
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 2 The contract

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As of now, the patreòn is 10 chapters ahead.



"What's going on?" Blackheart was astonished and exclaimed in disbelief, as he sensed Andrew's shadow latching to his body; "A Hell Lord! That's impossible, how could there be a hell lord on earth?"

"Of course, by your help, my good friend, thank you very much."

Andrew said with a broad smile on his face and fully releasing his presence and casting the puppet curse on him in its pristine form; gradually turning him into his puppet.

As a hell lord, he was born with many abilities; such as pyrokinesis, many types of curses, the power to form contracts, and so on.

"Hell Lord!" Seeing this scene, the face of the three mob demons changed drastically, as they didn't even dare to move let alone want to run away.

At this time, Andrew's phantom appeared in front of them and said in a cold voice, "Kneel there, and wait for my order."

All of them Kneel as quickly as their demonly body can do, as for not cooperating, for that they will only say one thing - the person in front of them is a hell lord!

"Noooooo." Blackheart's unwilling roar filled the surroundings.

He has finally managed to escape his father's hell.

How could he have failed like this? He hasn't even had time to stretch his body properly!

Unfortunately, no matter how unwilling Blackheart was, he had failed.

Under the suppression of black energy, he quickly turned into a black statue that remained floating in the air.

Andrew grabbed the statue and said to the three demons, "Give me your phone. "

"Mobile phone?" All of the demons were stunned.

They didn't expect that the first request of this hell lord was to ask for a mobile phone.

Is hell so high-tech now?

Wind Demon was a bit clever out of the three; he quickly got up and found a mobile phone from one of the corpses, and handed it to Andrew respectfully.

Andrew took over the palm-sized mobile phone and found that it was the year 2008.

So he opened the browser, and searched for new news; as he was checking, a piece of news caught his attention, news stating that Tony Stark was dating the beauty of "Motto" magazine.

"So I am really in the Marvel universe or plane."

Andrew shook his head and began to look for the information he wanted to check on the Internet.

Wind demon cautiously reminded him after seeing him not move for some time: "Lord, we should leave from here as soon as possible and find the Contract of San Venganza as Mephisto's knight will be here soon."

Andrew asked not moving his eyes from the mobile screen: "So, How are you going to find it?"

Wind demon replied: "Blackheart was saying that the contract is hidden in a nearby cemetery, but he didn't say where it was. maybe you can ask him."

Hearing their conversation, the statue of the Blackheart shouted: "HAHAHAHA; I won't tell you even if I die."

"He doesn't know the exact location. In addition, I have already found out."

Andrew said as he showed the phone to him. On it was a news article from some years prior; as it says: after his death, the famous stuntperson and performer Barton Blaze was buried in the cemetery outside St. Michael's Church. (- Barton is the father of Ghost Rider.)

The three demons and even the Blackheart looked at him in disbelief; how did he find out the secret location with only a few clicks of a cell phone? If it's so easy, why hasn't Mephisto found the contract for so many years?

"In this era, the devil must also keep pace with the times, let's set off."

Andrew did not talk nonsense, and memorized the map in a snap, and started moving in the direction of the cemetery by turning into a black light; seeing this the wind demon quickly turned into a gust of wind and rolled up the other two demons with him to follow behind Andrew.


In the cemetery outside St. Michael's Church, an old cowboy was doing some repairing of some of the tomb with a shovel.

As soon, A bad wind fell from the sky, and the surrounding leaves started going haywire.

Seeing the commotion, the old cowboy hurriedly held down his cowboy hat.

Immediately afterward, with the disappearance of the wind, four figures appeared in front of the old cowboy.

The old cowboy's eyes narrowed upon seeing this - he could see at a glance that these four guys were not human.

Andrew looked at the old cowboy and asked, "I really didn't find the wrong person, Carter Slade, the og ghost rider who betrayed Mephisto and stole the Contract of San Venganza?"

Slade stepped back, hearing his identity getting exposed by the person in front of him, and hurriedly denied: " You've got the wrong person, I'm just a tomb guard."


Andrew raised his hand, and the shovel in Slade's hand flew out into his hand.

Slade was shocked seeing this; at the same time, his eyes and sockets raged with fire.

As he rushed in front of Andrew at a speed that did not match his age at all; and tried to grab the shovel.

But Andrew kicked Slade away as he grabbed the shovel.

Although Slade used to be the ghost rider, he had not judged any soul for hundreds of years.

Because of that his hellfire seems to going to be extinguished at any moment in time, so he was not Andrew's opponent at all.

As Slade fell to the ground and let out a loud roar of reluctance.

A holy light flew out from the creamery's church, which was in the distance.

The holy light shot straight at Andrew like a sharp arrow.

This attack was coming from the statue of St. Michael.

Slade could hide for so long and was not discovered by Mephisto because Michael was protecting him.

Seeing the beam of holy light coming near Andrew took out the statue of Blackheart from his pocket to resist it.

As the beam hit the statue, a large amount of black gas emerged from the statue, and with the black gas came out the shrill scream of Blackheart.

'doesn't this guy have some humanity... mhm compassion left in him? Not only did he turn him into a statue but now he is also using him to resist attacks? These hell lords really don't have any compassion.' Thought the three demons.

"Catch him."

Andrew ordered.

The three demons reacted instantly and rushed toward Slade.

They don't know how many years have been since they were this shocked; as they were seeing all of the things for the first time in their entire life.

The lord actually found the contract through his mobile phone? It was just too magical, for them.

Soon, Slade was beaten by the three demons, to the point that he started shouting: "I surrender, I will take you to find the contract, but you have to promise me that you will let me go."

"You really know how to act; haaah."

Andrew sneered, and with a flick of his hand, the shovel in his hand disappeared, and a scroll made of sheepskin appeared onto his hand out of thin air; this was non-other than the legendary Contract of San Venganza.

Slade was befuddled seeing this scene: "How do you know that the contract is hidden in a shovel?"

"Because I used to like watching superhero movies. Speaking of which, those were some good days, unlike now, everyone trying to be politically correct in every way."

Andrew put away the contract and said, "Carter, what a pity, your soul has already been sold to Mephisto, otherwise, I would have made you my subject."

Slade was shocked: "Your subject? Are you a hell lord?"

"That's right."

Andrew said, "So let's Sign a contract and in exchange for the spirit of vengeance in you, I will give you one year of life. but let me remind you if you don't sign his contract, I will forcibly strip away the spirit of vengeance from your body. At that time, you will experience the most terrifying pain in the world."

In fact, with Andrew's current strength, he may not be able to strip out the spirit of vengeance from Slade's body, otherwise, he would never sign a contract with Slade - but ehh, after signing the contract, he can at least borrow more power from his body.


Slade said, "I don't have a choice anyway. Signing the contract will at least give me one more year of life."

"Very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction; as he raised his hand; a transparent contract appeared in front of Slade, but as he checked the contents of the contract, he started complaining:

"You are much better than that bastard Mephisto, that bastard even hides clauses and curses things even in his parchment. Like after opening the parchment, our fingers will be cut, and as the blood drips on the contract; the contract will be established."

"Really? Looks like he really deserves to be the most shameless hell lord."

Andrew and even the three mob demons looked contemptuous hearing this; as this method was too low-level even for a low-level demon, let alone they were talking about a hell lord here.

As Slade read the contract, he asked, "Can't you add a few more years?"

"Carter, I know you're stalling for time, and I also know you agreed to sign the contract just to keep me from going from here."

Andrew Said: "I have hundreds of souls to transact in a minute, and I have no time to waste with you. Either sign or I will forcibly strip away the spirit of vengeance."

Slade's eyes narrowed, but soon he happily signed the contract.

After signing he asked, "So aren't you going to introduce yourself?"