

For as long as humans have known, creatures like Demons, Fae’s, Shape-shifters, Witches were things of myths. Until one night, the selfish sacrifice of two people caused the four portals of the underworld to become unlocked. The veil that kept humans ignorant of the existence of supernatural’s lifted, and it plunges the world into utter fear and confusion. As expected of humans, they reacted first, causing more wars than need be and enforcing more havoc and misery on everyone. To stop the growing death that plagued earth, two sides banded together to attack one. Humans and supernatural’s were free to roam together day and night, surviving, working, and rebuilding to make earth the prosperous blue planet it once was. Only, this fairytale didn’t exactly start in peace… and well, we’re still waiting for the end of the story. As with every obstacle one overcomes in life, there lays another just a few feet’s away. Before true victory can be attained, both sides need to learn to work together for the safety of all. ~*~*~*~ Ten thousand years ago, I lived a happy, comfortable life with my granny who provided everything for me, only I was uprooted out of that life by the hands of a hardhearted man, and was forced into service for another man and his Kingdom which has done nothing good for me. I experienced life’s true brutality under his service and ended up losing my life. Given a second chance at revival, I promised myself to get back at the man who is responsible for the death card I was handed. At one point in my life, I had the chance to meet him and get my revenge, but I was too weak and immature to succeed. Instead, I got to experience an even bigger hell by his hands and suffered a traumatic fate. He tortured me to my very last breath, and my new body now has countless scars to show for it. He shaped me into the cold-hearted monster I have become today, and I’m going to make sure he gets a taste of his work. I’m going to make him pay for the lives he’s taken. I’m going to shove a hand deep into his chest, rip out his cold dark heart, and crush it in the palm of my hand with great satisfaction. I am Reed, and I am out… for Blood!

Blessing_Ewetumo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


The General laughed, seeming to find the both of us amusing. He starts to make his way down the hall and we follow after him once Sir Locke made his way down the hall as well.

Once we got back to the first floor the General blew on a whistle to get the attention of his staff. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm going to need you all to stop whatever it is you're doing because your attendance is needed outside. An announcement is going to be made in a minute and I want to address you all with the protesting crowd outside."

His words are slowly registered as they dropped everything they were doing and left their post, we waited behind and guided everyone outside once the General and Sir Locke started to make their way towards the door.

Once we got outside the noise level of the protesters was a little irritating to my sensitive ears. The General stepped forward and raised both hands to address the crowd, motioning for them to quiet down so he could talk, but rather than calm the angry crowd it only seemed to spur them on as their noise levels rose.

Irritated beyond compare, I turn to Sir Locke with a questioning frown and stepped forward at his subtle nod of command.

Bellowing out in a loud voice, I yell. "Warriors, get ready and aim!"

Done perfectly in sync, my team lowered their guns and pointed the mouth's at the crowd.

Seeing this, the frightened humans took a couple of steps back in fear, while the rather stubborn one's stood still with their signs raised high in the air.

"Warriors spread out. Six on the left, six on the right!"

Rushing down the steps my team spread out into an arc form, forcing the humans to draw closer to one another and take several more steps backwards.

They apprehensively glanced at the guns and those who had their kids by their side, ensured to stand protectively in front of them just so they wouldn't get hurt in case we do fire.

We weren't going to shoot them, at least not at them, not when such actions would violate No.47 of the new constitutional code of law. But they didn't need to know that.

Taking two steps down the stairs Kevin Hatch and I fell to one knee and raised our guns as well, aiming at the humans who stood in the middle.

"Is this necessary?" I hear the General murmur to Sir Locke, his tone full of weariness.

"It's fine, they won't shoot at them." Sir Locke says in reassurance, before adding as an afterthought. "As long as they don't try anything that is."

Finally having some peace, some of the humans lowered their signs and you could practically hear the sound of terrified people swallowing down their saliva as they carefully analyzed the situation.

The General stole their attention when he began to say to the crowd, his voice the perfect distraction they needed. "Everyone, the SETF has sent young warriors to help smoothen our relocation process. We need to cooperate and move our asses so District 4 can go through a thorough cleanup, which means everyone is moving."

Confusion could be seen clearly on everyone's faces, both males and females looking as frightened as one can expect.

A cleanup is rarely done in Washington, the reason why SETF built their main headquarters here was that shadows rarely loved to attack the state.

No one knows the real reason, but Capitol Hill is one of the safest places for survival camps. But considering the growing number of potholes, a drastic measure such as this needs to be executed immediately.

"Are you kidding me?" Some strange man stepped forward out of the crowd, his rotten teeth the least disturbing thing about him.

He has a beer gut with a dirty hat worn over his head, the smell coming from his body was terrible and he looked like a man who hasn't showered in days.

"Since when does our government put the lives of their people in the hands of monsters?" He asks in spite, glaring down at us as we continued to point guns at them.

"No sir, I kid you not. I am being completely serious here; we only have an hour and a half before every human in Washington D.C needs to be evacuated to a different state. And these "monsters" you scoff at were kind enough to dispatch their men to every survival camp within the state in other to ensure your quick escape from here." The General barks, his words powered by frustration.

"The government is doing all that they can to ensure the surviving race of humanity will be kept alive to see how brighter the future will be, and in other to do that–"

"In other to do that shouldn't our lives be guaranteed more safety at least, or at the very least our kids?" He asks, his face flushed with fury.