
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 66: Trap

Chapter 66: Trap

"Go to the space station?"

Frank was puzzled; he wasn't a professional astronaut.

"You'll see when the time comes."

Andrew didn't say much. He wanted Frank to have some 'adventurous encounter'—during the arrival of cosmic storms, as people on the space station had a high probability of gaining superpowers.

The reason why Andrew didn't send more people up there was that, on one hand, the space shuttle had limited capacity, and on the other hand, Andrew had some ideas about the cosmic storm. But that's something to be discussed later.


Frank didn't ask further. After all, he knew that BOSS wouldn't treat him unfairly. Accumulating more merits would ensure a long and healthy life for his family.

At that moment, in the holographic screen, military vehicles rushed into Grayburn College. Howard and Frank knew that the show had begun.

Inside the college, Dr. Banner was very glad that he came here for a simple reason: the blood sample he sent to Dr. Sterns had been extensively replicated using a special method, and the entire room was filled with them.

To be honest, Dr. Banner turned pale at the sight of all that blood. Did he want to make the world even more chaotic?

"You gave me too little blood, not enough for experiments. So, I used a concentrated method to replicate it and create a large number of new samples."

Dr. Sterns didn't know what Dr. Banner was thinking. He was proud of his work. "Although their concentration is not high, they are very useful. Mr. Green, researching them could earn us the Nobel Prize."

Excited about the upcoming fame and fortune, Dr. Sterns couldn't wait. Unfortunately, Dr. Banner poured cold water on him, saying, "No, all of these must be destroyed. They are too dangerous to keep."

Dr. Sterns was unwilling. "Gamma technology has broad prospects, and these things can help us cure hundreds of diseases."

"But those people will only use them to make weapons."

Dr. Banner was arguing with Dr. Sterns when a sedative needle hit his back, making him weak and fall to the ground. Betty rushed over to help him, but Blonsky, who had burst in, pushed her down.

Then, Blonsky grabbed Dr. Banner's shoulder and shouted frantically, "Bring him out! Bring him out right now! I want to see him!"

Betty shouted, "The Hulk is gone. Bruce is just an ordinary person now."


Blonsky, the other enhanced individuals, Norman, General Ross, and the nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were all dumbfounded. We all prepared so much, used so many people, and now you're telling us the Hulk is gone? Are you kidding us?

Dr. Sterns cautiously said, "Mr. Banner no longer has any gamma cells in his body. I can assure you of that."

Blonsky shouted madly, "I don't care! Bring him out, or I'll kill you!"

General Ross frowned and glared at Norman fiercely. Is this what you call success?

Norman was about to speak when he sensed something was wrong. He immediately took a step back, and the next second, General Ross spat out a mouthful of blood. Calmly, General Ross wiped the blood with a handkerchief, letting people pull Blonsky away.

Dr. Sterns admired General Ross, he was truly a true soldier, not changing his expression even when he spat out blood, acting as if it were a common occurrence.

As for General Ross's daughter, Betty, she hadn't seen her father spit out blood because all her attention was on Dr. Banner.

"I don't care if you're just an ordinary person now, Banner."

General Ross snorted coldly, and they carried Dr. Banner away on a stretcher. Norman followed General Ross with an unhappy expression.

Blonsky and the other five enhanced individuals stayed behind, their eyes filled with unwillingness. At this moment, Blonsky thought of something and turned his gaze to Dr. Sterns.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, Logan said discontentedly, "We went there for nothing. I wanted to meet that Hulk."

Natasha was about to speak when her phone rang. She answered, and Tony's voice came from the other end, "Natasha, I need help."


After hearing what Tony said, Natasha nodded and replied, "I'll inform the X-Men to send people to assist you. However, remember, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the X-Men only have a cooperative relationship. Afterward, you'll have to repay the X-Men for their help."

After hanging up the phone, Natasha said, "Tony's in trouble. It's a troublesome night."

Logan asked, "That rich guy is in trouble? Should we go help? Anyway, there's nothing going on here."

"No need. My intuition tells me this won't end so easily."

Natasha shook her head. "Of course, I hope my intuition is wrong. Hey, when will Coulson be back? I'm not used to being the commander."

Let's go back in time a bit. After Tony Stark fixed Mark VI armor and was preparing to meet Natasha and the others, Rhodey called.

"Rhodey, did you find something?" Tony asked.

"Tony, not only did I meet Ivan Vanko, but I also saw... Ah!"

Rhodey let out a scream, and the call abruptly ended. Tony was shocked and quickly dialed back, only to find that the line was disconnected.

"Damn it, JARVIS, suit up."

Tony cursed and immediately donned the Mark VI armor. Rhodey was helping him with an investigation, and he couldn't let anything happen to his friend.

Of course, Tony wasn't careless. Before he left, he called Natasha, asking for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s support.

After getting Natasha's assurance, Tony rushed to the destination at full speed. Soon, he arrived at the Hammer Industries warehouse near H.I. Headquarters. Even before getting close, he spotted Rhodey standing on the square in a gray-colored armor—his faceplate was open, so Tony recognized him.

Tony landed beside Rhodey from the sky and anxiously asked, "Rhodey, are you alright?"

Seeing Tony, Rhodey's expression changed, and he quickly shouted, "Tony, run! It's a trap!"

Tony was about to speak when the lights in the distance came on, and immediately after, two armor similar to Iron Man, along with thirty automated armors, appeared around the square, surrounding Tony.

Tony's heart sank. He knew it was a trap, but he hadn't expected it to be this big of a trap. He couldn't help but quip, "Is this your taste, or Hammer's taste? Excuse me for saying, but they really look ugly. If you're short on money, I can pay to hire a designer for you."

"Tony, you're still as poisonous with your mouth as ever."

Obadiah Stane opened his helmet and laughed, and it's worth mentioning that his armor was particularly large, living up to its name, Iron Monger.


Tony was astonished. He hadn't expected Obadiah Stane, Ivan Vanko, and Hammer to collude together—although Hammer was just a fool who provided funds and resources.

Obadiah yelled, "It's me, Tony. I'm here to take back what's mine."

"What's there that belongs to you? Your home toilet?"

Tony sneered, "Obadiah Stane, Ivan Vanko, do you think I'll be afraid of your loser combo?"


Please notify me if there are any typos




Note: If you think the story is good and you are going to continue reading it; There're currently more than 40 chapters on my patreon which you can join at just at 10$ and read it there, if you wish.
