
Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Alexander's life was ordinary until he saved a mother and child from a drunk driver. Suddenly thrust into a bewildering world, where he discovered the Ultimate Demon King System. With it, he could bring anything to life by exchanging souls. Alexander embarked on a thrilling adventure, crafting fantastical creations and facing both allies and enemies. But as he delved deeper the darkness kept calling to him. Will he succumb to the darkness and become the Ultimate Demon King? Stay Tuned To Find Out. ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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127 Chs

The System Activates

The feeling of hunger hit Alexander with the force of a tidal wave, catching him completely off guard. It surged through him like a turbulent storm, creating a voracious void in his stomach. As his mouth watered uncontrollably, tiny droplets of saliva fell to the ground, instantly corroding the earth into a cloud of blue smoke.

Alexander couldn't spare a moment to be astonished by the strange sight before him. His physical instincts took over, overriding any semblance of reason. His eyes turned a shade of ravenous green as he fixated on the eggshell from which he had recently hatched.

The cracked and unsightly dark shell emitted an irresistible aroma, beckoning Alexander with its tantalizing scent. Could he eat it? It seemed plausible. After all, some oviparous creatures consumed their eggshells after hatching, right?

Surveying his surroundings, Alexander couldn't think of anything else that could assuage his hunger. Without dwelling on the matter any longer, he threw himself forward, seizing a piece of the eggshell and stuffing it into his mouth. He began to chew, and to his surprise, the eggshell didn't taste as bad as he had anticipated. It had a distinct smoky flavor, like it had been baked over a lava beach. It was surprisingly delicious!

As he devoured the eggshell, the gnawing hunger in his stomach subsided. However, just as Alexander began to feel a sense of relief, a sudden and inexplicable memory invaded his mind, leaving him dumbfounded.

This memory was a form of inheritance bestowed by the eggshell, brief yet profound. It revealed two crucial pieces of information—his identity and his name. And what Alexander discovered in that moment of revelation was truly difficult to accept: he had been reborn as a demon.

The revelation was jarring. Alexander had never even considered the possibility of being a demon when trying to comprehend his peculiar circumstances. Although disheartening, it carried a hint of novelty.

Now, the situation seemed even more dire than he had initially thought. Alexander couldn't help but protest inwardly, feeling a sense of injustice. Hadn't he been hoping for a chance to save lives and potentially ascend to heaven? To become a cherubic, adorable little angel with a perpetual smile, wielding a tiny bow and arrow, living a blissful existence surrounded by beauty? And instead, he found himself transformed into a little devil, denied entry into heaven, and seemingly condemned to hell?

He silently vomited his frustrations in his heart, yet he felt utterly powerless. Even if there was a mistake, there was no way for Alexander to correct it now.

"Alexander Bacolonsa Melyer Lacdiren Stanleys Lundeshal Alasto ... Ramos Uroboro Osiris! ?" he muttered, his mind now burdened with this lengthy name. If his assumptions were correct, this name represented his true demon identity.

According to the inherited memory, every little devil born from an eggshell would receive a name after devouring its own shell—their real name, imprinted on their demon soul. This name was meant to be kept secret, revealed only when necessary, and even then, it was typically intercepted and replaced with a simpler alias.

The reason for guarding the real name of demons so closely was that once someone knew their true name, they could exploit it using special means to cause irreparable damage to the demon. Disclosing a demon's true name became a grave threat to their very existence—a vulnerability shared by all demons.

It was akin to a computer program automatically generating a file and tagging it with a page number. Even amidst countless files, knowing the full name of a specific file would allow for precise and efficient location. Similarly, the demon's true name served as the creator's mark—a logo embedded within the demon's soul, enabling accurate identification.

Now aware of this, Alexander realized he must never mention his real name. Furthermore, with a name so lengthy, it would only be used when he wanted to sound ill. He would continue using his predecessor's name for the time being.

However, this revelation jolted Alexander into a sudden awakening. The fact that he possessed a demon's true name meant he had become a demon himself—a reality that could not be changed. Faced with an unfamiliar world and an unknown way of life, his first priority was to adapt to this transformation. He could no longer perceive this demon realm through a human lens, or he would risk an unknowing demise.

Only those who had experienced death and been granted a second chance truly understood the value of life. Who knew if another opportunity for resurrection would ever present itself?

Therefore, whether human or demon, the most important thing was to cherish one's own existence.

The volume of the eggshell was not significant, and soon Alexander had devoured every last morsel. Just as he felt a mild sense of satisfaction in his stomach, a mysterious voice echoed in his mind.

"System has been activated!"

Alexander's eyes widened, his mind grappling to comprehend the sudden turn of events. What on earth was happening now?

Before he could react, an ethereal image materialized before him—a panel. At its center, a peculiar eye blinked at Alexander, accompanied by a distinct clicking sound reminiscent of a camera shutter. In the blink of an eye, the eye vanished, replaced by a picture occupying the panel's empty space.

The image depicted a small devil with dark red skin, squatting on the ground. It had pointed ears, its sharp horns barely visible through the wild tangle of black hair. Surprisingly, the devil appeared unexpectedly cute.

Alexander stared at the "self-portrait" picture, his expression one of bewilderment.