the ultimate yin and yang technique." I said, sitting cross-legged on the ground as a teleportation circle appeared behind me, and I stood up and looked towards the group in front of me. "Goodbye; I won't kill any one of you guys, as I don't have the hatred to, and for now, I will head back to my house and begin training once more. See ya." 

"SORA WAIT!" Elena shouted desperately. Before I left through the portal, I stopped. "If you still want to come with me, that is solely up to you, Elena; these three are a good bunch of people. They will protect you."

Elena fell silent and looked down, fidgeting with her hands. "It's okay; I can manage on my own. If you go back to being what you were before,. What can I say? What is done is done." Elena whispered softly, giving me a forced smile.

"So that's it? Your going to throw everything away over me, Elena." I gave her a wry grin.

Elena closed her eyes and turned away from me. "So, it is."

"Can we speak before you leave, Sora?" Remi said to me as she put her hand on my shoulder. "Sora, please come back to us. We can still fix this before it's too late."

I glanced sideways before looking at the young girl, giving her a tired look as she pleaded with her large, innocent eyes. "Please don't go," she murmured, her voice cracking slightly. "I already am too late, and I cannot come back anymore, but one day, one day, I promise you. If you survive all of the fighting on the verge, all of you will be together with me once more." With that said, a smile graced her lips, and she took a step back, staring deeply into my eyes.

I nodded and walked through the portal back to my house as they tried to follow the portal closed. "Xavier, how did your trip to the Khyuka Empire go?" I asked when I walked into our garden, seeing a boy sitting in an alcove reading a book.

"The empire is in ruins; I did what you asked of me, my lord." Xavier, a 13-year-old young boy, looked up from his book with his big ruby-red eyes sparkling. He had wavy, short grayish-silver hair that stopped at his forehead.

"I'm glad to hear that; there are only five more to go, one step closer to finally achieving my goal of creating a new world." I commented, petting the head of a snow tiger that was sleeping under the tree near us.