
Family Day Out

"Almost there..!" Chelsey said as she was hanging up her Christmas lights on her roof.

"Careful Chel!" Whitney said worried as she held Adrianna in her arms.

"No worries, Whit!~ I got this in the bag!" Chelsey smiled as finally got the lights on her house. She began to climb down the latter and hopped on the ground. "See?~ I told you I had it~"

Whitney sighed softly and smiled.

"Mommy!" Adrianna said then pointed to my car.

I got out of the car and looked at Whitney and Chelsey. "Yo! I brought a guest with me if that's okay with you."

Chelsey watched another person exit the car and noticed it was Mariana. "Oh shit dude, you brought Mariana?!"

Whitney smiled and walked over to my car and greeted us as well. Adrianna wanted to be held by Mariana and Whitney allowed it. After greeting each other, we went into the house and sat down in the living room.

"So what brings you here?" Chelsey smiled at me.

"Well...I was just in the area when I noticed Mariana walking on the sidewalk alone and had this though that maybe all of us could hang out and do some fun activities together." I smiled and watched Adrianna poking the tiny sleeping Lustie on my shoulder.

[Chelsey's Bond Percentage rose to 45%]

Lustie mumbled and Adrianna looked surprised, becoming more curious about the tiny Lustie as she made a sound after being poked a few times.

"Yeah! Of course we can hang out! Where did you wanna go?" Chelsey asked.

"I was maybe thinking about going to the alley or maybe go sledding on Luna Mountain, go see a new movie coming out? You know just wanna get out the house for a bit." I smiled.

"How about it, Whit? Sounds fun and you deserve a break from the work plus it will be fun for Adrianna too." Chelsey smiled.

"Yeah I'm down!" Whitney smiled.

"Well sounds like a yes for all of us, but first." Chelsey leaned to the table and picked up some Christmas lights. "Mind helping us set up a bit more?~"

"I don't mind." I chuckled.

She nodded then we stood up and began to set up lights around the house. This Wednesday was Christmas and I was planning on spending the Christmas with Chelsey and Whitney, but I also did promise to bring Krystal and Whitney closer together on Christmas.

As I set up the lights on the Christmas tree, I felt Adrianna tugging on my jacket sleeve and looked down at her then smiled. I crouched down to be at her height. "What's up?"

She pointed at the tiny Lustie and looked at me. "Can I hold it?"

I looked at Lustie and smiled then noticed her looking at me. I shrugged and gently grabbed her off my shoulder then placed her in Adrianna's hand. Adrianna looked amazed at her as she held Lustie in her hands. Lustie sat still to not startle Adrianna. I smiled and continued to help place the lights on the Christmas tree.

"So what are you doing this Christmas, Mariana?" Chelsey asked.

"Mmm...I dunno. I ain't got no job no more and money's kinda tight right now. I dunno what I'm gonna do. I was lucky enough to run into Shiro while walking home when my motorcycle broke down then Dante just kinda disappeared on me. Shits been kinda rough y'know?" Mariana sighed.

"They layed you off for what?" Chelsey asked.

"Well after the boss disappeared, I guess they just laid everyone off. It's weird because the boss left no trace behind." Mariana as she was about to plug in the lights.

"You might not wanna plug that in the top socket." I said as I put the ornaments on the three.

"Hm? Why?" Mariana asked as she looked at me.

"It's busted." I said. "The second one works fine, but you'll run a risk of causing a power outage with the top one."

"Wha..." Chelsey looked at the socket and looked back at me. "How did you know..?"

"I think he used one of his magic tricks. My guy isn't normal." Mariana said as she plugged in the lights using the second socket.

"What do you mean?" Chelsey asked.

"Oh yeah, Shiji definitely isn't normal. When he saved me, he jumped all the way up to the second floor window to my room which was at least like 10 feet high." Whitney smiled as she put the ornaments on the tree with me.

"For real?" Chelsey asked a bit surprised.

"Mhm, I can hear what normal people can't usually hear. Like I can hear Caroline snoring upstairs in her room." I chuckled.

"What the..." Chelsey said, impressed.

I placed the last ornament on the tree and looked at Chelsey then chuckled softly.

"Okay...okay let's test this freaky shit out. Uhm...when's my birthday?" Chelsey asked.

"Mmm...April 17th?" I asked.

"Whoa...now that's scary." Chelsey laughed a bit.

"See? See? My mans here is like some...superhuman." Mariana smiled.

"Okay...uh...when's Adrianna's birthday?" Chelsey asked.

I looked at Adrianna and crossed my arms. I heard Lust-E beep and she spoke to me in my head.

[December 26th.]

"I'm guessing...sometime in December? She seems like a December girl." I smiled.

"Well she is a December girl I can tell you that much." Chelsey laughed. "But what day?"

"The day after Christmas?" I asked.

"Yooo..." Mariana said. "This guy like a stalker or something?"

"Well I know for sure he isn't one." Chelsey chuckled and looked at me. "He's kinda always busy being out with different women from the posts I see from the different women he's with. A Ladies' Man."

"I can second that." Whitney giggled. "He's very good...in night...time activities.."

"Well...I guess that's one way to put it." I chuckled.

[Chelsey's Bond Percentage rose to 50%]

"Oh? What kind of activities? I'm curious." Chelsey looked at Whitney.

"He's not lacking in the downstairs department." Whitney said.

Chelsey blushed and blinked multiple times. She looked at me then her eyes narrowed down. She grunted softly and covered her mouth.

Adrianna tugged my sleeve and I looked at her. She watched me crouch down to her height once more and smiled. She placed Lustie back on my shoulder. I smiled and ruffled her hair gently. She giggled and pushed my hand away then fixed her hair.

I stood up and looked at the three women. "Ready to go?"

"Uh- Yeah! Yeah. I'm sure we're all just about done around here." Chelsey said.

"Alright, let's head out ladies." I smiled and watched Chelsey pick Adrianna up.

We left the house and headed to my car then got in and I started the car then held out the aux then Whitney grabbed it then began to play music. I backed out of the driveway then drove off.

"So where are we headed first?" Chelsey asked.

"To the bowling alley. It's been a while since I went bowling. Don't worry about paying for anything I got all that settled." I smiled.

[Chelsey's Bond Percentage rose to 60%]

[Mariana's Bond Percentage rose to 20%]

"Oh shit, for real? Thanks man, I owe you." Mariana smiled.

"Yeah, that's very kind of you..~" Chelsey smiled as well.

I chuckled softly and kept driving to the bowling alley.

Day: Saturday

Location: Bowling Alley

Time: Afternoon

I parked my car at the bowling alley then we got out and headed towards the building. We walked inside and they followed me to the desk. I paid for our bowling shoes and a few games at an alley. We walked towards the alley and began to put on our bowling shoes. I put the names in then sat down.

"Looks like I'm first~" Chelsey said then grabbed a ball. She held the ball then walked forward and rolled the ball down the lane then got a strike. She celebrated a little and chuckled. She turned around and looked at me. "That's how you do it~"

I chuckled and watched Whitney get up. She grabbed a ball and smiled at it.

She walked forward then rolled the ball and it went into the gutter. "Eeeehhh?!"

I snickered and lowered my head. "You still suck at bowling, Wynn."

"I don't!" Whitney blushed and puffed her cheeks and looked at me. She walked over to get her ball once again. "I'll show you!"

I watched her and smiled. She walked forward and rolled the ball down the lane then managed to get a spare. She looked at me with a triumphant smile. I chuckled and watched Mariana get up.

"Man I can't remember the last time I ever went bowling. I had to be around 14." Mariana said as she grabbed her ball.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." I smiled.

Mariana smiled at me then nodded and walked forward then rolled the ball down the lane. She knocked over seven pins and smiled. She walked over to grab her ball from the machine then went to roll the ball down the lane and got a spare. She nodded and walked backwards then turned around to take her seat.

Adrianna was next and she looked at me. "Can you help me?"

I smiled and nodded. I stood up with her and grabbed the lightest ball out the bunch then walked forward with Adrianna. I made sure to have the bumpers on for Adrianna.

"She seems to already like Shiro a lot." Whitney smiled as she watched me help Adrianna bowl the ball.

"Yeah. You know she's never had a father figure. It was always me and her, occasionally Caroline before I met you. Shiro's probably the closest thing to a dad she's gonna get." Chelsey said and watched Adrianna high-five me out of pure happiness after knocking down a few pins. She smiled at me and Adrianna bonding.

[Adrianna has begun to like you more.]

[Chelsey's Bond Percentage rose to 65%]

After Adrianna took her turn. I helped her back to the seat then I took my turn and grabbed a bowling ball and took position. I walked forward and rolled the ball down the lane then got a strike. I smiled and turned around and looked at Chelsey then pointed at her.

"That's how you do it." I teased and chuckled.

"Oh?~ You wanna compete?~" Chelsey smiled.

[Chelsey's Unique Traits Registered]

Competitive: When Chelsey is doing any sporting activity against someone and she's got competition, she will naturally become competitive and her abilities will raise. Once her Competitiveness is high enough she's virtually unstoppable.

Sports Guru: Chelsey loves sports and anything sports related. She can probably tell you all you need to know about any sport to ever exist.

Family Bonding: Chelsey loves to see people treat her family with kindness and with care especially Adrianna. If Adrianna is happy, Chelsey is happy.

"Yeah, let's see you get more strikes than me~" I chuckled.

Chelsey stood up and smirked. "You asked for this~"

I watched Chelsey and sat down beside Adrianna. She seemed to want to play with Lustie and I let her hold Lustie in her hands. We continued to bowl until we knocked out all the games. Chelsey compared the scores and looked at me.

"Seems we're tied. Strange, I've never tied with anyone before." Chelsey smiled.

"Well seems like I'm your real competition huh." I chuckled.

"Yeah whatever." Chelsey giggled.

I looked down at Adrianna and noticed her reaching up then picked her up. I smiled at her and squished her cheeks. "You did pretty good too, better than Granny Whitney."

Whitney blushed and frowned at me puffing her cheeks. "I'm not THAT bad at bowling! It's the shoes! I'm telling you!"

"Your bowling skills are as good as a turtle beating a cheetah in a race legitimately." I chuckled.

"Hey!" Whitney thumped her foot on the ground.

"Hay's for horses." I chuckled and sped walked ahead.

"You're not getting away!" Whitney said chasing after me.

Adrianna giggled as Whitney chased me. "Granny Whitney!~"

I laughed and jogged to my car with Whitney chasing after me. Chelsey and Mariana smiled and followed us to the car. We got in and I turned the car on and drove off.

Day: Saturday

Location: Twilight Cinema

Time: Afternoon

"What movie do you wanna see?" I asked Adrianna and I held her hand and walked with her to the building.

"I wanna see Princess Ariella!~" Adrianna said excitedly.

"Princess Ariella it is." I chuckled.

We all walked into the building and I bought the movie tickets then we waited for the movie to start in the lobby. As we waited I noticed a woman looking at me and Adrianna.

"Sorry to bother you, but is she your child?" The woman asked.

Chelsey looked over to us and watched the woman.

I looked at Adrianna and smiled then looked back at the woman. "Yes. She's my daughter. Why?"

Adrianna looked surprised and looked up at me.

[Adrianna has begun to think of you more highly.]

"I just thought she was really cute, dancing and singing while you played along. It was really cute. Made me thing of my own child when she was younger. Sigh they grow up so fast...and so rebellious." The woman said.

"Rebellious? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh you know. Just she doesn't listen to us anymore and after our son disappeared, she's I guess been more happy. I don't know what happened but our son did promise to be home by Christmas but I guess he probably moved out to America with his friend Eric." The woman said then smiled at me.

"I see." I nodded and knew who she was talking about now.

"Well anyway, I just wanted to say that your daughter is very precious~" The woman said and walked off.

Chelsey walked over to me and held my arm. "What the heck was that? Who was that?"

"Jake's mom." I answered. "No need to worry she wasn't a bother, just wanted to compliment Adrianna."

Chelsey sighed in relief and smiled. "I heard you say that Adrianna was your daughter. You don't understand how much that makes me smile..."

"Well..~" I smiled and looked at Chelsey.

"Mhm..~" Chelsey giggled and looked at Adrianna. "The movie's about to start let's go."

We went to go take our seats in the theater and used the QR code to order us something to eat while watching the movie. Once the movie started, Adrianna was excited. She watched and ate her food excitedly. I noticed her excitement and smiled and did my best to stay focused on the movie and not fall asleep. I was never really interesting in these kinds of movies but for Adrianna I stayed awake.

The movie ended and Adrianna began clapping and giggling. I looked to the right of me and noticed Whitney and Mariana waking up from their sleep. They rubbed their eyes and I chuckled.

"I really really like this movie~" Adrianna smiled.

"I'm glad you did." I smiled and playfully pinched her cheek.

Adrianna giggled and we got up to leave the theater and throw away our trash. Whitney and Mariana went to use the restroom and left me, Chelsey, and Adrianna alone.

"I really appreciate you doing this..~ I was fully prepared to stay home the evening and just do my normal business with Adrianna and Whitney..~" Chelsey smiled.

"You don't have to thank me for this..~ I just wanted to do this for you and the others out of the goodness of my heart..~" I said then stroked her hair.

"Mommy? Can he be my new daddy?" Adrianna asked.

Lustie looked at Adrianna and looked at me. "She really likes you huh.."

"Mhm." I responded back to Lustie.

"Well...if he does, you gotta understand daddy will be very busy~" Chelsey smiled.

"I'm sure I can make time for you and Adrianna all next week..~" I said then crouched down to Adrianna. She looked at me and smiled. "I may not be the best dad, or know how to be a dad at all, but...I'm gonna try my best for you, Princess."

Adrianna giggled when I playfully pinched her nose. "Okay!"

[Adrianna thinks of you highly.]

[Chelsey's Bond Percentage rose to 70%]

Whitney and Mariana walked out of the restrooms and we all headed back to my car. We got in and I drove back to Chelsey's House.

Day: Saturday

Location: Chelsey's House

Time: Evening

"Well we had fun and we hope to see you tomorrow?~" Chelsey asked.

"Definitely." I smiled.

"Alright..~ See you soon..~" Chelsey smiled then got out of the car.

"Bye, Shiji..~" Whitney smiled.

"See you." I said then chuckled.

"If you wanna like...do this again, I'm always down. Just pull up and I'm sure we'll be ready." Mariana said.

"You already know." I chuckled then dapped her up. I watched her leave my car then I backed out of their drive way and left.

"Interesting..~ A father huh?~" Lustie said as she floated to the passenger side and grew to her normal size then sat in the seat. "Have you thought about having a kid one day?"

"One day..~ One day..~" I said as I drove.

"Maybe one day we can have a kid of our own~" Lustie smiled.

"Do you even know how to raise a child?" I asked.

"Well taken that my mom is Mammon and I'm adopted basically, and how this information doesn't not equate to me knowing how to take care of a child. Nope!~ But I can always learn..~" Lustie smiled. "Besides it kinda takes a lot for a demon to get pregnant by a human and the baby will become a Cambion. Once we have a child we will permanently be bonded and united..~"

"Well seems like you're looking forward to it, but right now I'm not looking to have a kid." I smiled.

"When will you be ready to get me pregnant?" Lustie asked.

"I dunno, but not right now." I chuckled.

"I'll be counting the days..~" Lustie smiled.