
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 8 Stark

Sorry for the delay, as I am not at my home.

And attending my cousin's marriage ceremony.


"Ah?" Susan was startled. Was it true that the new boss intended to promote her? The problem was, she was on the verge of resigning. She responded politely, "Mr. William, the board has expressed reservations about your involvement with Doom. To be precise, they are extremely dissatisfied. Doom holds the central position in Doom Group, and when news of his share transfer leaked, the market value of Doom Group plummeted, infuriating the board members. They are now considering splitting and selling the company to recover the losses."

"It's a minor issue," Andrew replied. "The board meeting is scheduled for noon, and you will accompany me."

Susan hesitated, saying, "But..."

"What's there to hesitate about?" Andrew smiled and continued, "If you win the bet, you'll become the company's vice president. If you lose, well, it's not a big deal since you were planning to resign anyway."

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Susan inquired, "Mr. William, do you have a strategy to convince the board members?"

"I am skilled in persuasion. You can leave now," Andrew said.

Susan nodded and turned to leave. She didn't have much hope in Andrew's words. Those board members were ruthless individuals who wouldn't allow Andrew to gain control of Doom Group.

"Susan doesn't seem sad at all. Poor Doom," Andrew sighed, watching Susan's graceful figure disappear. Susan didn't truly love Doom; she had someone else in her heart. She accepted Doom because she craved affection from that man.

Shortly after Susan's departure, four men entered Andrew's office. The leader was a wise-looking middle-aged man, followed by three formidable individuals: Wind Demon, Earth Demon, and Water Demon.

Unlike their previous unkempt appearances, the three demons were now attired in designer suits and wore expensive leather shoes. They looked presentable—like nouveau riche. The clumsy Earth Demon hadn't even removed the price tag.

"You've arrived, Howard. How are things progressing with the investment company?" Andrew asked. Howard was one of the five souls he acquired from Mephisto, but this body he inhabited was not his original one.

In Las Vegas, a lawyer bet his soul to Andrew, as a result his body became Howard's.

Howard nodded and replied, "The formalities are complete. Boss, I am the world's top scientist. It feels like a waste to have me work as a lawyer."

Andrew chuckled and reassured him, "Don't worry, you will have ample opportunities to showcase your abilities in the future. However, your own son might outshine you."

"That kid?" Howard frowned and remarked, "Look at all those scandalous news about him. He doesn't seem like a scientist at all."

"But weren't you the same before getting married?" Andrew shook his head and asked, "Howard, I am genuinely curious. With your intelligence, why did you strike a deal with Mephisto?"

"There are many things that people are powerless against," Howard responded, unwilling to delve deeper. He continued, "The deal I made with Mephisto was seemingly ordinary. Little did I know that it would taint my soul with a dark aura. He utilized that dark aura to extract me from the River Styx. Since then, I have become his possession. God, I don't even know how I have spent the past ten years. Occasionally, he drags me out to torment me. What's worse is that he doesn't permit me to conduct any research."

"It appears that the latter option engenders more resentment within you. Mephisto, being an ancient relic, fails to comprehend your true worth."

Andrew's smile widened as he turned to address the three demons, stating, "Your future task involves utilizing money to acquire souls from places such as casinos and hospitals. I am a laid-back individual, so you may wait until their natural demise before taking their souls. The more souls you amass, the greater the rewards I shall bestow upon you."

"Boss, we will undoubtedly perform excellently."

The three demons simultaneously expressed their agreement. They had been thoroughly enjoying their time under Andrew's guidance. It was a world of difference compared to their previous lives of concealment and evasion. Having the opportunity to follow the boss was their greatest fortune.

Andrew affirmed, "Very well. When purchasing souls, if you encounter fellow practitioners or devil followers, dispose of them without hesitation."

"Dispose of them directly?"

The three demons were taken aback, and Wind Demon questioned, "Boss, this will anger the other demon kings."

"What does it matter? On Earth, I am the most powerful demon king. All souls belong to me."

Andrew continued, "Besides, do you think if we spare those followers, they won't become our enemies?"

The three demons realized the truth and nodded, saying, "Boss, we understand what needs to be done."

"You are my subordinates; you need not fear anyone. I will grant you the power and prosperity you desire. However, let me make it clear that all transactions must be consensual, and you are not allowed to harm humans."

Andrew's voice turned chillingly cold as he warned, "Do you know the consequences of defying my orders? I believe you wouldn't want to find out."

The three demons quickly lowered their heads and said, "We would never dare."

Andrew waved his hand and commanded, "Now go. I will establish performance standards for you every month. Do not disappoint me. And as for money, do not worry, I will continue to transfer it to you."


Respectfully, the three demons departed, and Howard gazed at Andrew, remarking, "Aside from the intimidating final part, you are unlike any other demon king."

"Whether as an individual or a demon king, one must uphold principles."

Andrew shook his head and replied, "Come with me to the board meeting. There will be numerous documents for you to handle."

"Sure, I'll play the supporting role for a few more days."

Howard winked and suggested, "I know New York well. Would you like to go out together tonight? Maria has ascended to heaven, and I'm single now."

"With your character, do you truly have the right to look down upon your own son?"

Andrew teased, adding, "Let's focus on our work for now. This is a crucial period for my career."


The board meeting commenced!

Right from the start, the directors never regarded Andrew with respect. Ned, an investor from a bank, openly stated, "Mr. William, you are not a member of the Doom Group. You can observe this meeting quietly. We are willing to purchase your shares at market price."

"That's correct, remain silent and stay on the sidelines."

The directors echoed one another, expressing their dissatisfaction. This matter had caused them significant losses, hence their unfavorable attitude towards Andrew.

Andrew's smile widened as he responded, "Initially, I intended to be courteous, but since you're not extending the same courtesy, I won't pretend anymore."

"You wish to be impolite towards us?"

Ned sneered, while the others laughed disdainfully. They considered Andrew inconsequential and unimportant.

Susan, standing behind Andrew, couldn't help but shake her head. In her eyes, Andrew seemed somewhat oblivious to the ways of the world. Only Howard regarded these directors with pity. They had no inkling of the grave mistake they had made.

Andrew wasted no more words. Two fiery lights sparked in his eyes, and as soon as the directors made eye contact with that fiery gaze, all the wicked deeds they had ever committed flashed vividly in their minds.

For instance, Ned had betrayed his own brother and caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent people through fraudulent loans. Now, all these misdeeds resurfaced, one by one.