
Three Days Til Christmas

Day: Sunday

Location: Basketball Court

Time: Morning

Sundays were always slow days for me. I decided to get some exercises in. Lustie sat on the bleachers and scrolled on her phone looking at different pictures of the new resort that's opening in the future. I heard a car park in the parking lot and doors closing. I stopped dribbling the ball and looked in the direction I heard the footsteps coming from. I noticed it was Chelsey, Mariana, Whitney, Adrianna, and Caroline walking onto the court. They noticed me and waved. I waved back and smiled.

I noticed another person walking on the court. It was Mark walking up and dribbling a basketball with Melissa walking behind him on the phone with her agents. Mark looked at me and moved his head up and back down, saying what's up. I returned the gesture and noticed Melissa waving at me, smiling. I waved back then went back to dribbling the ball.

"Shiro." Chelsey smiled and ran up to me.

I looked at her and smiled. "What's up Chel?"

"Lemme see the ball for a second." Chelsey smiled.

I handed her the ball then watched her dribble the ball then stepped backwards. She took the shot and hit a nothing but net. I was impressed and smiled at her.

"God it feels good to just shoot a ball like that." Chelsey smiled.

"Right?" I said then ran to get the ball and smiled. I picked up the ball and noticed three more people walking onto the court. They didn't seem like good news. One of them I recognized. "Yo Dante!"

Dante looked at me and closed his eyes then placed his hands in his pockets. I rose an eyebrow then watched him and his friends walking to the bleachers to lace up their shoes.

I walked over to the bleachers and walked to Mariana. She looked at me. I sat beside her. "What's up with Dante? Why is he acting like he doesn't know me?"

"Shit I dunno man. Even Chloe is confused on why he's acting like a fucking perra engreída. It happened after the news spread about Jake and Adam's disappearance. I heard they were somewhat decent friends." Mariana said. "I was never really tight with them goons, so I don't know their backstories."

I looked at Dante then back at Mariana. "You okay? You and Dante seemed pretty cool. You didn't tell me much yesterday."

"Yeah I'm straight. Just don't like it when people leave me without reason like Dante did. Makes me thing I did something wrong. Don't worry man." Mariana said then smiled at me.

I nodded then stood up and dribbled the ball then looked at Chelsey. She looked at me and I pretty much explained the situation with her cousin.

"Ah...She has abandonment issues basically. Her parents left her when she was young and she basically lived with me, Caro, and my mom her whole life before moving in with Dante. If you didn't know that's her ex boyfriend...so to make it not awkward she asked her other friend...uhm...what was her name...Chloe or something like that to live with them. That's as far as my knowledge goes." Chelsey explained.

"Yo bro!" One guy called out to us as he walked up to us.

I looked at the guy and looked at him. "What's up?"

"Y'all tryna run a game of threes? My crew vs your crew?" The guy asked.

"Shit we only got two people." Chelsey said then looked at the bleachers to find a third person. Whitney doesn't play sports. Caroline seemed like a perfect option but her job basically kicks her ass so she's nearly always tired. Mariana didn't want to play since Dante was playing.

"I can play with y'all." Mark said then walked up.

"How about it Chel?" I asked.

Chelsey looked at Mark then placed a hand on her hip. "Fuck it. Come aboard." Chelsey smiled.

"Guess you're in." I smiled at Mark.

He nodded then the other guy's friends walked up. Dante looked at me then at Mariana in the bleachers. I could tell Mariana was extremely hurt. I walked up to Dante and wanted to talk to him alone.

"Yo man...what's going on? Why are you acting like we're nobodies?" I asked.

Dante looked at me then crossed his arms. "I saw everything. You and that demon...You killed Jake and Adam...then that demon made it all disappear. You're a nobody to me."

I looked at Dante then crossed my arms and looked at the others then sighed. I looked back at Dante. "You wanna know why I did it..? Because your boy was about to kill Mark and his sister. Mark is trying to turn his life around and Jake was trying to drag him back down. If I kept them alive, they would've done the same thing...over and over until eventually someone innocent dies. His crew went guns blazing at my campus...the fuck you expect me to do? I'm the one who did it, not Mariana...no anyone else. You broke her heart for something she had no part of."

"It's her fault for getting attached. We broke up for that reason. She's too fucking clingy and gets too attached. It was annoying." Dante said then bumped my shoulder as he walked away.

I looked back and glared then heard Lust-E beep.

[Put him in his place. That will cheer Mariana up by a lot.]

I nodded and walked to the others and dribbled then ball. "Alright let's play some ball!"

"Yeah!" Chelsey smiled.

I looked at Dante then looked at Mariana. I took a deep breath then exhaled and smirked. "No mercy. We get ball first."

"Fine by us, but just to let you know we're some of the best on the court." One of Dante's teammates said.

"Best huh..? We'll see about that." I said.

Everyone got into their positions then I checked the ball then Dante checked it back. I dribbled the ball then ran forward and crossed Dante, causing him to slip.

"Aye!" Chelsey said and looked at me.

Mariana watched then smiled a bit.

I layed up the ball then the first point out of ten went to us. I picked the ball up. "Make it take it."

"Yo Dante, you've never been crossed up. Get your head in the game." His teammate said.

"I know Hayden. He just caught me off guard." Dante said.

I dribbled backwards behind the three point line. I looked at Mark. He looked at me and got prepared. We all took position and checked the ball. I dove the ball forward and crossed Dante again and he stumbled backwards. I went to lay up the ball and noticed Hayden jump up to block the ball then I passed it to Mark who was wide open. I landed on the ground then watched him take the shot. The ball went into the hoop cleanly.

"Yay! Go Markie!~" Melissa cheered.

"Markie?" Chelsey snickered.

"Sh-Shut up..!" Mark blushed and facepalmed.

"Go Daddy!~ Go Mommy!~" Adrianna cheered.

"Daddy?" Mark looked surprised.

Chelsey blushed and cleared her throat.

"Well Adrianna sees me as her dad so...I mean, I'm basically her substitute father I guess you can say." I said.

"Yo...word?" Mark said.

"Who is this dude? How is he crossing up Dante..?" Hayden asked.

"I think I understand how he plays now." Dante said.

'Oh do you huh..?' I thought to myself.

Chelsey got the ball and bounced it to me. I caught the ball and checked it. I got the ball back then dribbled it. I looked at Dante then noticed Chelsey run forward. I bounced the ball then backstepped then threw the ball to Chelsey, making the ball curve around Dante. Dante looked surprised then Chelsey caught the ball and jumped up then dunked the ball.

"BOOM!" Chelsey said loudly.

"What the fuck..? Is he cheating?! How the hell did he make the ball curve around him?! He's embarrassing him!" Dante's other teammate said.

Mariana snickered and lowered her head then gently pinched her lip. "Wow..."

Dante looked at me and glared. "Oh so you're mad because I made her sad? You're gonna publicly embarrass me?"

I looked at him then smirked. "Nah man it's just a game, you just can't keep up...That's a Skill Issue. Should've thought twice."

Dante was pissed now. He hated losing and being embarrassed. I knew he was gonna start playing more aggressive.

I got the ball back then raised my hand. "Iso!"

"Oh shit." Mark said. "He's planning to take his ankles."

Mariana watched closely and watched with great interest.

I dribbled the ball then stepped forward and dribbled the ball between my legs then drove the ball forward and spun around him then bounced the ball behind my back. Dante lost his footing then fell to the ground. The crowd watched all went "Ooohh!". Dante got up and looked at me. I looked at him and smirked them watched him walk forward. I skipped forward then quickly bounce the ball left and right then bounced the ball between his legs then passed the ball to Chelsey who was open. She caught the ball and took the wide open three then made it.

"He completely took his ankles." Caroline said and smiled.

"I know Dante is completely pissed off now." Mariana smiled.

The game ended with the score being ten to nothing. I was talking to both Mark and Chelsey then noticed Dante walking up.

"You must thing you're hot shit huh?" Dante said.

"I mean, I kinda am." I said.

"Arrogance will get you nowhere. Just know I know what you did.." Dante said.

"What? What did I do? Save your asses from getting into more trouble than you already were? Save Naomi from a deadly situation? Save Mark and Melissa from dying? I've done more good than I done bad and you just happened to take it the wrong way. Don't pin all of it on me." I said.

"It's funny because I could tell everyone what happened to Jake right now. I could tell everyone how you're the reason why he's missing." Dante said.

"Go ahead...Go ahead and tell the whole crowd about it. I can guarantee you...they came out guns blazing first. If you witnessed it all, how do you not witness that huh? I saved Mark and his sister. For all I know you could've been part of the group who was working to kill Melissa." I said.

Dante glared and I felt his anger rising. I crossed my arms and sighed.

"Look, I don't know the reason why you were even apart of the group, I don't know your backstory...but this is a chance for you to make a new start to your life. All of Destiny Island knows what I am now, it's no secret...that's why I'm saying tell them." I said then turned around. "Just make sure you stray as far away from Mariana...I don't need you breaking her heart twice."

Dante watched me walk away with Mark and Chelsey. He thought about my words carefully then sighed and walked off.

"Well, you really embarrassed him and then told him off. Honestly I had a feeling Jake was dead because there's no way a guy like him would just disappear. Plus his sister seemed to be a bit too happy about his disappearance and how the police pronounced him dead. It's been too long and no one has seen him not even the airport people. Honestly I guess I'm glad I'm able to get out of that line of work." Mariana said.

"Same here." Mark said then smiled. He noticed Caroline looking at him then Chelsey pushed him to her then he stumbled forward.

"Go on, talk to my sister. I know how you two talk on a daily now." Chelsey smiled.

Mark blushed slightly then walked up the bleachers and sat down beside Caroline.

"That was an interesting game to watch." Whitney smiled as she held Adrianna in her lap.

"Daddy!~" Adrianna smiled and reached out to me and I grabbed her and held her in my arms.

I chuckled and looked at her. "Hey there, Little one~"

Adrianna giggled as I tickled her. She laid her head against me and held onto me. Chelsey smiled as she watched us. She gathered her things then looked at Whitney.

"Do you mind babysitting for a bit? I'm gonna be out for a bit Christmas shopping..~" Chelsey asked.

"I don't mind at all." Whitney smiled.

"Thanks." Chelsey smiled.

I handed Adrianna back to Whitney then gathered my stuff. "Let's go Red."

Lustie made her phone disappear and smiled then floated up then floated to me. Whitney noticed Lustie and blinked and rubbed her eyes. Lustie looked at Whitney and smiled.

"Mind joining me for the shopping?" Chelsey asked me.

"I don't mind, I'll come pick you up alright?~" I said.

Chelsey nodded and watched me walk off and noticed Lustie floating after me. She looked surprised as this is the first she's noticed her.

Day: Sunday

Location: My House

Time: Afternoon

"So I guess you're more comfortable with people being seen by you huh." I said as I walked in my house.

"I guess. It doesn't really bother me that much anymore." Lustie smiled as she floated in after me.

I made my way to the stairs and walked up the stairs to my room. "Well as long as you're not doing anything heinous I'm alright with it."

"I won't ever join you on your dates, but just normal outings, I'll join if I'm up for it." Lustie said.

"Understandable." I said then picked out some new clothes and went to take a shower and change into my fresh clothes. "Are you gonna join us for Christmas?"

"Sure why not. I actually wanna know what mortal holidays are. We don't have things like this in my home world." Lustie said.

"Well it'll be a new thing for you and it'll be fun. I'll be sure to get you something nice for Christmas." I smiled.

"If that's the case then I'll get you something as well right now!~ See ya my love!" Lustie said before teleporting away.

I chuckled and walked out of my room and went downstairs then went to my garage then got in my car and started it then drove off.

Day: Sunday

Location: Chelsey's House

Time: Afternoon

I honked the horn and Chelsey looked out the window then walked out of the house and locked the door behind herself then walked to my car. She got in then smiled at me.

"Hey~" Chelsey smiled.

"Hey there, all ready?~" I asked.

"Mhm." She nodded and put on her seatbelt.

I backed out of the driveway then drove off. I handed Chelsey the aux cord then she took it an played her music.

"So I decided to get something for Adrianna as well. I want to really surprise her." I said.

"Already a better dad than her supposed father." Chelsey said and looked out the window.

"Would it be rude to ask what happened to the father?" I asked.

There was a bit of silence and all I could heard was the sound of the road and the song From Time playing on the radio.

Chelsey sighed and closed her eyes. "He walked out on us. He constantly said Adrianna wasn't his despite the proof saying she was his daughter. I was so upset when he kept saying those things. But you know I told myself, I will make it with our without him and I made it. I made sure to do the best I could. His ass was lucky I never put him on child support. If I'm honest I was pretty hesitant on introducing you to Adrianna because I was kinda stared of the the fact that...I don't know you might not like her.."

"And now you see the results." I smiled.

"Yeah...I'm actual happy that she likes you and you like her. I care about my daughter's happiness more than my own." Chelsey said then looked at me.

"Maybe, I can take you out tomorrow...just me and you?~ I want you to enjoy yourself since I'm gonna be spending that Tuesday and Wednesday with your family..~" I said.

"That'll be nice..~ I know what I wanna do with you but it's gonna have to be when I get off work tomorrow..~" Chelsey said.

"That's fine." I nodded.

Chelsey nodded and smiled then played another song.

Day: Sunday

Location: North Park Mall

Time: Afternoon

We both strolled around various stores and tried to find the gifts Adrianna wanted from her Christmas List. I paid for each gift and held the bags. I had an idea of one thing I knew Adrianna would like. I went into a store called Build A Princess and had a perfect memory of what Princesd Ariella looked like and decided to make that for Adrianna as a gift for Christmas.

We decided to stroll around for a bit and talk with each other. Chelsey expressed her excitement for Christmas and sounded like a kid. It was rather cute and part of me wished I could have the same enthusiasm as her when it came down to holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. On the contrary, I was kinda excited for Christmas...I actually have someone to spend this year's Christmas with. Me and Whitney can finally have a good Christmas this year since we were both in the same boat for different reasons.

We decided to head back into the car and I took Chelsey home so she could wrap up the gifts with Caroline. She left me some important gifts that I should wrap up at my house and I agreed to wrap them. She kissed my cheek before getting out of the car and walking to her house with her bags in hand.

I drove back home so I could wrap up the gifts.