
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 30: Rejection

NOTE- there will be no chapters for coming two days.

As I will be working on my giyu fix and info broker fic.

But if this fic somehow got 1000 stones I will do a mass 10 chapter update.

Current stone count - 306


Chapter 30: Rejection

The terrified crowd hastily sought refuge in nearby shops as the Count Raptor, reveling in its power, laughed triumphantly. Iron Man struggled to impede its advance, but the creature's bloodlight drained blood from others, leaving him helpless.

Disgusted by the superhero's futile efforts, Andrew shook his head and, using his illusionary abilities, began striking deals with the desperate and fearful people around him. Recognizing humanity's inherent fear of death, Andrew offered contracts to approximately eighty percent of the individuals on the street, who willingly agreed to trade their souls with him after death. Satisfied with the outcome, Andrew employed the Demon Lord's teleportation spell to bring Howard, Trask, and a fleet of robots to the scene.

Howard and Trask wasted no time and launched an immediate attack on the Count Raptor, while a multitude of robots descended from the sky to rescue the people caught in the chaos. Tony, relieved by their arrival, joined forces with them to confront the creature.

"Evacuate immediately!" Tony shouted.

The Count Raptor unleashed a beam of bloodlight towards Howard, who swiftly raised his shield to deflect the attack, leaving deep skid marks on the street as he slid backward.

"You vampires are even more repulsive than mutants," Trask remarked, his hand emitting a piercing laser that pierced the creature's chest. Unfortunately, the wound healed rapidly, much to their dismay.

Undeterred, Trask attempted to sever the Count Raptor with a swift arm swing, but the creature swiftly evaded the strike. In a flash of bloodlight, its wound miraculously closed.

"It's futile. I am a god," the Count Raptor jeered, suddenly appearing in front of Trask. Its claw pierced Trask's steel chest effortlessly. Ignoring the attack, Trask transformed his limbs into shackles, imprisoning the creature. Electricity surged through Trask's entire body, causing the Count Raptor to shriek in agony. Desperate to escape, the creature expended a considerable amount of energy, transforming into blood and fleeing Trask's grasp.

Just as Whistler, Spider-Man, and the others caught up, the Count Raptor changed position once again. It sought to continue its bloodthirsty rampage, knowing it would need to consume more blood to stand a chance against its relentless pursuers.

Helplessly, the group pressed on, determined to apprehend the creature. Fear and despair spread wherever the Count Raptor roamed, while Andrew unscrupulously harvested the souls of those affected, dispatching his robots to rescue the innocent victims.

"This creature is oddly cooperative," Andrew mused with satisfaction. However, he knew such a favorable situation wouldn't last long, as he anticipated the intervention of the Sorceress, given the Blood God's magical origins.

"damn robots!" the Count Raptor roared in frustration. Its plans were thwarted, its potential victims saved, and to add insult to injury, its pursuers were closing in. It gritted its teeth and emitted a piercing howl that reverberated throughout the city.

Hearing the blood-curdling howl, all the vampires and lizardmen in the area flocked to the commercial street. Coulson, the first to notice the situation, swiftly reported to Director Fury.

"Director, Deacon is summoning vampires and lizardmen. There are numerous vampires and dozens of fully transformed lizardmen, along with several dozen partially transformed ones."

"We must eliminate Deacon before the vampires and lizardmen arrive. Notify the police to evacuate civilians in the vicinity and disseminate shelter information through television, Twitter, and TikTok," Nick Fury ordered, his voice resolute. "Inform Natasha to seek assistance from the Ghost Rider, and keep the communication open. I want to hear her conversation with the Ghost Rider."

"Seek assistance from the Ghost Rider?" Coulson was taken aback, but Nick Fury commanded, "Just do it."

At Rebirth Corporation, Natasha received the urgent order, finally understanding why Director Fury had kept her there. Without wasting a moment, she proceeded to the chairman's office.

Susan, who had been watching the news with Andrew, turned to face Natasha in surprise. Her voice tinged with astonishment, she asked, "Natalie, is something amiss?"

Natasha wasted no time in explaining, "Mr. William, I am S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Natasha Romanoff. The situation in Manhattan is dire, and we desperately need your assistance to save it."

"You're an agent?" Susan was dumbfounded and slightly angered. Andrew, reassuringly patting her hand, remarked, "Not interested. By the way, you've been terminated without compensation."

Undeterred, Natasha continued, "Mr. William, Manhattan is in urgent need of your help. Countless lives are at stake. As an angel, you cannot stand idly by while innocent civilians perish."

"Moral blackmail, huh?" Andrew laughed. He retorted, "Very well, I recall your director's name is Nick Fury. Tell him to jump off a building right now. If he perishes, I will consider assisting."

Natasha was taken aback. Andrew sneered, "Reluctant? Don't you possess a conscience? You're unwilling to exchange one life for the lives of many?"

Isn't it just moral blackmail? Who wouldn't resort to the same tactics?

Natasha was rendered speechless. She turned to Susan, who had a strong sense of justice, and implored, "Susan, the situation is dire. Many lives are at stake. Only the Ghost Rider can save New York."

Susan hesitated, cautioning, "Natasha, Andrew cannot act impulsively. If he loses control, the entire city could be consumed by fire."

Though Andrew's statement was undoubtedly an excuse, it aligned with the narrative surrounding the Ghost Rider.

"We can negotiate the terms..." Natasha began, her skepticism evident. However, Andrew waved dismissively and declared, "Leave. I won't help you. Whether it's you or the former director, both of you are burdened with sins. Frankly, if I were to transform, you would be the first to burn."

Natasha's expression shifted, her shock apparent. Andrew sneered, "Unwilling to admit it? Don't you think a woman who almost has the blood of a young girl in her hand, subjecting her to immense suffering, is incapable of true repentance?"

"You killed a young girl?" Susan exclaimed. In the United States, crimes involving children were particularly sensitive.

Natasha's face paled as Andrew struck a painful chord within her heart. Despite everything, she still held onto a sliver of conscience. In that moment, a thought flashed through her mind, and she asked, shocked, "Wait, are you saying that little girl is alive, that she survived"

Andrew inquired, "Is that disappointment I see on your face?"

"Where is she?" Natasha hurriedly asked. If Antonia was alive, then what about Dreykov? Was he truly gone?

Upon hearing Natasha's heartfelt words, Andrew shook his head. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Natasha almost swore.

"I can only perceive sins," Andrew explained. "Your organization is exceedingly wicked. I will not cooperate with you, and there is no need for your self-righteous words. Your organization thrives on lies, especially your director. He is a master of deception and conspiracy."

"For instance, he once claimed to have lost his left eye due to misplaced trust. In reality, he scratched his eye while playing with a cat."

Natasha stood dumbfounded, as did the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel present. All eyes were fixed in astonishment upon Nick Fury, and the silence in the room was palpable.

Even with his unyielding demeanor, Nick Fury felt a twinge of embarrassment. Thankfully, his race shielded his expression from view. Maintaining his stoic composure, he remarked, "No need for idle chatter, get back to work."

(Note: The phrase "He is black, so others couldn't see his expression" is metaphorical, emphasizing Nick Fury's ability to maintain a poker face despite feeling embarrassed.)


Special thanks to namyteo12, Jonathan_Watkins_0041, SOLDAS, Game_of_thrones, Overlord_Albedo, Dr_healer, subaru_oni, Kitamari, Madara_5254, Erotic_Player, gamer0625, Joao_Pires, ShadowTheLich for their stones.

Check out my patreon for advance chapters.