
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 24: Cyborg

Thank you for whomever have given this story a power stone.

Special thanks to Joao_Pires, lana_arsyad, lobsxz, Unidentified33, Shisui34, godslayr21, Daoist050802, Efthee, ShadowTheLich, SupremeOne, Aaron_Brooks_9528.

For the stones.

Note - oatreon is now 20 chapters ahead.


Although the Osborn Group and S.H.I.E.L.D. both wanted to cover up the Lizard Man incident, the Daily Bugle turned all their efforts into waste —exposing everything about Dr. Lizard, including his origins, except for the vampire part.

The Daily Bugle not only provided photos of Dr. Lizard but also clearly explained his background, leaving no stone unturned—except for the vampire aspect.

In the Osborn mansion, a grim-faced Norman Osborn cursed loudly, "Damn Daily Bugle! How did they find out so clearly? I will sue them; have the legal department prepare a lawsuit."

Norman was truly furious because the situation of the Osborn Group had been extremely unfavorable recently.

The Osborn Group was a massive conglomerate with significant achievements in the pharmaceuticals, arms, and energy sectors. The problem was that all these projects had been facing issues lately.

In the arms industry, the Ironman suit stole all the limelight as soon as it appeared. In the energy sector, Stark Industries was preparing to make a full-scale entry into clean energy. When this news broke out, the stock price of the Osborn Group plummeted.

And now, there was the Dr. Lizard incident. It was evident that the Osborn Group's stock would suffer greatly. The board of directors would definitely hold Norman accountable, and his anger was only natural.

Unfortunate times indeed! Norman's confidant, Neel, an Indian immigrant, spoke up, "It seems to be related to Andrew William from the Rebirth Group. He was present in the Osborn Group yesterday, and one of our interns is his girlfriend."

"Andrew William? Who's that?" Norman pondered for a moment and said, "Arrange a meeting with him. I want to have a chat with him. Perhaps he would be willing to invest in the Osborn Group. If he joins us, it will alleviate the pressure from the board of directors."

Neel was somewhat surprised but nodded, saying, "Alright, I will contact him."

Norman said, "Our group's performance has been poor recently, and we need to turn things around. We can only rely on the human-enhancement potions in collaboration with General Ross. Urge them to expedite the progress."

"Chairman, aren't you afraid of another mishap?" Neel hesitated and asked. The reason Dr. Connors got into trouble was that Norman wanted to conduct human experiments directly with the potions, but Connors refused and was subsequently fired. Feeling dejected, he chose to inject himself with the potions.

Norman said fiercely, "Just be more cautious."

Neel dared not say anything further and respectfully left.

After Neel left, Norman coughed repeatedly. The reason he was so anxious was not just because of the stock price but also because his health was deteriorating rapidly.

The Osborn family had always had a hereditary disease. Both the Lizard serum and the human-enhancement potions were actually Norman's means of self-preservation. Now that the Lizard serum had proven ineffective, he could only place his hopes on the human-enhancement potions.

With a determined expression, Norman thought, "Harry, I will definitely help you break free from the Osborn curse."


The next day, Norman met with Andrew. It took a great deal of effort, but Norman finally convinced Andrew to visit the Osborn Group for inspection.

Norman had no idea that Andrew was pretending. From the beginning, he intended to become a new shareholder of the Osborn Group.

Why did Andrew want to become a shareholder of the Osborn Group? It was because the Osborn Group possessed the world's top genetic laboratory and weapon production lines, some of which

couldn't be bought even with money.

In the future, when the opportunity arose, Andrew planned to acquire these laboratories and production lines as a shareholder and transfer them to the Rebirth Hell.

Would there be such an opportunity in the future? Absolutely. After all, the Osborn Group was a gathering place for villains.


While the Dr. Lizard incident was making waves, the vampire civil war finally broke out. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, this war started quickly and ended even faster.

In just one day, the twelve pure-blood aristocrats were defeated by the half-blood vampires, including the time it took for the Grand Councilor, Eli Damaskinos, to be purified by sunlight.

"Even a group of pigs are more powerful than those pure-blooded vampires."

This was what Nick Fury said upon learning about the situation. Were beings of such quality even worthy of standing on equal footing with humans?

Deacon Frost not only destroyed the Vampire Council and captured the twelve elders but also infiltrated the Blade's stronghold and captured him.

Whistler, Blade's teacher, and partner, was severely injured by Deacon while trying to help Blade. Deacon didn't kill him but left him in the base to die.

As Whistler's life gradually faded away, he felt a sense of unwillingness. There were still so many vampires left to kill. How could he die like this?

"Do you want to know the meaning of life? ...just kidding. Whistler, Do you want revenge? Do you want to keep killing vampires? As long as you sell your soul to me, all of this can be achieved."

A voice suddenly echoed in Whistler's mind. He couldn't speak, so he conveyed his thoughts consciously, saying, "Take it, as long as I can continue killing vampires. Whatever you want, I'll give it to you."

This respected elder, whose family had been destroyed by vampires, had only one thought in his current and future lives: to kill vampires.

"As you wish."

With these words, Whistler plunged into darkness completely. When he woke up again, he couldn't feel his own body. It was as if he was trapped in a small dark room, extremely uncomfortable.

"Awake? Don't worry, fusion will soon be successful."

At that moment, a voice sounded, and Whistler was puzzled. Suddenly, he felt the presence of his physical form, but it seemed significantly different from before.

Whistler hurriedly opened his eyes and found himself in a laboratory. What surprised him even more was the abundance of data in front of him, such as temperature, air pressure, and more. It was as if he was wearing a pair of high-tech data glasses.

At that moment, Whistler saw his reflection in the mirror and was instantly stunned. He had transformed into a two-meter-tall silver robot, with a sleek industrial body that exuded a sense of beauty. Furthermore, his face closely resembled his appearance when he was alive, complete with a metallic beard.

The Lord of Hell, Andrew, said to Whistler, "Welcome, Whistler, to the rebirth hell."

Whistler stood up and asked angrily, "Who are you? Why did you turn me into a robot?"

Andrew replied, "Don't be so angry. It was your own choice. Have you forgotten your obsession before you died?"

"My own choice? Yes, indeed, it was my own choice."

Whistler paused for a moment and then remembered what had happened before. He said enthusiastically, "As long as I can kill vampires, I don't mind becoming a robot. But is this robot capable enough?"

Trask, existing in the form of a robot, snorted coldly. "My creation, how could it be inadequate? This is a ghost-hunting robot specifically designed for you, worth billions of dollars."

Whistler whistled and said to Trask, "Billions of dollars? I never thought I, would get to use something so expensive. Buddy, help me out and give me an introduction."

"Standard weapons include Gatling machine guns, miniature missiles, exploding dart needles, high-vibration silver swords, and more."

Trask continued, "In addition, your eyes can emit ultraviolet rays in several different modes."

"Eyes that can emit ultraviolet rays? Cool!"

Whistler was overjoyed and said, "I love this idea."