
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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Chapter 65: Doctor Sterns

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Chapter 65: Doctor Sterns

In Hammer Industries' hq, Justin Hammer, wearing glasses and looking like a nerd, roared at Ivan, "You idiot, you fool! Who allowed you to attack Tony Stark?"

"Of course, I did it myself. Who else could it be?" Ivan sneered and nonchalantly fed the parrot in the cage.

Hammer was so furious that he was on the verge of going crazy. Obadiah tried to mediate, "Hammer, don't get angry. At least Ivan has proven to be more powerful than Tony Stark. I believe the military won't care about this incident."

In fact, Obadiah was equally unhappy with Ivan's impulsive actions, but he had been dealing with Tony Stark for a long time and had grown accustomed to such troublesome matters.

"This must not happen again. Before the expo, you both are not allowed to leave here. Also, I will change the armor passwords. Without my consent, you can't use the armor anymore."

Hammer snorted coldly and left angrily. When he left, both Ivan and Obadiah sneered. Changing passwords? Only someone foolish would think that it would be effective.

"Ivan, you were too impulsive today," Obadiah said to Ivan, "Tony Stark is not stupid. Your rashness will make him suspicious of Hammer Industries. Therefore, our original plan is no longer feasible."

"If it weren't for that man in black armor, I would have killed Tony Stark already."

Ivan didn't believe he was wrong and said, "Since we have alarmed him, let's act in advance. You, me, the military's war machines, and thirty unmanned armors provided by Hammer Industries can definitely kill Tony Stark."

Obadiah sighed and said, "We can only act in advance."

Thinking of something, Ivan asked, "By the way, did you take away the extra batch of Arc Reactors we made?"

During this time, Obadiah and Ivan not only used Hammer Industries' production line to complete their armors but also secretly made an additional batch of Arc Reactors.

Obadiah provided the funds for this batch of Arc Reactors, and Ivan didn't ask where the money came from because he didn't care. His only goal was to kill Tony Stark.

Of course, Ivan would take necessary precautions; he wasn't foolish.

"Yes, they have been taken away."

Obadiah didn't say much and continued, "Ivan, this time, don't be impulsive. Listen to my orders. We'll find an opportunity to lure Tony over and then send him on his way."

After speaking, Obadiah glanced at Ivan, and a cold glint flashed in his eyes. "After Tony's death, it will be your turn."

Obadiah didn't have any intention of subduing Ivan, because it was impossible. Ivan's temper was worse than Tony's, and he didn't want to serve another master.

"After dealing with Tony, I'll capture Ivan and present him as a gift to the organization. This significant contribution will solidify my position within the organization."

Thinking of the organization he had joined, Obadiah's heart burned with ambition. His previous aspirations had been too short-sighted; now he wanted to rule the world.

"Suit yourself."

Ivan casually replied, and then he saw someone sneaking into the warehouse through the surveillance. He chuckled, "I think our opportunity has arrived."


After escaping from the Hulk, Dr. Banner and Betty had a few days of happy life. Dr. Banner, who could no longer transform into the Hulk, felt that the world was infinitely beautiful, a far cry from the past.

"I hope I never see the Hulk again in my life."

Dr. Banner thought to himself, and Betty leaned against him, saying, "Bruce, let's leave New York and find a small country to live in."

"That's what I was thinking too, but we have one thing to take care of first."

Dr. Banner said, "I once sent a blood sample to Mr. Blue. I need to find him and destroy that sample. Also, Mr. Blue might be able to develop an antidote to control the Hulk. I'm a bit worried that the Hulk might cause trouble in the future."

Curious, Betty asked, "Who took the Hulk away?"

"I can't say."

Dr. Banner shook his head, saying, "After dealing with this, we'll go abroad and find a small place to live. Betty, would you marry me?"

Tears of joy welled up in Betty's eyes, "I've been waiting for this, for five long years."

Dr. Banner embraced Betty and made a silent vow not to let this woman down.

Later, Dr. Banner disguised himself and went to the library. There, he used a public computer to send an email to Mr. Blue, setting up a meeting time.

Dr. Banner was unaware that his email, containing the words "Mr. Blue" and "Mr. Green," was detected by S.H.I.E.L.D., and General Ross locked onto Mr. Blue's location and true identity as a result.

Grayburn College, Cell Biology Department, Dr. Samuel Sterns.

"Immediately go to Grayburn College."

General Ross shouted excitedly, and Norman, along with the five enhanced individuals led by Blonsky (they had recovered after the second phase experiment), nodded in agreement. Blonsky and the others were excited; they finally had a chance for revenge.

Norman noticed that Blonsky and the others were unusually high-spirited and furrowed his brows, wondering if his serum had failed again.

"Let's go."

General Ross shouted, and at the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. was also in action.

"The military is unreliable. This time, there may be a big mess. We need to be prepared."

Natasha said to the arriving Wolverine Logan and Hawkeye Barton. Besides the three of them, there was a complete team from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"As long as the opponent is not Magneto, there's nothing to fear."

Logan arrogantly said with a cigar in his mouth. Barton asked, "What if it's Andrew William?"

"The weather is nice today."

Logan looked out the window and admired the night view, while Natasha and Barton looked at the overcast sky with disdain.

Barton thought of something and asked, "Where's Tony? Why isn't he here?"

Natasha said, "He's repairing his armor. He'll be here soon. Let's leave first."


On the rooftop of the Stark Tower, Andrew leisurely drank tea, waiting for the show to begin. Howard and Frank sat beside him, keeping him company.

Howard asked, "Boss, are you waiting for trouble at Hammer Industries?"

"Are you worried about Tony?"

Andrew smiled, "There will indeed be trouble there, but it's nothing compared to the big show here in Manhattan."

Saying that, Andrew snapped his fingers, and two holographic screens appeared in front of him—one showing Hammer Industries' warehouse, and the other showing Grayburn College's interior.

Howard marveled, "Is there trouble in Manhattan too? Wow, hasn't New York just been peaceful for a while?"

Frank was also taken aback. He made a call to his family, telling them not to go out at night. To be honest, he was seriously considering whether to move out.

"New York has good geographical conditions. It's a breeding ground for talents, and kind-hearted people."

Andrew thought of something and said to Frank, "By the way, Frank, during this time, go for astronaut training. One month later, you and Susan will go to the space station."


Please notify me if there are any typos

