
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 34: The Punisher

Chapter 34: The Punisher

"My dad is the most amazing," Gwen said proudly.

Gwen asked with suspicion, "What exactly is your position at the newspaper? Can you report whatever you want?"

"I'm a top journalist. If the editor-in-chief doesn't agree, I'll fire him," Andrew replied, chuckling. He used chopsticks to pick up a spicy meatball and handed it to Gwen. Unaware, Gwen opened her mouth, and the next second, she coughed repeatedly from the spiciness.

Andrew burst into laughter, and Gwen discontentedly hammered him a few times. This guy always likes to tease her.

After the laughter, Gwen remembered something and said happily, "The Osborne Corporation has hired Dr. Otto to work for them. Although his expertise is in physics, he's also accomplished in neuroscience. He plans to research artificial suns and mechanical tentacles connected to the human brain. He chose me to be his assistant. Hey, this position is highly sought after, and I never thought it would fall into my lap."

Andrew glanced at Gwen and couldn't help but think, "How come you're so closely connected to the villains?" Dr. Otto is the Dr. Octopus who almost blew up New York.

If he guessed correctly, Norman arranged for Gwen to assist Otto as a favor. After the incident with the Lizard Doctor, the Osborn Corporation's stock plummeted, and Norman is now desperate to attract investments and stabilize the market.

Thanks to Andrew's "efforts," the Rebirth Corporation has gradually become a giant, and its investments are crucial.

Gwen didn't notice Andrew's gaze. After hesitating for a moment, she asked, "Andrew, can you teach me some martial arts?"

"Why do you want to learn martial arts?" Andrew's gaze flickered. After the recent disaster, he noticed that Gwen had acquired a power similar to Spider-Man's.

Fortunately, Andrew immediately suppressed his aura, or Gwen would have been frightened away.

Gwen replied, "I feel that New York isn't very safe, and I want to learn some self-defense."

"Sure, I'll teach you some self-defense techniques when we find the time," Andrew smiled. Although he didn't know martial arts, with his demon lord-level melee abilities, teaching Gwen would be easy.

Solving two matters in a row, Gwen was very happy and enjoyed her meal with Andrew.

At that moment, Andrew noticed a family dining nearby. The man had short hair, a strong physique, and the aura of a former soldier. Andrew felt like he had seen him before and couldn't help but look a few more times.

The man sensed Andrew's gaze, turned his head abruptly, and looked at Andrew with sharp eagle-like eyes. If it were someone else, they would likely be intimidated.

Andrew remained unfazed and nodded at the man before shifting his gaze away.

The man was suspicious but then shook his head and redirected his attention to his playing children. His face was filled with happiness, showing that he deeply loved his children.

Just then, a woman escaped from a nearby grove in fear and shouted, "Frank..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before the woman could finish her sentence, a group of black-clad individuals armed with guns chased after her from the grove. Gunshots rang out like popping beans, and the woman screamed and fell forward, blood staining her back.


The surrounding citizens immediately took cover or lay flat, clearly experienced New Yorkers.


Seeing his wife fall, the man's eyes turned red. As a former special forces soldier, he didn't instinctively seek cover but ran towards his children, using his body to shield them.

Unfortunately, the man wasn't fast enough. Just as the group of black-clad individuals raised their guns to spray the area, despair overcame the man. At that critical moment, everything around him suddenly slowed down, as if time had been decelerated.

The man was shocked, and a voice sounded in his mind, "I've increased your thought speed, but your body can't keep up. So, you still won't be able to save them. In one second, they will die in front of you."

The man urgently shouted with his mind, "Save them, help me save them. I'm willing to give everything."

"I can save them, and I can also save your wife who has been shot. But from now on, your soul will belong to me. You will become my warrior, serving me."

Andrew calmly said, "And as, I'm the Hell's Demon Lord, which means if you agree, you'll become the Punisher of Hell."

Andrew had already recognized the man; he was Frank Castle, the future Punisher—a vigilante who used violence to combat violence.

The Punisher wasn't just a powerful anti-hero but also a top-tier tactical commander. Rebirth Corporation needed someone like him.

Frank didn't hesitate and immediately agreed, "I agree."

"Your soul belongs to me now."

With that sentence, everything returned to normal, and then a figure appeared in front of Frank and his children with astonishing speed.

Naturally, it was Andrew. He opened his umbrella, and the bullets densely hit the umbrella but couldn't penetrate it, falling onto the ground.


Gwen climbed up and wanted to hold Andrew's hand but found that he had already moved in front of Frank. She was amazed and thought, "He's so fast! And where did the umbrella come from? I didn't see it before!"

Andrew didn't waste words. He used the umbrella to shield himself and rushed into the group of black-clad individuals. Then, he closed the umbrella and attacked with his hands.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One minute later, more than ten black-clad individuals fell to the ground, clutching their arms in agony.

He placed the umbrella behind him, looking like a martial arts master, and Gwen clapped excitedly. Her boyfriend was so cool.

Other bystanders stood up and applauded when they saw the bad guys being defeated. That was truly impressive. They couldn't even see the umbrella's shadow clearly.

"Maria, you can't die. I'll take you to the hospital immediately," Frank rushed to his unconscious wife's side, ready to carry her outside. Andrew smiled and said, "Don't worry, she won't die. I promised you."

Upon hearing that familiar voice, Frank trembled. This young man was the demon lord who had previously asked for his soul?

"Let's go to the hospital first," Andrew said to Gwen as she approached. "Gwen, take the two kids to the hospital with him. I'll stay here and wait for the police."

"Okay, leave it to me. Andrew, you're amazing," Gwen said as she kissed Andrew's face, then went to comfort the two crying children. Frank glanced at Andrew with a deep look and quickly ran to the parking lot.

An hour later, a doctor walked out of the operating room, looking tired. He removed his mask and said to the anxious Frank, "The patient has passed the critical stage. I have to say, it's a miracle. The patient's vitality is incredibly resilient."

"A miracle?" Frank knew deep down that it wasn't a miracle but the power of the demon lord. He thanked the doctor, filled with gratitude.
