
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 52: Harvest & Arrangements

Chapter 52: Harvest & Arrangements

After the battle, Frank ceased his attack on Mystique and turned towards the flying ship in the sky. The ship ascended and disappeared from the sight of everyone.


Mystique immediately flew towards Coulson, wanting to save Magneto. However, her steel suit suddenly malfunctioned and dropped straight down. It was Tony Stark who hacked into the suit's program through his phone and regained control over it.

Mystique cursed and disloged from the suit, and descended from the sky, rolling into a nearby alley.


Seeing the tide turning, Toad and the others started to withdraw. The X-Men never pursued total annihilation, so they didn't stop them. Coulson hesitated for a moment and instructed Barton to pursue Mystique, while leaving the rest for later.

Amidst the commotion, this disaster came to a temporary end. Nick Fury received the message and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hill, inform the World Security Council to convene a meeting."

Nick Fury said, "Disasters are increasing, and we can't stand still anymore. We need to accelerate our research, increase weapon development, and recruit more useful talents."

Maria Hill nodded. The core message from Director Fury was clear—it's all about money, money, money.


"A big move indeed, over sixty thousand souls. Moreover, after the event, a new world merged with this one."

Andrew was quite satisfied. It seemed that collecting souls required a grand operation. He was now looking forward to New York being invaded by aliens.

"This time, Yelena signed the contract the most. As a reward, I will help her cure her body in advance and turn her back into a normal woman."

Andrew announced to the Black Widows, who congratulated Yelena one after another. They were envious but grateful that as long as they continued to serve the boss, they would eventually return to normal as well.

"Thank you, Boss."

Yelena was ecstatic. Her efforts were not in vain, and Natasha would surely be envious of her.

At that moment, Psylocke caught up from behind and stood in front of Andrew. With an eager expression, she asked, "Master, what do you mean by saying I don't understand talent development?"

"Literal meaning."

Andrew glanced at Psylocke and said coldly, "I don't like people blocking my way, step aside."

Psylocke said, "Master, please guide me in developing my talent. I can help you with three things for free. If you don't want that, I can also pay tuition."

After hesitating for a moment, Psylocke gritted her teeth and added, "A high tuition fee."

Andrew chuckled, and Psylocke thought she had successfully impressed him and smiled back. But in the next second, she felt the surrounding scenery quickly rushing forward until she slammed into the wall with a bang, kicked into it by Andrew.

Andrew took out a checkbook from his pocket, wrote a number on it, and then walked up to Psylocke, placing the check on her chest, and said, "I told you, I don't like people blocking my way."

After speaking, Andrew walked away straight, leaving Psylocke to free herself from the wall. Annoyed.

Psylocke took out the check from her pocket and glanced at it, only to be astonished. It was a hundred thousand dollars.

"Dame, he is a rich man. That kick was worth it."

Psylocke immediately put the check away and looked at Andrew's back, feeling a bit of a headache. This man didn't lack money, and he didn't need her help. How could she impress him?


In Hell, Andrew said to the kneeling Azazel in front of him, "You can speak now."

Azazel respectfully said, "Lord Demon King, I'm willing to offer my soul to you in exchange for the opportunity to serve under your command."

"Your attitude is acceptable."

Andrew snorted and raised his hand, sending a ray of light into Azazel, turning into a phoenix imprint. This meant that Azazel's soul officially belonged to the Underworld.

Azazel exclaimed excitedly, "Thank you, Lord Demon King."

Andrew said, "Tell me about the Hellfire Club."

"The Hellfire Club is led by the Black King and the White Queen. They only recruit elite mutants and hold tremendous power and wealth. For example, they have almost complete control over the gambling city."

Azazel didn't dare to be negligent and disclosed everything he knew. "I am also a member of the Hellfire Club. This time, I came to assist Magneto due to a request from Mystique."

"So, the Black King is not dead. The Hellfire Club, huh?"

Andrew pondered for a moment and said, "Go help Wind Demon and the others collect souls. If I need you, I'll call you."

"Yes, Lord Demon King."

Azazel nodded respectfully, and Andrew waved his hand, sending Azazel out of Hell.

Seeing the familiar modern buildings around him, Azazel couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. His back was full of cold sweat— he was facing the Demon King in person, and his one wrong move would be disastrous.

"If only I hadn't helped that bastard Magneto. But then again, maybe this isn't a bad thing."

Azazel's eyes flashed, and he secretly thought, "With the Demon King's power, he will definitely be able to help me rescue my kin. Before that, I have to perform well and earn some merits."

After Azazel left Hell, Andrew thought for a moment and called Ethan over. He asked, "How is the research on replicating the mechanical parts on the Antonia's body going?"

Ethan was the one who had saved Tony in the Middle East. After his death, his soul was collected by Andrew and became an assistant to Howard and Trask in the Underworld.

Ethan, existing in a robotic form, answered, "Boss, I can replicate the mechanical limbs on Antonia's body. However, since we are all robots in the Underworld, the mechanical limbs are of little use to us, right?"

"They are indeed of little use to you, but they have great significance for the disabled people on Earth."

Andrew smiled and said, "Trading a soul after death for a mechanical leg, a mechanical arm, a mechanical spine, or a mechanical eye. Do you think they would be willing?"

Ethan was dumbfounded. Could it really be done this way? No wonder he was called the Demon King.

"Don't make that expression. We're not lacking in the Underworld. It's their good fortune if they can come."

Andrew said, "I'll set up a laboratory for you to specialize in researching human-machine integration. Whether it's mechanical limbs, internal organs, or skeletal structures, I want them all."

"We're indeed not lacking in the Underworld."

Ethan nodded and said, "Boss, I will do my best to research it. But what about after-sales service? Human-machine integration will require regular repairs and maintenance."

"After-sales service?"

Andrew felt a bit of a headache. The atmosphere in the Underworld seemed to be getting more and more eerie. Should he introduce a seven-day return policy?

"You focus on researching human-machine integration. As for the rest, we'll take it step by step. If you need any resources, just let me know."

Ethan said, "Other resources are not a problem. I just need some animals for experiments."

"No problem. I'll use magic to get you some bodies without consciousness."

Andrew said. This was just the beginning. He would recruit more scientists next. There was a saying... "Technology changes lives!"

Damn, this atmosphere was beyond redemption.


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