
20: Shinobu And the Wisteria Crest Courtyard

Shinobu appeared immediately, she was shocked as she witnessed the scene in front of her, she had already seen itsuki landing a blow on the fleeing upper moon 6 demon but she couldn't do anything to help.

"Since when we're normal demon slayers this strong?" She looked at the barely injured itsuki, and then back at the destroyed buildings..


Itsuki noticed shinobu's prescene behind him, he turned around and smiled.

"You must be the insect hashira" he said with a smile.

But at this moment.

"Cawww... slayer itsuki survived...survived..cawww" the bird landed on his shoulders and continuously said.

"Nah dip, do I look dead?" Itsuki felt like smacking this dumb bird.

Shinobu laughed with a strange smile, giving itsuki the creeps deep within his heart.

Like he always thought, people in this world were weird, even their smiles weren't human..

"My crow had informed me to come save you, but it seems you actually made that upper moon 6 daki disappear" Shinobu said As she looked in the distance.

Shinobu was short with a small stature, but was very beautiful.

"It's nothing, the upper moon demon disappeared" itsuki said as he looked down.

"I- so you knew it was an upper moon demon and still fought it?" Shinobu put her finer on her chin and asked in a confused tone.

"Yes, I needed to see how strong I was" itsuki said honestly, he got his answer after this battle, although he struggled abit.

Shinobu smiles cheerfully and raised her fist, "well you are as strong as a hashira I'm assuming, the headquarters probably already know" she smiled, she was always happy, but even more happier since itsuki was strong, that meant more stronger slayers to fight demons, it was a joyful thing.


Itsuki and Shinobu cleaned up the area, but after a while they stopped as the village elders ordered some workers to take care of it instead.

Shinobu decided to stay in akiyama town for a while, to make sure no demons were left in the area.

While itsuki had to leave immediately after that, his crow was telling him that the headquarters prepared a place for him to rest, not far from akiyama town.

Itsuki bid farewell to Shinobu, she was nice to talk to, and very friendly, itsuki got along with her easily as she was very easy-going.

He even wanted to assist on her clearing the town of any hiding demons, but she turned him down as he needed to rest and heal.

Although itsuki practically won that battle, he was still injured all over, even his head was bleeding from multiple cuts.

He only wanted to stay to kill a few more demons, after failing to kill daki, he hadn't gained a level, those three demons he killed earlier hadn't been able to level him up.

So today was partially an "L".

Following the crow, itsuki managed to appear in front of a huge courtyard far outside of akiyama town.

It held a wisteria family crest on it, and after knocking a bit, an old lady appeared.

"Welcome, we were informed about your arrival, please come in, we have new clothing, food, water anything you need, and we also prepared a doctor, shower first" the old lady said as she told itsuki about the place, but soon the sounds of chatter entered itsuki's ears.

This was definitely tanjiro, after searching his memories a bit, he found out that there was a scene like this, but he hadn't thought they would be back already, and even met the crazy beast breathing animal inosuke.

He didn't know if the events were happening too fast, or something wasn't said in the anime, but he was still surprised to see the group of three goofing around.

Itsuki ignored them and didn't alert them, he followed the old lady as she showed him around.

He first showered, wore some pajamas, and applied some healing medicine from the middle-aged doctor which appeared, his wounds weren't too serious, they were only surface wounds.

Only after eating a nice meal prepared by the old lady did he walk towards the sleeping area, which the loud group Of three were in.