
Demon Alpha

(MATURE CONTENT) Ryan Kim living his dark and miserable as a prince met an dominant and powerful omega, who bow to no one, changes his life from misery to something beautiful and made him realize that someone in this actually knows his worth. -Puppy alpha -Powerful omega -Puppy seme -Powerful uke -Smut -Omegaverse -Royal family -Kingdoms -Modern royal family

Loolo78 · LGBT+
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7 Chs


Amidst the backdrop of university frustrations and anxieties, Ryan's moment of respite had arrived as he made his way home. The audible sigh that escaped his lips carried the weight of accumulated stress as he navigated towards his sanctuary, a palace of sorts.

His thoughts, however, were a tumultuous sea of emotions, swirling and crashing against the shores of his consciousness.

The emotional rollercoaster he had experienced on this particular day left him grappling with an unfamiliar turmoil. These were uncharted waters for Ryan, as he found himself navigating through feelings he hadn't encountered before. The energy-draining journey through this emotional maze was, in large part, a consequence of an encounter with a distinctive omega—a figure he had never laid eyes on before.

This particular omega, with golden locks cascading down, stood out as unique among his peers. It was evident that this omega was not one to be easily swayed or ordered around; there was an air of defiance, a hint of danger that surrounded him.

Yet, despite the apparent assertiveness and distinctiveness, the undeniable fact remained—he was an omega, and that fact alone seemed to complicate matters for Ryan.

Having encountered numerous omegas in the past, this encounter was markedly different. The blonde omega, in particular, managed to stir something within Ryan that transcended the ordinary.

The complexity of emotions was further heightened by the daunting task that lay ahead—seducing this enigmatic omega. The mental exhaustion that Ryan felt was palpable, as the weight of the mission pressed heavily on his shoulders.

In the midst of these reflections, Ryan couldn't shake off the realization that attempting to succeed in his mission might be a futile endeavor. The omega in question was not only different but also exuded an undeniable sense of danger. As the internal struggle persisted, Ryan acknowledged that, for his own well-being, perhaps he should heed the signs and maintain a safe distance from this captivating yet perilous omega. The journey home became not just a physical one but a metaphorical retreat, a sanctuary for him to gather his thoughts and decide on the path forward.

As nightfall draped the surroundings in an obsidian veil, Ryan finally arrived at the opulent palace.

Weary and drained, he had foregone the prospect of facing his mother immediately, opting instead to procure some cup noodles and drinks on his way. The simple sustenance was a feeble attempt to stave off the weariness that clung to him like a persistent shadow.

Eager to retreat to the solace of his room, he navigated the labyrinthine corridors, craving nothing more than a moment of respite. However, fortune, as it so often did, seemed to conspire against him. His plans for an uninterrupted escape were thwarted by the ever-watchful butler.

In that moment, a surge of frustration welled within him. He, who had never harbored such intense sentiments towards another, found himself contemplating the unthinkable—a desire to extinguish the source of his annoyance. All he yearned for was the sanctuary of his room, a haven where he could finally unwind and seek refuge from the tumultuous events of the day.

Yet, his desires were disrupted by the butler's unwelcome interruption, a harbinger of the queen's summons. Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists in quiet exasperation, Ryan begrudgingly acknowledged the inevitability of the situation.

Duty called, and he was compelled to respond, regardless of the weariness that weighed on him. The butler's insistence became an unwelcome intrusion, a stark reminder that, even in the confines of his own palace, there was no escaping the demands placed upon him.

As he approached the queen's study room, Ryan couldn't help but release a weary sigh, a preemptive exhale before stepping into the lion's den. The anticipation of yet another encounter with the embodiment of selfishness and authority, his mother, hung in the air—a scent he had grown all too familiar with and learned to despise.

Upon entering, the room was engulfed in the unmistakable aura of power that surrounded his mother, who was engrossed in the meticulous perusal of paperwork, glasses perched lower on her nose.

Cutting straight to the chase, Ryan uttered a curt acknowledgment, "What do you want?....."

In response, the queen gestured for him to take a seat, her eyes fixing on him as she removed her glasses. However, Ryan, choosing not to oblige, stood his ground, unwilling to submit to the demands of the moment. With a directness that cut through the tension, he addressed the looming topic at hand, "If this is about the morning encounter, yes....., I did meet that omega. However, I won't be a pawn in your game. I won't succumb to your arbitrary orders, especially when it comes to something... as personal as seduction." The words, charged with defiance, were thrown at his mother, a declaration of autonomy and resistance against the expectations thrust upon him.

Yet, the queen, a formidable force accustomed to wielding power, was not one to easily relinquish a decision that promised to further amplify her authority. The very selfishness that had propelled her to the pinnacle of influence in the kingdom now fueled an insatiable greed for more control over the lives of others. Even when faced with defiance from her own son, she refused to tolerate insubordination.

Interlacing her hands, a symbolic gesture of her unwavering resolve, the queen locked eyes with Ryan.

In a deliberate and measured tone, she posed a pointed question, "Why? Is it because I am the one asking, or is it because of that omega?" The implication in her words irked Ryan, stoking the embers of his already simmering frustration.

The revelation that his mother, driven by her unbridled ambition, saw the omega not as an individual but as a mere pawn in her pursuit of power, left Ryan incredulous. The words hung heavy in the air, a testament to the lengths she was willing to go to secure what she deemed as a valuable asset.

"What?" Ryan's retort, fueled by a blend of surprise and infuriation, remained unspoken, the tension in the room thickening.

The queen continued, unwavering, "Ryan, listen. I won't allow anything to stand in my way when it comes to securing power. That omega is a prized possession, and I won't let him slip through my fingers. You better comply, or else you might find yourself once again immersed in the haunting scent of that basement."

The mention of the basement, a place harboring traumatic memories, served as a potent reminder of the control his mother had exerted over him throughout his life.

Gulping, Ryan felt the weight of his past experiences pressing down on him. The threat of revisiting that ominous place triggered an involuntary hitch in his breath. The realization dawned that, once again, he was bereft of choice in the matter. In the face of his mother's unyielding determination, Ryan accepted the futility of arguing further. Without uttering a word, he nodded in acquiescence before silently retreating from the room.

To be continued.....


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