
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 49: Hell sentinels

Chapter 49: Hell sentinels

"Traitors, offer your lives to the cause of mutants."

Beneath the tower, a mutant's hands emitted a purple light. Soon, the purple light spread from his hands to the captured members of the Epsilon-class mutants.

The mutants let out agonizing screams as their life force was greatly drained by the purple light. Then, the purple light shot up into the sky and merged into Magneto's body.

Magneto felt like he was about to burst and quickly placed his hands on the control device. The device started up, and the metal ring rapidly spun under the influence of magnetism.

Shortly after, a large, growing white light appeared above the device. It was the radiation energy wave.

Once the energy wave appeared, the surrounding magnetic fields became chaotic, causing the live broadcast footage to constantly fluctuate. Nick Fury shouted urgently, "Launch the missiles, Coulson, Barton, find cover!"

Upon hearing the command, six fighter jets circling nearby immediately flew towards Manhattan. Then, simultaneously, they pressed the buttons, and six missiles with long white tails shot towards the tower.

"Here's our chance."

Upon seeing the missiles, Psylocke immediately condensed her psychic energy into a purple whip and swung it towards the spikes on the tower. Then, she ran a few steps forward and leaped with force.

What? Psylocke wasn't afraid of the missiles? Of course not. She knew very well that Magneto could handle those missiles.

"You fools, who told you I used my full power?"

Magneto sneered, lifting one hand. The missiles swirled in the air, retracing their paths, causing the pilots' faces to turn pale as they desperately maneuvered their aircraft to avoid them.

Unfortunately, under Magneto's precise guidance, all the missiles hit their targets. Boom, boom, boom... The six fighter jets turned into six massive fireballs and plummeted from the sky.

As the citizens witnessed the fighter jets turning into fireballs, their hearts sank. At the same time, as the magnetic force intensified, the live broadcast footage began to fade away.

"The radiation wave is about to come. Everyone, run or take cover in the underground shelters."

After saying the last sentence, Roxanne quickly ran towards the underground parking lot ahead. As far as she knew, that parking lot was deep, and they might be able to escape the radiation wave there.

"Let's give it our all."

Seeing the failure of the missiles, the X-Men, Coulson, Barton, and Spider-Man gritted their teeth and made every effort to break through the steel fortress. Mystique, Toad, and others desperately tried to stop them. The success of the mutants' cause depended on this moment.

At the same time, Psylocke jumped onto the tower. Then, with agility, she climbed to Tony Stark's side and used her psychic energy to cut the iron ropes.

"Lady, you can do it!"

Tony was overjoyed. Just then, a red figure suddenly appeared beside Psylocke and swung a knife at her head. Psylocke quickly dodged, and the Azazell in a suit smiled and vanished.

Psylocke felt uneasy and was about to escape when the iron bars on the tower seemed to bind her like a rope—it was Magneto's doing.

Psylocke sighed and said, "Looks like I won't make that money."

Tony's hope was shattered, and he grumbled in dissatisfaction, "You're lamenting not making money at a time like this? We're about to die."

"It's you who's about to die, not me. Magneto hardly kills mutants. Besides, that device probably won't affect us mutants much."

Psylocke casually remarked. If not for this, why would she have taken on this mission?

Tony became more annoyed. He looked down at the streets below and couldn't help muttering, "At a time like this, why isn't that powerful show-off guy on the motorcycle showing up?"

"The new era of mutants begins now."

After dealing with the trouble, Magneto fully activated the device, and the radiation energy wave expanded madly, becoming visible throughout Manhattan's streets.

The hearts of the citizens sank to the bottom as, suddenly, a cross-shaped ship appeared in the sky. Then, the terrified and desperate citizens were drawn into an illusion.

"Hello, I am the envoy of hell."

Yelena smiled and said to the man in the suit, "As long as you're willing to sign your soul to us, we will save you from leaving Manhattan."

"Envoy of hell?"

The man in the suit was shocked. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Can you really save me?"

"Of course."

Yelena released several light screens and said, "You must have heard of the Knight of Peace. They are our hell's sentinels for salvation. We have always been saving people.

In addition, this ship belongs to us. Once you sign the contract, we will send a robot to rescue you onto the ship. Magneto's radiation wave cannot penetrate our ship."

"The Knight of Peace are actually the Knights of Hell?"

The man in the suit was a little dumbfounded and asked, "How do I know if you demons will keep your word?"

"We respect the contract. The people saved by the Knight of Peace are numerous. They have all been living well, and we will patiently wait until you die to collect your souls."

The man in the suit still hesitated. He said, "I am not that desperate yet. Ghost Rider might come out to save us, just like before."

"Sir, sorry to disappoint you, but that Ghost Rider is one of our hell's knights, not a heavenly angel."

Yelena smiled even more, "The reason he takes action is to save those who have signed the contract."

"Ghost Rider is one of your people?"

The man in the suit was completely dumbfounded, even on the verge of collapse. The admired angel turned out to be a demon from hell? Can trust still exist in this world?

"Hell also has angels, sir. So, would you like to sign the contract? If you don't want to, I'll send you away. There are many people in danger right now, and I'm busy. We in hell also have performance evaluations."

"Hell also cares about performance?"

The man in the suit was speechless. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll sign."

In another office, a female office worker adjusted her glasses and said, "Since Ghost Rider belongs to your group, he will definitely take action again. Why should I sign the contract?"

"He might not take action this time."

The blonde Black Widow said, "This time, we have deployed five thousand robots. They can only save up to five thousand people. If the number of contract signers is fewer than that, Ghost Rider won't intervene because the robots can handle everything.

If the number of contract signers exceeds five thousand, Ghost Rider will step in to deal with Magneto. We in hell adhere to the contract. As long as you sign, we will ensure your safety.

Now the question is, do you want to bet on how many people will sign the contract?"

The female office worker hesitated. She gritted her teeth and said, "I can give you my soul after death, but you have to save me and my child."

The blonde Black Widow smiled and handed over the contract, saying, "Deal."

In the office, Andrew looked at the increasing number of contracts, feeling quite satisfied. However, speaking of which, when did the Spirit of Vengeance become the emotional support of the people of Manhattan? This is unscientific.


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