
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
76 Chs

Chapter 29: Fusion (bonus 5/5)

In the midst of the intense battle, a shadow of blood emerged from the altar, prompting the elite squad to open fire immediately. Some attempted to utilize ultraviolet bombs, but their efforts proved futile. The blood shadow swiftly infiltrated the body of an agent, who visibly withered before their eyes.

Within moments, the blood shadow departed from the possessed agent and swiftly targeted another, repeating the same devastating outcome.

Terrified, the agents hastily retreated upon Barton's command to "Spread out!" Unfortunately, their efforts proved ineffective against the swift blood shadow. In less than a minute, half of the agents fell victim to the draining of their blood.

With gritted teeth, Barton unleashed a barrage of mini-missiles towards the possessed agents. Though the explosions tore the agents apart, the blood shadow remained largely unscathed, immediately latching onto another agent.

"Foolish bunch," Whistler muttered under his breath.

In the chaos that ensued, Whistler managed to escape from the ruins, armed with his blade. As he surveyed the unfolding scene outside, he released a frustrated sigh and rushed towards the blood shadow.

Sensing Whistler's formidable presence, the blood shadow grew wary and changed direction, flying towards the city in search of a tremendously powerful ally.

Whistler cursed and activated his flight function, propelling himself with a radiant trail of light as he pursued the blood shadow.

Still trying to comprehend the situation, Barton arrived at his aircraft just as Whistler caught up, urgently exclaiming, "What are you waiting for? Hurry and catch up! Deacon has transformed into the Blood God. If he absorbs enough blood, no one will be able to stop him."

Taken aback by the news, Barton swiftly initiated his aircraft and began pursuing the blood shadow, simultaneously relaying the situation to Nick Fury.

Fury, filled with anger and frustration, slammed his hand on the table. It appeared that nothing was going according to plan that night.


Within the Osborn Group Tower, a fierce battle raged between Doctor Lizard, Spider-Man, and Iron Man. Doctor Lizard desperately scaled upward, fending off Spider-Man's attempts to impede him with a swift strike from his tail.

Iron Man unleashed an arc pulse cannon at Doctor Lizard, propelling him into an office with great force. However, Doctor Lizard emerged from the impact with minimal damage, quickly regaining his footing and making his way towards the stairs.

Uttering a curse, Iron Man immediately gave chase, with Spider-Man in close pursuit. Spider-Man had encountered Doctor Connors along his path, leading to the eruption of their battle.

The trio continued their chase and clashes, ultimately arriving at Doctor Connors' laboratory. As Doctor Lizard charged inside, he discovered Gwen and several police officers relocating the Ganali device.

"Thank you," Doctor Lizard grinned, launching an assault on the resisting police officers. His fierce gaze locked onto Gwen, who trembled and retreated to a corner.

Just as Doctor Lizard prepared to strike, he suddenly experienced a bone-chilling sensation, as though he could be shattered at any moment.

Startled and apprehensive, Doctor Lizard hesitated. Seizing the opportunity, he snatched the Ganali device and pressed forward, leaving Gwen in a state of fear in the corner.

It was then that Iron Man and Spider-Man arrived. Panting, Gwen urgently exclaimed, "He took the Ganali device! We must stop him, or the entire city will be overrun by lizards."

Cursing under his breath, Tony swiftly flew towards the device, intending to intercept Doctor Lizard. Spider-Man followed suit.

Relieved, Gwen let out a sigh. She had initially planned to leave but suddenly noticed that she held the antidote in her hands. Determinedly, she ascended the stairs, striving to catch up.

Observing the unfolding events from a distance, Andrew was rendered speechless. Gwen had an unwavering propensity for risking her life, which perhaps explained her tragic fate in the movies.

Soon enough, Doctor Lizard reached the rooftop, only to be confronted by Iron Man and Spider-Man, blocking his path. Spider-Man spoke with conviction, "Dr. Connors, I have read your files. You are a good person. Do not compound one mistake with another."

"Naturally, I am a good person. That is precisely why I aim to perfect this world. The Lizard serum bestows regenerative abilities capable of rectifying any imperfections," Doctor Lizard asserted, placing the Ganali device to the side before lunging at Iron Man and Spider-Man. Once again, the three engaged in a fierce clash.

Moments later, Gwen arrived, gasping for breath. Surveying the situation, she hesitated briefly before tossing the antidote to Iron Man. "Iron Man, the antidote!"

Iron Man swiftly darted towards the antidote, but Doctor Lizard attempted to impede him. Spider-Man promptly shot webs at Doctor Lizard, ensnaring him in place. In this world, Spider-Man relied on web-shooters rather than naturally producing webs.

Successfully obtaining the antidote, Iron Man prepared to administer it to Doctor Lizard. However, in a critical turn of events, a blood shadow descended from the sky.

This blood shadow was none other than Deacon, now transformed into the Blood God. Spotting Doctor Lizard, he became ecstatic and promptly merged with his form.

Doctor Lizard let out a resounding roar, breaking free from Spider-Man's webs in an instant. His skin swiftly underwent a vivid crimson transformation.

The entity known as Count Reptor was now born.

"A fusion of two adversaries?" Andrew mused, scratching his nose. Such a metamorphosis was unforeseen but not necessarily disadvantageous.

"What is this abomination?" Iron Man muttered as he rushed forward, endeavoring to administer the antidote to Count Reptor. However, Count Reptor reacted with remarkable agility. With a swipe of his tail, he shattered the antidote in Iron Man's grasp, sending Iron Man hurtling through the air.

"I am a god!" Count Reptor laughed maniacally. At that moment, Whistler arrived, cursing vehemently as he unleashed a barrage of intense gunfire towards Count Reptor.

Count Reptor retaliated by hurtling a stone bench from the rooftop towards Whistler. In response, Whistler fired mini-missiles, obliterating the bench. Before he could press on with his attack, Count Reptor vanished.

In the next instant, Count Reptor materialized to the left of Whistler, striking fiercely with his claw. Though Whistler managed to evade the blow, his left arm was forcibly severed by Count Reptor.

Before Count Reptor could resume his assault, a barrage of large-caliber bullets rained down upon him, creating numerous perforations in his body. Barton, piloting the Quinjet, had arrived to provide support.

Infuriated, Count Reptor lunged forward, skillfully evading the bullets. Then, with a show of strength, he launched Whistler's severed arm towards the Quinjet, resulting in a resounding impact that tore a gaping hole in the aircraft, compelling Barton to stabilize its descent.

"The situation is growing increasingly troublesome," Barton muttered.

Iron Man promptly reentered the fray, joined by Whistler and Spider-Man as they fought against Count Reptor. Despite CountReptor's unyielding resolve, he soon began to exhibit signs of weakening. As the old saying goes, the Blood God's abilities may be formidable, but they come at an immense cost.

Cursing vehemently, Count Reptor disregarded the others and swiftly veered towards a distant location. With his incredible speed, he arrived at a bustling commercial and residential area teeming with people. A busy street became his playground.

Count Reptor reveled in his newfound prey, opening his mouth to unleash five blood beams that pierced through the bodies of five unsuspecting individuals. The victims rapidly withered away, succumbing to his malevolent assault.