
Delinquent King

After three years of not accepting a single student, Helios Academy opens its doors once again attracting many geniuses from all over the world. With the appearance of the legendary golden child, both good and evil forces approach Hyeseong city causing disarray to society. Will Leon, who is always involved in major incidents be able to defend against the looming danger threatening the very existence of humanity itself?

Lady_HaruHaru · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 12: Survival of the Fittest (3)

"When will these even dry?"

Leon glances at Sasha and chuckles, "I'm not sure, we may have to just wear it and let the wind dry it for us."

"Stop joking! We'll definitely catch a cold dammit!" 

"Well what do you suppose we do–" Leon's speech trails off as she senses something approaching them. Gesturing Sasha to keep silent, the two keep their guard up ready to defend themselves. However, to their surprise, it was a young girl running towards them, they about to let out a sigh of relief. That is until they realised the girl was being chased down by a demonic snake, and were…. Heading towards their direction! 

Sasha exclaimed in fright, "what the hell?! They're heading right towards us!"

"Quick get the clothes! And get ready to run!"

"Right!" Sasha quickly gathers their wet clothes, she turns to see Leon not moving an inch. "Boss? I've got the stuff. We need to go!"

"You start running, I'm going to save that girl." Leon looks in the direction where the girl is desperately trying to escape from the Oversized snake. Sasha caught on right away, she quickly grabbed Leon. "Boss! Now's not the time to act heroic!"

"I'm not trying to. That girl will definitely die." 

Before Sasha could even have the chance to stop Leon, she circulated mana around her legs and dash towards the girl's direction leaving Sasha behind. Sasha cursed under her breath "damn it!" 

Alana was almost out of stamina, she thought she'd be able to last until she reached her destination, but, nothing ever goes as planned. The Snake was dangerously close, and the two people may have already spotted the snake behind her. No matter how good a person is, it's human nature to flee from something that threatens their lives. 

'I guess… This is it for me'

Alana closed her eyes accepting her fate. However, contrary to her expectations, nothing happened. Slowly opening her eyes, the first thing that came into her sight was not the demonic snake, but dusty golden hair ando beautiful crimson eyes which gleamed like the polished red ruby. The boy with golden hair and beautiful red eyes prevented the snake who had its large mouth open ready to eat Alana with just his foot. 

'He, He saved me..?'

It then occurred to her that this boy was the golden child who was given preferential treatment earlier on. 

Leon punched the snake in the teeth using a small amount of her mana. The Snake's teeth shattered, it let out a terrible cry, Alana was shocked. He broke the beast's teeth with just a punch?

Leon looks at Alana,"please excuse me." He carries Alana in princess style, scaring her stiff. "Aaah!P-put me down!!" She demands, however the said person ignores her pleas. Leon runs at full speed using her aura on her legs to increase the speed. Leon signals Sasha to go, relieved that Leon is fine, Sasha also begins to run. The three escape the furious Snake's clutches. While they ran in the forest, Alana constantly hits Leon's chest demanding that she be put down immediately. Leon again ignores Alana as her focus is on how to get further away from the snake as possible. 

After 1 hour passed, Leon determined it was safe to stop, he gently let Alana go. Sasha was sweating a bit, she let out a sigh of relief. Alana was beyond angry, "why you..! Why didn't you put me down when I told you to?! " Leon and Sasha both looked at Alana and each other. Sasha frowned as she stared at Alana, "He saved your life, and that's all you have to say?"

"That's besides the point!"

"What an ungrateful brat." Alana was irritated by the word 'brat' and screamed at Sasha, "what did you say?!" Sasha ignores Alana and turns to Leon saying almost sarcastically, "see boss? This is what happens when you put your nose into other people's business!" Alana went silent, Leon glances at Alana who has a somewhat guilty expression, looks back at Sasha. "…"

Alana flinches as she listens to the footsteps approaching her, is he going to ask her to leave? Just like she thought, he's going to tell her to go away like everyone else–

"Are you ok now?"

Sasha: "eh?"

Alana: "?" She looks up at the boy standing in front of her.

 Leon reaches her hand out to Alana, "it's probably best to come travel with us for the time being. It's also getting dark and it'll be even more dangerous at night." 

… This was unexpected, I thought he'd tell me to leave for sure. Alana was quite surprised by this outcome, he didn't seem like how golden children were portrayed. After all, weren't they supposed to have arrogant, short-tempered, cruel and paranoid personalities? Aren't they supposed to be an existence that must never be offended at all costs?

So then why..? Why… was this person being so nice to her, who brought that demonic snake with her inconveniencing him and his companion. She was even rude before and didn't say a word of thanks. Why did he not point that out? Even his companion got angry…

Sasha angrily interrupts Alana's thoughts, "Boss! You can't be serious!"

"But… I am though?"

"This brat is obviously—"

"It's getting darker" Leon interrupts, "I'll go see if I can catch something for dinner. You go and get some wood."

"What, hey–" Leon swiftly walks away, not giving Sasha a chance to talk.

Sasha: "…."

Damn it. She glanced at Alana who was not far away from her. Alana felt Sasha's stare and looked in her direction.  It startled her a little, in less than a second, she looked away from the brat preparing to do what Leon assigned her to do. No matter how much she disliked the brat, her boss's orders were absolute. 

Alana was left on her own, she found a log and sat on it. It seemed that the girl didn't like her, well, that doesn't matter. It wasn't her problem, so long as the golden boy could ensure her protection until she reunited with Zach. She didn't care. 

It never came to her mind that she was being selfish and that Leon had no obligation to protect her. 

After 1 hour passed, Sasha came back carrying a stack of logs on her shoulder which surprised Alana quite a bit. The women in her house were poor at physical abilities, but had tremendous talent in psychic and mental abilities. 

Alana watched as Sasha ceaselessly chopped the wood using her aura. When Sasha got to the last part, Alana asked curiously, "how are you chopping wood with just your hands?" Sasha only answers with silence. Offended by this, Alana said angrily, "do you not know how to speak?" Silence again. Getting more irritated, Alana grinds her teeth.

So that's how it is huh? Fine! I'll see how long you can ignore me for!

"Are you a mute now? I'm pretty sure you spoke earlier on calling me a brat. Well, I can understand how you can't speak now, you are but an insignificant thing with the filthy blood of commoners running through your veins. Honestly, it's a wonder how a person like you managed to stay by the side of someone of noble and pure origin such as that golden child." 

Veins bulged on her forehead, her expression darkened. Alana ignored Sasha's expression and continued. "You really are a Shameless person to stick next to someone you don't deserve–"

In the next second Sasha moved towards Alana in the speed of lighting grabbing her by the mouth preventing her from opening her vile mouth. Her eyes were dangerously cold, "what was that? I don't deserve to stay by his side?"

Alana struggled to break away from Sasha's grip, slowly getting tighter. "I think you should keep that foul mouth in check, lest it ends up getting you killed." Her eyes were so menacing, Alana could feel her legs go numb. After a few seconds, Sasha let go of Alana, her expression back to normal, leaving only a cold gaze. "You best not get on my nerves."

Alana's already numb legs collapse onto the ground. 

Turning away, Sasha states, "I'm not as forgiving as my boss."

She walks away attending back to her wood cutting. Alana looks on silently, with slight fear reflected in her eyes before dissipating. 

'That pressure was…'

No, there was no way. Alana quickly shook her head, how could the uncultured person possibly be awakened? She must be overthinking things. It's not that easy to awaken, especially so for those who can't afford the resources that enable them to awaken. Reassuring herself, Alana ignored Sasha. Learning her previous lesson she just sat down quietly. She noted to herself to never annoy that crazy person without the presence of the golden boy.

Three hours had passed when Leon came back. Noticing the tension between the two, she questions, "what happened?"

The two reply in unison, "Nothing!" One tone was cold while the other was angry. 

Leon:"..." something definitely happened while she was gone. 

However, seeing that the two of them were so intent on keeping their mouths shut. Leon didn't bother trying to get any answers from them.

The night descended very quickly, only the sound of fire crackling and Demonic rabbit meat sizzling was heard. Leon sat next to Sasha cooking the meat, While Alana sat opposite them. Feeling a little unsettled, Leon broke the silence. "Ahem, so I haven't really gotten you're name yet." Alana looked up at Leon, relieved that she got Alana's attention, she continued, "my name is Leon, and this is my friend Sasha!" 

Sasha flinches on the word 'friend' Although she knew that Leon called her his friend, she couldn't bring herself to accept being Leon's friend. After all, in her mind Leon would forever be her leader and only that. 

"Friend?" Alana speaks in a mocking tone, "it certainly doesn't seem like that to me." Taken aback by Alana's words, she tried to change the subject. "I told you my name, so what is yours?"

"Alana. It's Alana Turganev. Got it 'Sasha'?" 

Hearing that sarcastic tone irritated Sasha to the bone. This obnoxious brat was picking a fight with her wasn't she? 

Noticing the slight change in the atmosphere Leon quickly intervened. "D-dinner's ready!"

She screams internally 'So don't fight and eat!' 

Fortunately, the rabbit meat had finished cooking. Silence plunged in the darkness as the three quietly ate. Alana suddenly broke the silence with a look of disgust. "This meat is tasteless! You should cook it again!"

"But that's all that's left." Leon tries to reason, however Alana wasn't going to take it. "Then you should go out and catch some more rabbits!" 

Finally losing her patience, Sasha snapped. "Go out? At this time? Don't you know how dangerous it is to wander around at night, yet you still have the audacity to say that?!" Alana indifferently insists, "so you want my taste buds to rot? I've honestly never had such a tasteless meal in my entire life!" 

Leon camly answers, "it can't be helped as there is no seasoning." 

"Huh! Excuses will get you nowhere!"

"And I think you should shut up! If you're not satisfied with the meal, why don't you go find and make a meal yourself!"

"How can you be so rude?! Show some respect"

"A Spoiled brat like you isn't deserving of such a luxury called respect!"

The argument between the two was getting out of hand, Leon had to interject. "I think you two should calm down a little?" 

"Shut up!" The two yelled in unison. 

Leon: "..."

In the monitor room of Helios Academy's Exam Headquarters. Han Mujin observes multiple screens of candidates in different locations of Harijuku Island. 

He glances up at the screen where Leon is trying to pacify her companions. 

"That's the golden child?" Sujin who is standing behind Han Mujin replied respectfully. "Yes."

"Hmm" Han Mujin scrutinises Leon's face. "How did he obtain the gold invitation?" 

"To answer your question sir, it was Theo who scouted that boy and invited him as a candidate."

"What?!" He was quite surprised by this revelation. "Are you sure?"

"There's no doubt that it's him."Although Sujin reassured him that it was the truth, He still couldn't believe it. This was Theo they were talking about afterall. 

Theo was well known throughout the academy for his strictness and ruthless decision. He would immediately disqualify a candidate if he thought they weren't worth being admitted. 5 years ago, he rejected 56,090 applications with the excuse that their aptitude and intelligence was poor. But Han Mujin knew that it was a lie. He rejected them based on their reasons for applying into Helios Academy. When one of the applicants complained about it, he simply stated, "want to get into this sacred place because you will be able to get a high paying job in the future? Scram!"

Because of this, the Headmaster had to reassign Theo to the elite scouts with the excuse that his talents were most needed there. It was a smart decision on the Headmaster's part. Theo naturally bought that lie and immediately agreed.

Han Mujin never thought that Theo of all people would be the one to scout a golden child who is said to be the most arrogant existence in the world. 

He'll need to find out more from the person himself. He looks at Sujin, "where is Theo? I'd Like to talk to him."

"... I apologise sir. Theo is out on a mission. So I'm not sure when he'll be back."

"I see. Try to get in touch with him."

Sujin replies immediately, "yes sir." 

Sujin and Han Mujin were startled by the sudden noise outside. Han Mujin frowned, "what's going on?" 

The door flings open, worried and nervous voices are heard all at once. 

"C-Cassara! I think you need to calm down!"

"Lashing out isn't the way to go!"

The woman named Cassara rushes towards Han Mujin. Slightly perturbed by the sudden outburst, Han Mujin calmly recollected himself. "Cassara? You came to watch the candidates? How strange, I didn't think you were intereste–"

Grabbing him by the clothes, she glowered at him. "You Bastard!" The other examiners were shocked by Cassara's outburst. 

"Cassara let him go!"

Cassara ignores the man's plea.

"Han! Mu! Jin! What is the meaning of this?!"