
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 20 Blade

Chapter 20: Blade

As the impending battle loomed, Andrew felt compelled to pose a pressing question.

Placing his arm around Gwen, he inquired with a serious tone, "Do you regularly maintain your fangs?"

The query left both Gwen and the vampire bewildered. "Why bring up such trivial matters at a time like this?" Gwen wondered silently, while the vampire grappled with the unexpectedness of the question.

"When I transform you into a vampire, you'll learn the necessity of fang care," Andrew retorted, promptly evading the vampire's attack. In a swift, gravity-defying motion, he sent the assailant hurtling through the air, colliding with other vampires and causing a surge of fury among them. Enraged, the horde lunged at Andrew, only to be swiftly repelled as he executed lightning-fast kicks that blurred before their eyes.

Both Gwen and the vampire watched in astonishment as Andrew's prowess unfolded. "Such mastery of Kung Fu!" Gwen exclaimed, unable to contain her admiration.

Suddenly, a vampire drew a short gun from his waist, intending to shoot Andrew. The notion struck Gwen: could Kung Fu possibly rival the speed of a bullet? After all, in a confrontation between a man and a firearm within ten meters, the gun typically possessed superior accuracy and swiftness.

Undeterred, Andrew strategically interposed his umbrella between himself and the gun, the gunshot reverberating through the air. To their amazement, the bullet failed to penetrate the umbrella's surface. Andrew promptly closed the umbrella and used it to strike the vampire's wrist, causing him to wince in pain and drop the shotgun to the ground.

Witnessing this display, the remaining vampires renewed their assault on Andrew. Swiftly, he encircled Gwen with one arm while deftly wielding the umbrella with the other. Each swing of the umbrella resounded with a resolute impact as the vampires were consecutively toppled to the ground.

Gwen regarded Andrew with a mix of awe and security, the fear within her dissipating entirely.

"This is truly exhilarating, though it lacks a fitting background score," Andrew remarked, relishing the moment.

Of those who are wondering, how Andrew's umbrella deflected the bullets and withstand damage. It was no mere coincidence, but rather a manifestation of his own magical power that had shielded it from harm.

"That's some remarkable martial arts skills, but unfortunately, you cannot kill vampires with them," a chilling voice proclaimed from nearby. Without warning, a shotgun blast followed, and a barrage of marbles whistled through the air, puncturing the bodies of several vampires. In an instant, the vampires withered, their skin, flesh, and bone disintegrating into ashes.

Startled, the remaining vampires turned their heads swiftly, their eyes locking onto a cool figure clad in a leather suit, sporting sunglasses, and brandishing a shotgun at the entrance.

"It's Blade!" the vampires screamed, their fear prompting many to flee like startled rabbits.

The arrival was none other than the vampire hunter, the daywalker known as Blade!

Andrew, busy applying a magical mark for tracking and surveillance on Blade, couldn't resist a complaint: "Wearing sunglasses at night—aren't you concerned about bumping into walls?"

"No, for the walls are not as unyielding as I am. I am the epitome of resilience," Blade grinned, before swiftly firing his shotgun, reducing numerous vampires to ashes.

Gwen, still in a daze, voiced her bewilderment. "Why are these individuals turning to ashes? It defies scientific explanation."

"They are not humans; they are vampires," Andrew responded, his tone tinged with disdain, as vampires lacked a soul, so they are worthless in his eyes.

'A lack of a soul makes vampires mystical beings. If my deductions are correct, some powerful entities are employing vampires to harvest souls,' Andrew's eyes gleamed with anger, as he perceived himself as the rightful guardian of the Earth's soul, unyielding to any usurpers.

Gwen found her worldview shaken to its core. "Vampires? Do they truly exist in this world?"

"The world is far grander than you can fathom. Let us depart; the task of dealing with these vampires falls to our fellow vampire hunters," Andrew asserted.

Using his umbrella's handle, Andrew hooked a vampire and dragged him along, while Keith and the others, fortunate enough to survive, followed suit, their bloodied appearances evoking a sense of distress.

In the warehouse adjacent to the bar, Andrew released his grip on the vampire and proposed, "Let's have a conversation. I find the subject of vampires rather intriguing."

"I'm also intrigued," Gwen chimed in, sensing Andrew's gaze upon her. She added, slightly embarrassed, "I merely wish to engage in academic research."

"Ah, we have a scholar among us," Andrew smiled. Keith and the others contemplated leaving, but without Andrew's guidance, they dared not venture out on their own, resigning themselves to remain in their present location.

The vampire rose from the ground and vehemently retorted, "You pathetic humans are nothing but food for our blood clan."

Shaking his head, Andrew employed his umbrella to break both of the vampire's legs, prompting agonizing screams as he writhed on the ground.

Turning to the others, Andrew inquired, "Does anyone possess silver? Our vampire acquaintance here requires a lesson in manners."

Silver? The vampire's countenance underwent a drastic change, and he promptly surrendered, shielding his injured legs as he asked resentfully, "What do you wish to know?"

Andrew retrieved his mobile phone and began recording as he stated, "Everything. Let us start from the beginning."

"The beginning is a long and intricate tale," the vampire began. "The bloodline originated in Europe, and eventually, twelve pure-blood families migrated to North America following a civil war among the vampires..."

"What distinguishes a pure-blood from a half-blood? Is there a substantial difference?" Gwen inquired, sensing the collective gaze focused on her. Slightly embarrassed, she clarified, "I am merely driven by curiosity."

Andrew offered a succinct explanation, "Vampires are categorized as either pure-bloods or half-bloods. Pure-bloods are natural-born vampires, while half-bloods are humans infected by pure-blood vampires."

The vampire retorted, "It is not an infection; it is a transformation. The bloodline represents the most noble race."

"A group of undead creatures who cower from sunlight, garlic, and silver have the audacity to call themselves noble?" Andrew smirked disdainfully, growing impatient. "Do not waste my time; continue."

The vampire glared at Andrew, his hatred palpable as he resumed his account. "The twelve pure-blood families established a vampire council in North America and entered into an agreement with humans, stipulating that they would refrain from actively attacking humans. In return, humans were to provide them with sustenance in the form of blood."

Keith interjected angrily, "So it is humans who provide you with blood? No wonder the prices at blood banks are exorbitant; they are catering to vampires."

"We pay for the blood, yet it is unpalatable and prohibitively expensive," the vampire retorted. "The hard-earned money we accrue is drained by you humans. Who are the true vampires?"

Silence fell upon the group, for the capitalists among humankind seemed more akin to vampiresthan the actual vampires themselves. Disappointed, one woman murmured, "You are nothing like the noble vampires portrayed in television shows."

"The true nobility lies within the pure-bloods. They are a scarce and wealthy elite. Some even keep blood slaves, indulging in the taste of exquisite human blood every day," the vampire remarked, his tone tinged with envy and resentment. "However, their reign of opulence is coming to an end. Deacon Frost's rebellion against the council has enabled us to overthrow their dominion, transforming all humans into our slaves."

"With such a transformation, we will relish the pleasure of delicious blood every day, and everyone will bask in the life of an aristocrat," the vampire proclaimed, his voice brimming with ambition.

Andrew scoffed, "Humans are not as fragile as you perceive them to be. In reality, it is you who are vulnerable."

Gwen nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, you fear sunlight, and a simple UV lamp can eradicate you. Your presence can be easily detected as well; a slight modification to an infrared thermometer would suffice."