

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
98 Chs

The Creator.

"What will you have after you destroy it all?" A voice popped in my head. "Is there anyone beside me waiting for you in this void-like world?" The voice rang through my ears, and I took a step forward.

Suddenly I was placed in a room filled with nothing, and in front of me stood... me. I was looking at a carbon copy of myself, but what is this place?

"My dear creator. So many things have been lost and gone awry, so the way I see it is that I'm destined to remain alone for the rest of my existence. When did you start caring about this planet anyway, my dear creator?" I gazed at my clone's emotionless and lifeless eyes, wondering if my voice was devoid of hope.

"What the hell are you talking about? What the fuck would you know about anything?" I shouted in anger. "Tell me, what is your plan?" My clone smirked, waving his hand toward me and sending a wave of lightning that struck my left arm, taking it clean off. Blood oozed from my wound, forming a pool at my feet.

"My plan? You want to know what my plan is?!" I screamed furiously, flying at him and pushing him with all of my might, causing both of us to crash into one another. My clone stood back up quickly, barely missing the ground. He walked back over, not appearing hurt in the slightest.

"Is that why you came here? Was it to gain knowledge and information so that your intentions weren't corrupted when you destroyed everything else in existence?"

"Sora, I'll tell you my true intentions: I want to get rid of you. The future version of myself I met those years ago is what I have become. I tried to become a good person, someone who could protect others, but my life was ruined the second I watched Leo die. EVERYTHING THAT I EVER KNEW DIED WITHIN ME THAT DAY. YOU BETRAYED ME, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DID!" I grabbed his neck and slammed him onto the ground, causing the earth to crack and breaking the ground around me. The whole place shook, but it wasn't over yet.

"Look at yourself; you're just a shell of what you once used to be." The pain in his voice was palpable, so much so that I felt terrible.

"NOTHING GOOD HAS EVER HAPPENED TO US! LOOK AT YOURSELF, I HATE YOU SO MUCH I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DIE. I WANT TO KILL MYSELF, SO BAD IT INFURIATES ME EVERY SECOND THAT I STAY ALIVE. You smile at me like you enjoy watching me suffer; you are everything that is wrong with me, and I will never forgive you." My body grew in strength and power while the hateful energy surrounding me engulfed the both of us in a world of fire and ruin.

"You are no hero; you became just like the Voidwalker." My clone gave me a stare filled with vindictive intentions.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! Please... I know I'm no hero, but I just want things to go back to the way they were before. I just want to train with Reagan and Leo one last time." The tears flowed freely down my cheeks as the memories surfaced. I looked him dead in the eyes and pulled his hair, dragging him upward, forcing our faces within mere centimeters of each other.

He bit down on my nose and ripped part of it off, causing blood to pour out. In a fit of anger and frustration, he grabbed my left arm and threw me across the barren landscape. His body was suddenly enveloped by the blackest void mana I have ever seen, and soon enough, his aura grew larger than his surroundings.

"Why... WHY DO I EXIST?" His roar caused tremors across my surroundings, bringing down an ancient-looking temple that was hidden in the clouds of this purgatory place.

His scream was so powerful that it struck fear into the hearts of everything alive and created shockwaves strong enough to flatten mountains, seas, and continents.

"This isn't happening..." I muttered out. But it was indeed. "What the hell am I?"

He was no longer human. My skin crawled from his menacing aura alone. It was only the beginning, and the sight made me feel faint. "This power, it's too strong." I spoke out loud. I couldn't fathom where all this newfound strength came from as he grew several feet taller. I had never known him to possess abilities such as these. "What the hell are you?!"

"How could you?! How could you kill all of them for nothing?!" He screamed at me.

"That's enough." All of a sudden, an enigmatic entity appeared in my peripheral vision. Then I looked back to my clone's right, where I found him surrounded by darkness, slowly but surely coming towards his clone. The entity transformed into something similar yet different in nature compared to our bodies, standing well above eight feet in height. The being appeared like an angel without wings. His jet-black hair hung past his shoulders, flowing loosely. His emerald eyes shone brightly amidst the darkened field, glinting faintly from the rays of light that pierced the gloom. He seemed to glow from within; his pale skin illuminated even the murkiest parts of his surroundings.

"Rain?" I asked the mysterious individual. He smiled at me and did the same for him and my twin, making my jaw drop further in shock and confusion.

"It has been a while, Sora. My name is Rain Katayama." He announced it calmly, wearing a perfect white suit with golden edges. It was the man who I met when I was in my coma after my fight with Future Sora, a god who trained me.

"Did you say Katayama?" 

Rain nodded, crossing his arms and smiling. "We are related, not by blood but by DNA. You are my creation, a clone of myself." I let those words sink in before processing what he said to me.

"What..? You have to be joking." I answered in disbelief. This revelation was way beyond my comprehension. It couldn't be possible, could it? My breath became short, and I gulped loudly, a nervous sweat running down my spine. I stared wide-eyed at Rain, unable to think of what to say or do next. How is this possible?

"Come along; let me show you something." I followed behind the strange individual called Rain and kept quiet throughout most of the walk. Everything about the world we were in was so strange.

"I created you for one sole purpose, and that is to finish what I started." Rain looked behind him at the giant towers floating in the distance.

"These towers hold a special power in them, a power that only you can wield—the ability to create life, souls, and, of course, the ultimate authority to destroy them."

"Wait, hold on, that doesn't make sense; there is no such thing. You don't actually mean the divine authority?" I asked.

Rain nodded in confirmation, not even batting an eye at my words.

"Why, though? Why create such a dangerous power?"

"Don't you feel that power calling to you? That's because it wants you. It yearns for destruction like nothing I've ever felt before. It is alive, just like the Void World and the creatures that live inside it." I couldn't stop the bitter laugh that slipped past my lips at the irony of our current predicament.

"I don't want this power; what I want is for this corrupt hierarchy system to end. I don't give a damn about what you want." I turned away from Rain's face as he turned around to look directly at me with his brilliant emerald green eyes, an expressionless face staring right back at me.

"Your world is headed down a path filled with lies and deception; people use others for power while the ones that are oppressed become slaves. You know how I know this? Because it was exactly the same way in your previous life."

"Then why did you do it if all it led to was death and destruction? If you know so much, why not interfere?" My words sounded stupid after they were already out there, echoing throughout the empty purgatory realm, and my heart tightened, clutching my chest, breathing hard and ragged.

"My plan didn't work because in your world, the timeline was so fractured that when I got rid of it completely, there was no time magic anymore. Meaning everything became stable and whole again." He sighed deeply.

"If what you say is true, then who am I?"

"You are a piece of me that lives outside me. I chose to make clones of myself, knowing that I would lose the ability to alter timelines forever."

"It didn't work; everything is still the same!" I shouted furiously, not knowing what else to do except yell out all the emotions pent up inside of me. The bitterness and hatred in my words had vanished into thin air as I stared up into his deep green-hued eyes that were as clear as my own, just as lively and full of vigor and vitality.

"Sora, you are the only thing that can destroy this world, or, shall I say, free this world from the system that has tied it down for all these years?" I laughed mockingly and crossed my hands in front of myself.

"I don't want to destroy this world; all I wanted was to live a normal life; you could not give that to me."

"So you are saying that if I hadn't given you these powers, you would have just become the obedient, good guy, Sora?" He questioned me sternly and waited for a few seconds, giving me time to mull over his words carefully.

"Yeah, but now look at me! I'm a sadistic murderer who kills people in order to achieve a goal I know I cannot achieve. How do you think this makes me feel?! Does it bring joy into your heart every time I commit another crime or act violently? Do you really see me as nothing more than a tool of war or a killing machine?" My heart ached. I wanted nothing more than to just curl up in a ball and cry while someone comforted me. However, I was forced into this cruel world to complete a task I never wanted to do in the first place.

"Sora, your life and everyone who has lived since time immemorial have a role and an impact on reality, whether it be significant or inconsequential. And in time, they all reach their destined destination, whether it be peace and harmony or chaos and turmoil."

"So, you're saying my fate cannot be changed?" I clenched my fists tightly and gritted my teeth. Anger fuels me with adrenaline.

"Yes. This fate was chosen long before you came here, long before you knew even about it. The path you chose, although fraught with strife and tribulation, led you here to this very moment. From the time you arrived here, this world has changed itself according to your wishes and desires."

"Why did you change my fate to that of an oppressed person when I had the power to become the most powerful being in the world?"

"In a sense, we are each other's destiny; we are destined to be together from birth and to meet each other under any circumstances," Rain responded matter-of-factly.

"You know what, Rain? You made me realize something. If my fate is already destined, and no matter what I do, my actions will always lead me down this path of despair and suffering, then I'll get rid of myself. I will travel back in time to get rid of the very thing that destroyed this kingdom. That is all I want now."

"So... will you continue with my legacy, or will you end everything and choose your freedom and the happiness you crave so deeply?" Rain asked rhetorically, leaving a single tear dripping from my left eye. I wiped it dry, giving him a hard stare.

"Your legacy is filled with nothing but a cycle of hate and suffering that needs to end; you are what is wrong with this world." I grabbed him by the collar and felt an undying hatred for this man. "You're a hollow shell who is trying to chase this distorted sense of justice that is unachievable." I punched his face multiple times and dropped his body onto the ground. He quickly stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"That is all. I guess I will have to end you the same way that I killed Future Sora." His eyes glowed yellow, and dark magic began coursing throughout his entire body.