
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 22 Dr. Lizard

Thank you for whomever have given this story a power stone.

As this fic is trending at around rank 92.

Shower some more stones.

*Note*- Have done a 5 chapter mass release on patreon that make it at 20 advance chapter.

Will do at least 5 chapter mass releases tomorrow again as I am trying to boost the stockpile to 30 chapters like my superman fic.(which if you haven't checked, do it now, it's marvelous.)


"An image of a vampire sucking blood appeared on Facebook."

"Many people on Twitter are discussing vampires."

"There are vampire videos everywhere on TikTok, and one of the videos even detailed the history of vampires."


Listening to the report from the technical department, Coulson became increasingly worried. Lately, there have been more and more incidents involving vampires, causing many people to discover their existence. Various pictures and videos about vampires are spreading all over the internet.

Since the advent of smartphones, information dissemination has become much faster. Even S.H.I.E.L.D. finds it difficult to control everything as they did before.

"Damn vampires, damn TikTok."

Coulson couldn't help but curse. Facebook and Twitter are manageable, as they assist the technical department in removing posts. However, TikTok completely ignores them and even promotes vampire videos to increase their download numbers.

Coulson had warned TikTok before, but the problem was that TikTok completely disregarded his warning. He once sent the technical department to attack TikTok's servers, but those boasting tech experts on his team were miserably defeated and almost had their servers breached by the other party.

After thinking for a moment, Coulson called Nick Fury and said, "Director, news about vampires is spreading rapidly. I want to request J.A.R.V.I.S.'s assistance."

J.A.R.V.I.S. is Tony Stark's intelligent butler and currently the most advanced artificial intelligence with unparalleled efficiency in content removal.

Nick Fury replied, "Not necessary. Keep everything as it is."

Coulson was taken aback, then asked with some excitement, "Director, are you suggesting...?"

"I'm not suggesting anything, and neither should you," Nick Fury interrupted Coulson. He continued, "There will be several teams conducting exercises in New York City soon. Be prepared."

Coulson immediately nodded and said, "I understand."

Just as the vampires wanted to break the agreement, humans also wanted to. Nick Fury, being a serious control freak, had long wanted to eliminate vampires.

Who will have the last laugh in this game? Let us wait and see.


Two weeks later, Stark Tower. Andrew called Howard and asked, "Has the artificial intelligence been developed?"

"It's almost there. I'm working on an artificial intelligence that surpasses J.A.R.V.I.S.," Howard replied. It was a common trait in the Stark family, always striving for perfection. What was that saying again? If it's Stark-made, it's bound to be a masterpiece.

"Soon, please."

Andrew hung up the phone and used magic to contact Trask in Hell. "Has the extraction of the leech factor that suppresses the X-gene been successful?"

Trask replied, "Extraction has been successful. We are currently researching large-scale replication."

"Very good, speed it up."

Andrew nodded in satisfaction. He hung up the phone, stretched lazily, and realized that all his work for the day was done. He could finally start to relax.

Wait, what did Andrew do? He made a phone call. As the boss, his main job was to whip his employees to work hard.

"Gwen has to work today. I'll ask her out later."

Andrew was contemplating when suddenly, the magical imprint he had placed on Gwen sent a signal. Gwen was in danger.

At Osborn Industries laboratory, screams and cries echoed one after another. A humanoid lizard, over three meters tall, completely green with blood-red eyes, was wreaking havoc inside the lab. The place was filled with smashed equipment.

The giant lizard grabbed a researcher in a white lab coat, bit his neck, and sucked blood voraciously. Others were terrified, running out frantically.

The terrifying sight made everyone panic, as they ran frantically to escape.

Gwen, while fleeing, trembled as she dialed 911 with her shaking hand, preparing to call for help. At that moment, the lizard tossed aside the lifeless body of the researcher and forcefully kicked a table toward the fleeing crowd. They hurriedly dodged, but Gwen was pushed and fell from the balcony along with her phone.


In the midst of the howling wind, Gwen screamed in fear. Her piercing cry caught the attention of Spider-Man, who happened to be passing by. He swiftly swung over using his spider silk.

At that moment, the observant Spider-Man noticed a figure below, hopping on one foot while the other one stepped in the air. He quickly leaped up, unable to contain his surprise exclaiming, "That's unscientific!"

Of course, this was not scientific at all. It was merely Andrew's twisted sense of humor. He continued jumping through the air, reaching for Gwen in her terrified screams. He embraced her, tightly, leaping with her back onto the balcony while effortlessly snatching her phone.


Upon seeing Andrew, Gwen was overwhelmed with joy, leaning against him as she gasped for breath.

Andrew comforted her, saying, "Don't be afraid. I'm here, and you won't be harmed."


Gwen held onto Andrew, tightly, finding solace and safety in his warm and sturdy embrace.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man perched on the opposite wall and called out, "Hey, buddy, that moves you just pulled was highly unscientific. hopping on one foot while the other one stepped on air... wait, Mr. William!"

Andrew knowingly asked, "You know me?"

Spider-Man awkwardly chuckled, not wanting to linger, and urgently shouted, "Someone upstairs needs help. I'll go assist."

With that said, Spider-Man quickly climbed upward. Soon, he spotted a large lizard feasting on blood and angrily shouted, rushing to engage in a fierce battle with the creature.

Andrew glanced at the scene but quickly lost interest. It was a typical clash of mediocrity, with both relying solely on their innate abilities and lacking any real combat skills.

Curiously, Gwen asked Andrew, "Do you know Spider-Man?"

Andrew inquired, "No, he knows me. What exactly happened?"

"It's my fault," Gwen said guiltily. "I didn't properly secure the vampire blood. Dr. Connors added it to the lizard serum, and somehow, without proper testing, he injected himself with it. Then, he turned into a bloodthirsty, irrational lizard. It's all my fault."

Dr. Connors was a man with disabilities without his right hand, who had spent his entire life dreaming of creating a flawless world. As a result, he conducted research in cross-species genetics, intending to use the genes of other species to make humans immune to diseases.

For decades, Dr. Connors had experienced nothing but failure until he obtained the vampire blood. He succeeded in transforming himself into a fully-armed bloodsucking lizard.

"A bloodsucking lizard?" Andrew exclaimed in surprise. How did Dr. Lizard's storyline take such a twist?

Gwen calmed down and recalled the events. She asked in astonishment, "Andrew, how did you manage to jump up here earlier? And why did you happen to come at the right time?"

Andrew smiled and said, "I sensed that you were in danger, so I specifically came to find you. It seems my intuition was correct."

Gwen remarked, "Intuition? Do you mean telepathy? That's not scientific."

Andrew lightly

Flicked Gwen's nose and replied, "At times like this, all you need is to be moved. My little overachiever."

Gwen blushed slightly, feeling a mixture of shyness and sweetness. At that moment, Spider-Man was thrown outside by Dr. Lizard. Seeing Andrew and Gwen displaying affection, he rolled his eyes and used his webbing to swing back into the room, ready to fight Dr. Lizard once again.


As of now the power stone count is at 144.

If you get it up to 300 I will do a 5 chapter mass release on webnovel like few days ago.